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Last updated Wednesday, 23 November 2011
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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs
advdsktp.zip37k00-09-17File is not ratedAdvanced Desktop v3.3
Advanced Desktop 3.6 is an update of the previous version (3.3). It is an windows look-a-like Shell-like program with mouse. With the menu's: file, preferences, utilities, and ?(help). On the desktop you can open 3 games and open your own programs by pushing [alpha]. I have used for the desktop [alpha] instead of [2nd] to keep the program run smoothly. It has the following assembly subroutines: Protector, Avail Prgm, Run prgm, Contrast, Shutdown and when nescessary Alphalock. You can see a Gif animation file if you click with your mouse on the file information button at the left!! Check it out.
advtiwin.zip14k00-10-20File is not ratedAdvanced TI-Windows 2000
Advanced TI-Windows v3.6 is an update of the previous version (Advanced TI-Windows v3.3). It is an windows look-a-like Shell-like program with mouse. With the menu's: file, preferences, utilities, and ?(help). On the desktop you can open 3 games and open your own programs by pushing [alpha]. I have used for the desktop [ALPHA] instead of [2nd] to keep the program run smoothly. It has the following assembly subroutines: Open, Shutdown, Background, PXL Change, Contrast, Memory, Protector, Avail Prgm, Version and when nescessary Alphalock. 3 Different backgrounds are included, and can be changed anytime! Memory can be checked with the util menu. You can see screenshots if you click with your mouse on the file information button at the left!! Check it out.
alphashell.zip3k01-08-04File is not ratedAlpha Shell
Alpha Shell is a text based, ultra flexible supplimentary operating system for the TI-83 that allows for near endless possiblities both for productivity and efficiency.
amenu83.zip18k98-09-11File is not ratedAdvanced BASIC Menu v5.5
Added some more stuff. Such as a Math program,science program and a new way of loading the program. It also includes games such as Tetris,Nibbles,Boxworld,Astar, and Password Protection.
bash.zip5k99-05-05File is not ratedBASH v1.3 Beta
BASH-like shell (contains BASIC code).
bshell.zip3k00-07-08File is not ratedB-Shell
A shell written in TI-BASIC for the TI-83, supports BASIC, asm, SOS, and A-Shell programs
calc83.zip3k98-12-05File is not ratedCalc 83 v1.0
dos05.zip20k05-02-11File is not ratedDOS 2005
A ASM/BASIC Shell for the TI-83. Runs ASM/Basic Programs. Turnoff included. A framework for my ASM release which will be done shortly.
dos83.zip1k97-06-30File is not ratedDOS for the TI-83
DOS style interface for the TI-83
dos.zip3k01-08-04File is not ratedDOS-X
Dos for the TI-83!
erasystems2.zip20k11-11-23File is not ratedEra-Systems V 2.12
This is the release version of Era-Systems V 2.12! All bugs are fixed now and its much smaller (!only 16 Kb now for all!)! It is an operating system (shell) for your calc. For example it has a very very graphical dektop which you can create (!!!). This means you can choose your short-cuts. Features since Version 2.11: Version 2.11: - The own Text-File-System: Write as many textes you want and save them with a name. This is the best new feature - The App-System is updated: Old Apps will not work anymore but now you can make your own Basic -Programs to Apps in Era-Systems. Version 2.12: - Its completly bugfixed now - The error finding machine is updated Many Apps can be found here or at erahome.co.de, check them out!
erasystems.zip61k11-05-24File is not ratedEra-Systems V 1.21 OS
This is an OS for the TI 82/83. It contains the German and the English Version, it has a working desktop and comes with many programs that you can choose. There is a support by me and many updates will come.More information (in German ) at www.erahome.co.de . Much Fun wishes Erasmus Hoffmann ( Era-Comp.)!!!
goldedition.zip17k01-05-01File is not ratedWindows 98 TI-83 v2.10
Windows 98, version 2.10. Better then ever. This version has some good stuff in it. CHEAK IT OUT!
insignia.zip15k00-11-07File is not ratedInsignia v1.0
Insignia v1.0, a mock OS that demonstrates some advanced programming techniques, and implementation of ZEALOT ZSUB functions (soon to be released in their own package).
