| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities) |
 | abcinflatx.zip | 2k | 04-07-24 |  | inflatx from Hook PROgraming what can i say? great program to enlarge text. by jeff burge of hook PROgraming |
 | abinary.zip | 2k | 08-12-20 |  | Binary Converter A program that I created for converting binary sequences to ASCII glyphs. I made this when I was learning how to read and write in binary to help me learn and for ease of conversion. I hope this program helps you as well. If you have any questions, problems, or program ideas email me at mr_p2003@hotmail.com |
 | ascii2.zip | 1k | 03-09-17 |  | ASCII 2 This program, named after the ASCII code because I wanted it to be first in my prog list, takes any text you type in and blows it up to the size of the screen. For example, if you type A, then the letter A will appear in ones and zeroes covering the whole screen. It does this through FOR loops and pxltest commands. See the readme for a sample because it wasnt worth a screenshot. |
 | asciitobinaryconverter.zip | 3k | 03-07-19 |  | ascii to binary converter v1.5 this program will convert your keystrokes into binary. |
 | asmtext.zip | 5k | 05-12-01 |  | Text to Exe Converter (83+ and 86) This converts a simple text message to an assembly program to be compiled with the rarely used AsmComp(hexdat,newprog) command. The main update here is more efficient HTML 4.01 validated help file. |
 | backwards.zip | 1k | 06-01-02 |  | Backwards Type in a sentence it will come out backwards. |
 | bin2ascii.zip | 1k | 07-06-09 |  | BIN2ASCII This useful utility program, created by Frenchcalc Industries, will convert any inputed 8-digit binary code to its ASCII counterpart. Not only can you make and send cryptic messages, but you can use it to make passwords as well. Try it today (if you have the time, of course ;) )! |
 | binaryconvert.zip | 4k | 05-03-07 |  | Binary Converter Convert numbers and letters to binary code in seconds. Now, you can write secret messages in binary code. Have fun. |
 | binarytran.zip | 1k | 02-07-22 |  | Binary Translator This is a simple program that takes text you input and translates it into binary. This is just a very crude first release, and can only support capital letters, no puncuation. Future versions will be able to support some punctuation and possibly lower case letters as well. |
 | binary.zip | 1k | 04-03-07 |  | Binary Encoder/Decoder This program can encode and decode binary. Convertable characters include the 26 letters of the alphabet, any number, and these special characters: ?:',)(][}{-+=/*^<>! E-mail me @ ezekielvictor@hotmail.com or AIM me @ zekecoasterfreak (if you e-mail me, please include something like "TI-Programs" in the subject line) -Feel Free To Share This Release .. Make Sure I Receive Credit!- |
 | binconv.zip | 4k | 04-03-07 |  | Binary Convertor v1.3 Binary convertor is a simple utility that has two main features: To convert 8-bit binary to ASCII and vice versa. |
 | binpic.zip | 11k | 04-06-01 |  | BINPIC This set of programs converts text to binary that is stored as a picture, and binary to text. Also includes simple encryption. Expect future versions that do more. |
 | blnum2str.zip | 1k | 04-05-10 |  | Beaver Labs Number to String Finally! A program that can take a number and store it to a string! Why the base code of the calc cannot do this is strange, because it can do string to number. This program has 2 versions, one for stand-alone use (NUM2STR) and one for in-program use (NUM2STR2). For num2str2, the command line looks like this 96:prgmNUM2STR. Not all bugs may be fixed and no warranties are made. I am not responsible for damamge to the calculator. Thank you for downloading this Beaver Labs product. |
 | bst.zip | 53k | 06-12-19 |  | Binary Search Tree Routine This binary search tree implementation allows Basic programmers to finally access the power of a binary search tree. |
 | calczip.zip | 16k | 03-03-17 |  | CalcZip v1.0 The most complete compression/conversion tool between variables for the 83+! Converts lists to strings, numbers to strings, and more! |
 | capsconverter.zip | 1k | 07-04-26 |  | CAPSconverter CAPSconverter is an all-use program that will converter all lowercase letters in Str1 into UPPERCASE letters for easy use in search engines, etc. This includes foreign language letters, too! |
