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Era-Systems V 2.12


Ranked as 38039 on our all-time top downloads list with 637 downloads.
Ranked as 30649 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename erasystems2.zip (Download)
Title Era-Systems V 2.12
Description This is the release version of Era-Systems V 2.12! All bugs are fixed now and its much smaller (!only 16 Kb now for all!)! It is an operating system (shell) for your calc. For example it has a very very graphical dektop which you can create (!!!). This means you can choose your short-cuts. Features since Version 2.11: Version 2.11: - The own Text-File-System: Write as many textes you want and save them with a name. This is the best new feature - The App-System is updated: Old Apps will not work anymore but now you can make your own Basic -Programs to Apps in Era-Systems. Version 2.12: - Its completly bugfixed now - The error finding machine is updated Many Apps can be found here or at erahome.co.de, check them out!
Author Erasmus Hoffmann (eracompgts250@gmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size 21,063 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Nov 23 19:26:53 2011
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Era-Systems V 2.12/English/Bildschirmschoner/Readme.txt   338
Era-Systems V 2.12/English/Bildschirmschoner/SCREEN.83p   362
Era-Systems V 2.12/English/Hintergrund/Plane.83I   830
Era-Systems V 2.12/English/Hintergrund/Read this!!!.txt   192
Era-Systems V 2.12/English/Hintergrund/Standard.83i   830
Era-Systems V 2.12/English/Hintergrund/Triangle.83I   830
Era-Systems V 2.12/English/Setup/ERASETUP.8xp   1845
Era-Systems V 2.12/German/Bildschirmschoner/Readme.txt   422
Era-Systems V 2.12/German/Bildschirmschoner/SCREEN.83p   362
Era-Systems V 2.12/German/Hintergrund/Plane.83I   830
Era-Systems V 2.12/German/Hintergrund/Read this!!!.txt   192
Era-Systems V 2.12/German/Hintergrund/Standard.83i   830
Era-Systems V 2.12/German/Hintergrund/Triangle.83I   830
Era-Systems V 2.12/German/Setup/ERASETUP.8xp   1947
Era-Systems V 2.12/German/Setup/ERASYS1.8xp   12863
Era-Systems V 2.12/READ ME FIRST!!!.TXT   1465
Era-Systems V 2.12/English/Setup/ERASYS1.8xp   12656

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