installos.zip2k03-06-19File is not ratedInstall OS
This installer will be part of an OS I am working on
kernal.zip3k97-07-01File is not ratedKernal 2.1
GUI for the TI-83
menumachine.zip1k98-02-23File is not ratedMenu-Machine
novell12.zip1k97-12-24File is not ratedNovell 1.2 for Boreal
nt4beta.zip1k98-11-09File is not ratedWindows NT v4.0 Beta
os97.zip3k97-06-30File is not ratedOS-97 v1.5
Operating system software for the 83
os98.zip3k97-06-30File is not ratedOS-98 v1.4
Operating system software for the 83
os9x83.zip3k97-06-30File is not ratedOS-9X v1.0
Operating system software for the 83
osx83.zip15k04-02-16File is not ratedOSX83
This is a multifunction, text based OS for the ti83 calc. It does many things, from managing RAM to autoconfiguring the settings. It even has two games to play! This OS is meant to be edited and configured for your own use, it is made in a very easy to follow code so even a starter can edit it.
phantasm.zip2k98-03-20File is not ratedPhantasm 1.0 Beta (MacOS GUI)
A MacOS like GUI
pizol.zip2k98-03-31File is not ratedPizol 98 (Windows like GUI)
This is a Windows like GUI for the 83. It will run standard programs.
pkc16.zip2k03-03-10File is not ratedPK COMMAND
Size on TI83: 990 bytes. Just type your commands on the command line. You can lock programs by typing L NAMEOFPRGM, unlock programs by typing UL NAMEOFPRGM, you can let the program show you a list of programs, the program will also let you know if a program is locked or unlocked by typing DIR. Want to know which version you are using? Type INFO. Want to execute the last action again? Type E. Want to quit? Type Q.
proexplo.zip1k00-01-16File is not ratedPro OS Explorer Beta
An easy way to browse through your Pro OS based TI-83.
programorg.zip2k00-07-08File is not ratedProgram Organizer
A program that organizes your programs and allows you to run them (BASIC only)
proos.zip1k00-01-16File is not ratedPro OS v1.2
Command based OS.
proplus.zip1k00-02-12File is not ratedPro OS Plus v1.1
A Pro OS Utility that allows detection of 2 extra progs, startup pictures, and a rename feature.
proshell.zip1k00-01-09File is not ratedPro OS Shell v1.0
Allows you to open Pro OS compatable programs with ease.
starosl.zip5k99-02-08File is not ratedStar OS Light Edition Beta v1.0
staros.zip6k99-02-08File is not ratedStar OS Full Edition Beta v1.0
sys99.zip1k99-10-16File is not ratedSys99
A good basic shell for the TI-83, like windows for the PC.
tasks.zip19k01-02-07File is not ratedActive Desktop of Tasks for Wince v3.0
This program is for the wince3 shell only. It displays your tasks on the desktop of wince3
venus.zip1k01-06-04File is not ratedVenus v1.0
Venus is an Operating System that runs all ZASMLOAD Assembly Programs without editing any code.
vista98e.zip6k98-06-16File is not ratedVista 98e Operating System
win2k.zip3k00-09-17File is not ratedWindows 2000 (83)
A Windows-like shell; has password, text editor, APD, calculator, program menu, system info, graphical interface and user options.
win95_83.zip3k00-07-14File is not rated83 Windows 95
wince.zip5k00-08-12File is not ratedWindows CE v1.0
This is the upgraded version of Windows CE/LT. Built-on GUI and uses absolutly no pictures! Includes 2 games, a RAM Manager, etc.
windfallxp.zip147k05-03-29File rated 3.52Windfall XP Beta 0.91
This is Windfall XP Beta Version 0.91. It resembles Windows XP. It has many features including a word processor (not yet included), control panel (not yet finished) and an easy to use system. This program is not intended for the TI-83+, TI-83+ Silver Edition, or the TI-84s. There is some assembly functions that do not work on these calculators. Windfall XP also has good graphics, icons, a start menu which features a program menu that works (read the documentation to add your own programs to Windfall), a document folder (currently working on), a help file (later will be replaced with an about file, settings (only controls the contrast at this time), and a turn off menu which allows you to exit the program, turn off the calculator, or hibernate Windfall. The battery meter works well. The shutdown process does not require you to press 2nd, then ON. Please email me if you have any questions or comments.