 | ccleaner.zip | 442k | 11-07-27 |  | CCleaner v5.0 for DoorsCS CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) from Piriform is a very good program for your PC. It cleans unnecessary files and scans the registery for problems and fix them, so it makes your PC faster and best of: all it’s free! About two years ago I started to make a program for your TI-84 plus that do the same: Ccleaner (Calculator Cleaner). If you playing games on your calculator or running a lot of programs they sometimes leave a lot of variables and other thing behind when you close them. So CCleaner simply deletes the files you don’t need anymore. The final version is v4.6. It’s It is simple to use but I wanted to make it even more simple. With the awesome application DoorsCS from Kerm Martian I was able to make a version of CCleaner with a mouse-based interface like on your PC. This version is v5.0; it does the same as v4.6 but with a user friendly GUI. Both versions show you how many memory is used (RAM and ROM) and let you chose witch variables need to be cleaned. |
 | centerer.zip | 4k | 05-12-17 |  | Text Center-er An easy to use text centering program. |
 | center_it.zip | 1k | 04-06-11 |  | Center This is a group of 4 programs that center strings and numbers. They are very small and very usefull. I dont care what you use them for just remember I wrote them. |
 | center.zip | 1k | 01-05-31 |  | Text Center v1.10 This is a program that centers text for the ti83 plus. Read the readme to find out more. |
 | compare.zip | 1k | 06-04-12 |  | Compare These are three utility programs wich finds out how many pairs of equal numbers that can be made from two lists, with one number from each list and at one occasion. |
 | converternumber2string.zip | 1k | 04-04-17 |  | Format Converter: number 2 string very simple to use, just set Z as the integer you want to convert, run the program, and it stores the string into Str1 |
 | convptpx83.zip | 3k | 02-05-31 |  | ConvPtPx Converts pixel coordinates to graph coordinates and vice-versa. |
 | cpcu1.0.zip | 1k | 03-10-05 |  | Sprite compressor 1.0 Takes a customized window range and encodes it.Don't try to use this version to encode full pictures though. Only parts of it. |
 | fasthex2.zip | 1k | 04-06-11 |  | FastHex 2 This program is FastHex redone from the inside out. It is now only 423 bytes and converts a charactor in under 1/4 of a second. This is the fastest most reliable hex converter out there and is a must have for all. |
 | fasthex_bare.zip | 2k | 04-06-01 |  | FastHex Barebone This is the power of FastHex with 200 bytes less. However you lose the menu and a few other minor stuff. |
 | fliptext.zip | 1k | 04-02-16 |  | FlipText 1.0 This is just a fun program that can flip an unlimited size string! Just run the program, enter the text, wait (time depends on length of string), and voila! It is flipped! Examples: Texas Instruments becomes 'StnemutsnI Saxet' George W. Bush becomes 'Husb .W Egroeg' FlipText becomes 'Txetplif' |
 | font.zip | 2k | 04-10-04 |  | Font Simply put, it writes white text to the graph screen, simply and efficiently |
 | func2str.zip | 1k | 05-04-14 |  | Function to string converter This program saves different functions to str0 and allows the user to recall them when needed. Read the Readme.txt file before running. This program uses the fact that TI-83 Plus/ SE and TI-84 Plus/ SE allow programs to archive strings. |
 | group.zip | 18k | 19-08-14 |  | Group Extraction Pro I know it sounds like the exact same as the normal UN-GROUP with [2nd]+[7]+[Up]+[Enter]+[Right], but this is different. If no existing files are in RAM or Archive, the TI-OS un-group tool automatically un-groups everything in the group, quickly filling up RAM. Then after certain files you don't want, you have to go to the Management Menu and delete un-needed files one by one, which can get annoying. But this tool allows you to extract files seperatly, and choose whether you want them in RAM or Flash ROM. Some other things that the TI-OS un-group tool does not allow you to do is view the files in the group. This program let's you take a peek inside groups. It also counts the amount of files inside and the size of the group. |
