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CCleaner v5.0 for DoorsCS


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Ranked as 11428 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename ccleaner.zip (Download)
Title CCleaner v5.0 for DoorsCS
Description CCleaner (Crap Cleaner) from Piriform is a very good program for your PC. It cleans unnecessary files and scans the registery for problems and fix them, so it makes your PC faster and best of: all it’s free! About two years ago I started to make a program for your TI-84 plus that do the same: Ccleaner (Calculator Cleaner). If you playing games on your calculator or running a lot of programs they sometimes leave a lot of variables and other thing behind when you close them. So CCleaner simply deletes the files you don’t need anymore. The final version is v4.6. It’s It is simple to use but I wanted to make it even more simple. With the awesome application DoorsCS from Kerm Martian I was able to make a version of CCleaner with a mouse-based interface like on your PC. This version is v5.0; it does the same as v4.6 but with a user friendly GUI. Both versions show you how many memory is used (RAM and ROM) and let you chose witch variables need to be cleaned.
Author Mathieu De Zutter (mathieu_dz@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Misc. Programs (Utilities/Data)
File Size 453,173 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Jul 27 09:02:52 2011
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
CLEAN028/CD.8xp   908
CLEAN028/CL.8xp   787
CLEAN028/CLEAN.8xp   4546
CLEAN028.8xg   6127
CCleaner v5.pdf   532142

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