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nPlayer - TI-Nspire Video Player


Ranked as 5028 on our all-time top downloads list with 7115 downloads.
Ranked as 2357 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.

Filename nplayer.zip (Download)
Title nPlayer - TI-Nspire Video Player
Description nPlayer is a video player for the TI-Nspire calculator. The screen shot does not do this project justice; the video is significantly smoother when played on an emulator or actual hardware. You must use Ndless 2.0 in order for this to work (note, it will work on any OS 1.7-2.1, as long as Ndless 2.0 is used). Please read the file "nPlayer.pdf" for instructions on how to use this program.
Author Danny Clark (apcalc@games.com)
Category TI-Nspire Assembly Misc. Programs
File Size 1,097,948 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jun 13 22:19:16 2011
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
nPlayer.txt   127
VideoConverter.exe   1029092
nPlayer.pdf   859593
nPlayer.tns   86376

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