 | hexnbin.zip | 1k | 00-07-20 |  | Hex and Binary Converter Great for those looking for good HEX and BINARY conversion. 83Plus ONLY! |
 | hiddentokenspicker.zip | 173k | 10-06-10 |  | Hidden Tokens Picker Complete TI-BASIC tokens picker (with gray) for games graphics (ASCII and dual layer) or math notes on programs. |
 | keyboard.zip | 1k | 05-11-20 |  | keyboard This program uses the graph and the keys to turn the TI 83 into a QWERTY keyboard. Unlike my other version (they use the home screen), this version supports saving/loading. |
 | knotview.zip | 1k | 03-04-07 |  | KnotView This is the only and the best string viewer you can get! It can delete, edit, and view strings. This is a great program if you view or edit strings a lot. |
 | list7z.zip | 4k | 08-08-24 |  | List 7-Zip v2.0 (Compression Utility) Total File Size: 2630 Bytes List-7-Zip (Formerly known as ListZip++) is made to efficiently compress you lists. The list can have at most 999 elements containing ANY non-negative integers. If the list fails to uncompress after compression, it is most likely because there is an element is not within the specifications. This program uses 2 different methods of compression: List contains integers 10-99: *efficiently compresses a list of 20 elements (192 bytes) to 48 Bytes List contains integers outside the range of other method *compresses a list (365,52,2,2,21122,45,748419,633,12,2,3,65,1) which is 129 bytes to a list of 84 bytes This program is also Mirage OS compatible. Feel free to add this code to any of your programs, but please give me credit for the compression engine (Simon Olson). For your convenience adding this piece of code to your programs, I have included 4 different source files. All they do is compress/uncompress the lists and nothing else. Source Files Included: L7ZSCDC: Compresses a list with integers 10-99 (only 2 digits) L7ZSCUC: Compresses any type of list with integers less than/equal 10 digits L7ZSCUDC: Uncompresses lists created with the program L7ZSCDC L7ZSCUUC: Uncompresses lists created with the program L7ZSCUC *NOTE: sto lZ is contained as the first line of code in each source file meaning THAT list that will be compressed. Remember to insert the list there which you would like to compress, for example write L1 sto lZ. The finished list is stored as l[Theta symbol]. Theta is accesed by pressing ALPHA+3. Email me at S.OlsonTI83p@gmail.com for any bugs or any problems you experience with this program. |
 | listcompression.zip | 2k | 04-09-03 |  | List Compression/Decompression This is a simple program that allows you to double the capacity of L1 by compressing it so that it can hold 1998 elements instead of the usual 999. See readme for instructions and details. |
 | listcompress.zip | 1k | 05-06-23 |  | List Compress This program compresses any list, and does not output anything to the screen. There are two compression modes (automatically chosen by the program). One mode compresses at an average of 4.8x, but has a maximum value of 99. The other mode averages a compression of about 2.7x, but has a maximum value of 999. |
 | listedit.zip | 2k | 03-03-08 |  | List Editor This is more useful than the standard list editor in a few ways. |
 | listmanager.zip | 1k | 04-04-09 |  | List Manager Lets user create custom list from within basic programs, great for save game routines. |
 | list_ops.zip | 1k | 05-03-02 |  | List Operations This group includes six programs for working with lists, such as adding an element to the front of the list, or putting the list in a random order! |
 | list.zip | 1k | 05-05-20 |  | List Creator This program converts any several digit number into a list with each digit in a separte list spacing. The problem is is that you can't type in any 0's and the number can't be too long. The code is unprotected so you can edit it to your preferences. I know it is useful somehow, but I don't know exactly what that is. |
 | ls_crypt.zip | 1k | 00-08-13 |  | LS Crypt Beta Converts a string into a list, and vice versa. This is a crucial feature not included on the TI-83, as strings cannot be trusted to store data safely over time. Preserve your char data! |
