List 7-Zip v2.0 (Compression Utility)
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List 7-Zip v2.0 (Compression Utility)
Total File Size: 2630 Bytes List-7-Zip (Formerly known as ListZip++) is made to efficiently compress you lists. The list can have at most 999 elements containing ANY non-negative integers. If the list fails to uncompress after compression, it is most likely because there is an element is not within the specifications. This program uses 2 different methods of compression: List contains integers 10-99: *efficiently compresses a list of 20 elements (192 bytes) to 48 Bytes List contains integers outside the range of other method *compresses a list (365,52,2,2,21122,45,748419,633,12,2,3,65,1) which is 129 bytes to a list of 84 bytes This program is also Mirage OS compatible. Feel free to add this code to any of your programs, but please give me credit for the compression engine (Simon Olson). For your convenience adding this piece of code to your programs, I have included 4 different source files. All they do is compress/uncompress the lists and nothing else. Source Files Included: L7ZSCDC: Compresses a list with integers 10-99 (only 2 digits) L7ZSCUC: Compresses any type of list with integers less than/equal 10 digits L7ZSCUDC: Uncompresses lists created with the program L7ZSCDC L7ZSCUUC: Uncompresses lists created with the program L7ZSCUC *NOTE: sto lZ is contained as the first line of code in each source file meaning THAT list that will be compressed. Remember to insert the list there which you would like to compress, for example write L1 sto lZ. The finished list is stored as l[Theta symbol]. Theta is accesed by pressing ALPHA+3. Email me at for any bugs or any problems you experience with this program.
Simon Olson (
TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Data)
File Size
4,284 bytes
File Date and Time
Sun Aug 24 17:35:35 2008
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Archive Contents
LIST7Z.8xp | 2630 |
Source Files (Code)/L7ZSCDC.8xp | 326 |
Source Files (Code)/L7ZSCUC.8xp | 553 |
Source Files (Code)/L7ZSCUDC.8xp | 303 |
Source Files (Code)/L7ZSCUUC.8xp | 672 |
Readme.txt | 1698 |