windows95.zip20k98-09-25File is not ratedWindows 95
Updated it. More graphical than last one. Read The Documentation before you try to run the program.
windows98.zip14k00-01-16File is not ratedWindows 98 v1.01
Hey, it's Windows 98 for the TI-83, what more can be said? Well, this little nifty BASIC shell contains a cool Windows 98 interface, along with 4 games and one cool application, Planner 2000 v2.71, also by me. Also features password protection and auto standby mode, to save your calculator's batteries.
windowsxpcalculatoredition.zip94k06-01-02File is not ratedWindows XP Calculator Edition v.3.0
As you should already know, this is Windows XP for your calculator. I have put a lot of effort into this program to make it look like Windows XP Home Edition. It features a boot screen, encrypted password protection for Windows XP (not for the calculator as someone emailed me about), a GUI environment featuring a cursor, start menu with a battery meter, program directory, a My Documents folder, a My Computer folder, settings folder, and Turn Off menu with a few ways to exit Windows XP. The Boot program unhides system programs, checks the programs, and loads system variables and sets defaults, it also starts up with grayscale. The My Computer folder tells you the current version of Windows XP, and your battery status. You shoud already know what My Documents and the program directory does, but you have to set them up, the settings folder changes the Auto Power Down (APD) time, changes the contrast, adds, changes, or deletes your password. The Turn Off menu has a few function. From left to right, Exit, Turn Off, and Hibernate(a standby state which saves the state of the calculator and turns it off). It does take a little time to boot and shutdown because it hides all the system programs for opperator error. If you ever want to delete Windows XP, hit ON after it boots up. The cursor now supports diagonal movement and acceleration in version 3.0. I thank Nat Allan for creating ZBasLib. This is what adds in all the cool features into Windows XP.
windowsxp.zip62k05-07-26File is not ratedWindows XP Calculator Edition 2.0
This is the next update of Windows XP. It is meant only for the TI-83. For Newbies, this is a GUI of Windows XP. Its very graphical. I think I have all the bugs worked out, but if you find any send me an email at ryannazaretian@hotmail.com. Thanks for looking at my program or downloading it.
win_exp.zip1k00-09-17File is not ratedWindows Explorer
Updated version for Explorer for 83 Windows 2000
winlt.zip1k00-04-04File is not ratedWindows LT 2000
This is the Lite edition of Windows for the TI-83. Just like the 83+ version. Includes NotePad, Y= Editor, Calculator, and Program Menu.
winme.zip89k01-05-31File is not ratedWindows ME (Millennium Edition) V1.0
A GUI for the TI-83.
winnt.zip1k00-04-21File is not ratedWindows NT 2000 83
Windows NT 2000 v1.0 for TI-83. Comes built-in with password, usernames, NotePad, program menu, Y= Editor, Calculator, and two-user networking.
wpupgrade.zip3k01-05-31File is not ratedWINPASS, version 2.3
UPGRADE for Windows 98 TI-83 Gold Edition, version 2.10. This is a upgrade to WINPASS, version 2.2. This upgrade will only work with WIN98 version 2.10 only. It is uncrackable! Just TRY to crack it, I will eat my hat if you do.
xwin084.zip22k03-03-08File is not ratedX-Win Version 0.84.4 Beta
X-Win is a nice program, i has build-in options like getkey/low-network support/mathematical functions (bin<->dec) and matrix-reader. When you start X-win you can create your own destkop with xdraw, or load a excisting one... You can create your own x-win progs very fast (using x-win libs), this way you can create stuff with not much code. Functions not yet ready are: hex -> dec and distance calculations, and ofcourse better network support. (no games added yet, but they are supported). Please read the readme for instructions.
xwin85.zip12k03-03-31File is not ratedX-Win 0.85.3
Here it is, the 0.85.3 version of X-Win. Cool new features and its a bit faster. Just edit the xwincfg to your needs and everything is working. 1st time run might require the 'load default' in the error message. You can also use it to study the source for your basic skills.
xwinfinal.zip21k05-05-18File is not ratedX-Win Final
I havent worked on XWin for a long time, so I release everything I have. Read the README.TXT for more information. New features are profiles and stand-alone console.

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