 | mat2grph.zip | 1k | 02-03-23 |  | Matrix to Graph v1.0 This program will convert a user specified matrix into a picture on the graph screen. |
 | messagetolist.zip | 1k | 06-05-14 |  | Message to List Converter Converts your message to a list and back again for any message you would like to save. |
 | msort.zip | 57k | 06-12-19 |  | MergeSort This recursive in-place mergesort algorithm allows you to quickly sort lists. This algorithm runs in O(n log n) time for both the average and worst cases. |
 | multicomp.zip | 1k | 12-09-30 |  | MultiComp (BatLib utility) These two programs can be used to compress or decompress data using commands in BatLib. This will often achieve at least 30% compression for larger variables, but sometimes it can get a much better compression ratio. This is great for games using tilemaps or pictures! |
 | nbr2str.zip | 1k | 09-01-03 |  | An instant number to string converter This very small (77 bytes) program converts instantly any number in Ans(rational, negatives, exponents) without using variables. It stores the result in str0 and Ans. It can therefore be used as a subroutine for any program. |
 | nbstring.zip | 1k | 04-06-15 |  | Nbstring V2.0 A very smaller program wich convert a number into a string |
 | notes.zip | 1k | 00-11-09 |  | String to List Ultimate string to list and back conversion program. It also includes a tutroial for rookie users. By Psychsosoft |
 | num2str.zip | 7k | 09-05-16 |  | Number to String NUM2STR is a useful sub-routine that converts any number into a String (if you're reading this, you should already understand it's not possible to store a number as a string). What sets this program apart from the others is that it is faster AND smaller than any other BASIC routine on ticalc.org |
 | numbertostring8384.zip | 1k | 09-01-05 |  | Number to String Converter I beleive there is no subroutine which converts a number to a string - while the converse is true. This program will convert a number saved in the variable n to a string Str3. Due to being written in basic, it takes quite a while to do - but hey - atleast it does it. Please refer to the documentation for the full information. |
 | numbertostring.zip | 1k | 12-06-17 |  | Number to String A number to string converter that can handle complex numbers, and wich also is extremely fast. |
 | numstr.zip | 1k | 00-09-22 |  | Number to String Converter This program inputs any number (X) and outputs it as a string (Str1). Works for all real numbers and automatically detects number of decimal places so that the outputted string has the decimal in the correct location. With a very slight modification (removal of input and output commands), this can be used as a subroutine within another program (if you use it in a program you are going to publish, please give me a brief credit) |
 | numtostr.zip | 4k | 06-04-22 |  | numtostr This program converts any real number to a string. It's the only BASIC converter I know of that works for all real numbers. |
 | parse.zip | 1k | 09-01-07 |  | String/Num Converter Pack Contains three programs that can convert numbers to Strings and Strings to numbers. Of varying length and ability. One works in multiple bases. |
 | partialpic.zip | 1k | 01-06-03 |  | Partial pic storer and recaller Very useful for people who have a pic who want many of the same things repeated in their pic. This was based on the TI-89 pic storer. |
 | pic2code.zip | 2k | 06-09-09 |  | Pic2Code This program will let you have more than ten pictures on your calculator. How does the program store them? Look at the readme for more details! Recommended for something better than a TI-83+, but still works on all 83s. |
 | pic2list.zip | 6k | 05-05-11 |  | Pic2List converting program This program converts the graph screen to a list so that you can use the list to draw inside a program without using alot of memory. This program only stores the pixels that are turned on (Black) to the next open variable in List six. Also included is an example so that it's easy to use. Convienent for RPG programmers for drawing the enemy pics in a battle sequence. I used this program in my RPG project. Which I will be releasing a demo for soon. This program was released by Arson Productions. |
 | pic2str.zip | 1k | 05-03-19 |  | Picture -> String Two programs included can "convert" a picture into a string and vice versa. |
 | picedit.zip | 1k | 10-07-02 |  | Pic Editor With this program, you are able to edit any of the pics you have on your calculator, right on the calculator |
 | piclist83p.zip | 1k | 03-04-15 |  | PicList v1.0 This handy program lets you store pictures as lists. It saves memory and at the same time allows you to have more than the 10 default pictures allowed by the calculator. Simply run the program, select picture to list or list to picture, and the program will do the rest. Check it out! Now optimized for Doors CS v4.0 |
 | picprgm2.zip | 2k | 05-11-02 |  | Pic to Prgm converter v2 This is a picture to program converter, which uses PxlOn( as well as Line( to make the code better. |
 | pictureconverter.zip | 3k | 04-04-09 |  | Picture to List Converter and List to Picture Converter These are brand new, very small and very useful!!! What it does is it looks at all of the pixels on the screen, if the pixel is on (black) it adds 1 to a list, if off (white) it adds 0 and eventually you will have 6 lists full of 1s and 0s which you will then use my 2nd program, listpic to convert it back. Also included is a picture of Homer Simpson I made to use as a good example. By: Michael Schwartz |
 | picturetolist.zip | 1k | 06-05-14 |  | Picture to List Converter Converts the current graph screen to two lists of coordinates for the program to redraw. |
 | pyros_compactor.zip | 278k | 07-01-07 |  | Pyro's Compactor Pyro's Compactor is a matrix, list, and now also a string compressor that will compact+compress a matrix or list with non-decimal numbers randing from zero to 234 and compress strings. |
 | readme1x.zip | 1k | 01-12-15 |  | Readme 1X A program that scrolls text and tells you how many pages there are. |
 | revtext.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | Revtext Reverses the text that you type in. |
 | rle2.zip | 1k | 06-06-19 |  | RLE list compressor This is a set of programs for compressing lists with RLE (run length encoding). It includes RLECOMP, the compressor program, RLEDECMP, the decompressor, and RLEDEMO, which demonstrates a possible use for this. |
 | rle3.zip | 2k | 05-11-19 |  | RLE List Compressor Uses RLE (run length encoding) to compress list "A" to list "COMP". Decompress using program DERLE (decompresses to list "B"). If you get a compression failed messsage your list isn't worth compressing with RLE. |
 | scrambleans.zip | 1k | 05-11-26 |  | Answer Scramble Type something in ans "(text goes here)". Use this program to randomly scramble the answer. This program uses Str1 and Str3. |
 | scramble.zip | 1k | 00-03-29 |  | Scramble Scrambles a string. |
 | separate.zip | 2k | 10-08-14 |  | Separate&Separat1 Separate: When you use it the last number is separated by commas and spaces: 1234.5678901234 turns into: 1,234.567 890 123 4. -12345678901234E9 turns into: -12,345,678,901,234,000,000,000, to make the numbers easier to grasp. It can handle complex numbers as well. Separat1: This program is the same as the one above, exept that it gives the answers a bit different: 7E14, for example, is presented as that, instead of 700,000,000,000,000, as in Separate. There are also text versions of the programs in the file. |
 | shuffle83.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | Shuffle Shuffles a deck of cards. Useful for probability and such. |
 | shuffle.zip | 1k | 02-11-23 |  | Shuffle This program shuffles a deck of cards and stores it to LDECK. |
 | sideways.zip | 1k | 05-11-20 |  | Sidekey This program is similar to my other QWERTY BASIC programs, except it displays the letters you type sideways so that you can read it as you type. Included is the font. |
 | stoltos.zip | 1k | 09-04-23 |  | String to List/List to String Converter Converts strings into lists and those lists back into strings. This is useful because it allows use of more that ten strings and prevents the strings from being overwritten when saved as lists. |
 | strhelp.zip | 11k | 03-06-07 |  | THE ONE AND ONLY STRING HELP PROGRAM This Program Will Make Strings, Clear Strings And Also View Strings. made By Matthew Furr. If the string is too long you wont be able to see the entire thing so use the right and left arrows to go back and forth while veiwing the string! |
 | stringassistant.zip | 1k | 03-05-31 |  | String Assistant You now have the ability to edit Str0-9 easily! String Assistant makes creating, appending to, deleting and scrolling strings like normal very simple. |
 | string_eng.zip | 1k | 05-01-28 |  | String A program that allows you to save text into 9 different slots, and exchange slots between machines. The program also as instructions. |
 | stringops1.0.zip | 1k | 03-07-09 |  | String OPs 1.0 A utility that allows you to do several non-system things to Str1, including Scramble, Read (2 ways), Invert, and Word Count. |
 | string_pad.zip | 1k | 08-11-30 |  | StringPad V1.0 A gui program for you strings. Allows you to save, edit, and delete string. Further updates will follow. |
 | stringtonum.zip | 8k | 04-11-20 |  | String to Number Finally, a routine to convert strings to numbers! While there have been routines to convert numbers to strings, very few programs have been made to convert strings back to numbers. However, this program accommplishes that task extremely fast (even though it's written in BASIC!) and uses a completely different algorithm that doesn't use any extra variables and is under 90 BYTES. WOW! |
 | stringutilities.zip | 2k | 01-08-10 |  | String Utilities A small group of programs the encrypt, decrypt and turn a string into a list and back. |
 | string.zip | 3k | 00-11-13 |  | String to List Converter It is a simple string to list converter. It has documentation, encryption feature and tutorials. |
 | strist.zip | 2k | 06-05-28 |  | Strist Strist is a program that can quickly convert strings into lists and vice versa. Just over half a kilobyte! |
 | strspecials.tistring.zip | 1k | 05-09-07 |  | Special Characters This is a string containing all of the special characters supported by the TI-84 Plus that are normally inaccessible to the user through the TI OS. |
 | strtolst.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | String to List Read the info file for help. This converts strings to lists and it highly optimized and actually works unlike some others i've seen. Enjoy. |
 | symbols.zip | 1k | 05-10-22 |  | Symbols (Non-Standard Characters) This nifty program gives you access to a number of characters not normally available, including @, #, $, %, &, |, ;, ~, and others. Use it to add a unique touch to your programs. |
 | symbol.zip | 5k | 07-05-16 |  | Symbols Pack II This program pack contains any symbol for the TI calc you could ask for! A comprehensive menu gives you quick and easy access to different categories of characters. And with SymbolsXtreme, you can even scroll through the set of symbols in consecutive order of their byte value. |
 | teav2.zip | 1k | 22-11-17 |  | Tea V2 My original upload had loads of problems, so here is a fix. |
 | text3x4beta.zip | 1k | 05-05-18 |  | 3x4 Draw Text (beta) This is an unfinished version of the end product, but for now, it is a 3(w) by 4(h) pixel text creator. Includes special characters via VARS button, delete, clear, soft return, hard return, space, exit, position scroll, and is always set to ALPHA (not in final version though). |
 | texter.zip | 1k | 03-04-04 |  | Texter A text program to type your memos on. |
 | textmover.zip | 1k | 03-06-09 |  | Text Mover Moves text on the graph screen! The program assumes the first line of text is at (0,0) and that they go down at 6 lines at a time. This way, there are 10 lines defined in the graph screen which you can move up and down. |
 | texttools.zip | 8k | 07-06-09 |  | Text Tool Several tools for using normally unavailable characters in Pure Basic. |
 | textwrap.zip | 51k | 09-05-05 |  | Text Wrapper the Text Wrapper will wrap text in Str0 between the two coordinates in L1, it will also clear just that area for displaying the text version 1.0.1 includes some small table updates for smaller tokens to more efficiently use space |
 | ti_wordsort.zip | 19k | 03-05-07 |  | TI Word Sorters This package contains the wordsort program for the TI-83, TI-83+, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, and V200. |
 | tokenfinder.zip | 29k | 19-07-10 |  | Token Finder+ / Buscador de fichas+ Token Finder is a special tool for accessing inaccessible tokens on your graphing calculator that you couldn't do in pure TI-BASIC. Meaning, you can get any token or ASCII character you ever dreamed of on your calculator. A Spanish version of the read me and program has been made, so feel free to check it out if you read Spanish! VERSION 3.5 UPDATE: [(1)Faster Selection; blinking cursors in menus and selections removed] [(2) Icons; to represent different options and menus.] [(3) Download All; instead of saving a single hex value entry one-by-one at one at a time, you can download all of them to program TOKENS at once.] [(4) Decreased memory size] [(5) Simplified messages and descriptions in menus and selections.] Please take a look at the program for the new updates installed! ONLY THE ENGLISH VERSION HAS BEEN UPDATED. PLEASE ALLOW TIME FOR THE SPANISH VERSION TO BE UPDATED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE. |
 | var2string.zip | 1k | 03-07-05 |  | Variable 2 String convertor The program takes takes the variable, and turns it into a string. Check the readme for more explanation. |
 | viewer.zip | 1k | 05-08-12 |  | TI Image Viewer This program will take an 8x16 picture on the graph screen and convert it to a home screen picture in about 15 seconds (on an 83+). This version introduces support for 6 "save slots" in which you can store your pictures to view later, or delete them to free memory. |
 | winpic.zip | 1k | 03-03-31 |  | WinPic WinPic is a picture viewer for the TI-83 Plus and S.E. It can archive, unarchive, delete and view picture files. It is the best image viewer you can get! The only bug can't be fixed is that the calc terminates it if it tries to access a pic in the Archive. This verison is for the S.E. |
 | wordpack_v1.zip | 10k | 09-04-09 |  | Save strings as lists! With WORD you can input strings and save them as lists and open then again. With SAVE you can input strings and save them as encoded lists. |
 | wordrvrs.zip | 1k | 00-07-17 |  | Word Reverser v1.10 This program reverses any word you input. |
 | wordscrambler83plus.zip | 1k | 04-06-15 |  | Word Scrambler 83 Plus A program used for scrambling words. Type in the word you want to scramble and store it to String One. Then goto the program. Stores the scrambled word to String Two. Press [2nd] to quit the program. |
 | wordscramble.zip | 1k | 08-11-30 |  | Word Scrambler Have you ever had the desire to take a word, phrase, or mathematical formula and randomly rearrange it? If so, this is the program you've been waiting for. It does just that. |
 | wordwrap2.zip | 1k | 05-03-09 |  | Word Wrap v1 Prints out a string using word wrap. Includes a program that can be used inside of other programs. |
 | wordwrap.zip | 9k | 04-03-27 |  | Wordwrap v1.1 My second version of wordwrap! Much improved, it has page scrolling like in NIFTY APP! See the screenshots! This is a required program for my Organizer. |
 | wordy.zip | 1k | 00-10-11 |  | Wordy Pad A program that word wraps one screen of a string. |
 | writedown.zip | 3k | 04-05-03 |  | \/ Write down \/ This program allows you to write on the GRAPHscreen in an other direction. Look at the screenshots, you will understand it. |
 | xtrachar.zip | 1k | 06-05-02 |  | Extra Characters (208!) Stores all 208 printable characters to Str2. Characters not already accessible from the Catalog or from variable names include the root symbol, percent sign, angle symbol, "x" multiplication symbol, integral symbol, lowercase letters, upside-down "?" and "!", semicolon ";", "@", "#", "$", "&", backprime "`", backslash "\", vertical bar "|", underscore "_", ellipsis "...", acute and grave accents, umlaut, tilde "~", uppercase and lowercase vowels with acute, grave, umlaut, and caret "^" accents, "C" and "c" with cedillas, "N" and "n" with tildes, some Greek letters, the German "SZ" ligature, subscript numbers, arrows, and an inverted equals sign "=". |
 | zftoa.zip | 1k | 00-05-26 |  | ZFtoA ZFtoA converts the number in U to a string in Str1. Read the Readme file for more info. |
 | ziplist.zip | 1k | 00-04-21 |  | ZipList v1.0 Converts List <-> String |