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Windows XP Calculator Edition 2.0


Ranked as 26090 on our all-time top downloads list with 2292 downloads.

Filename windowsxp.zip (Download)
Title Windows XP Calculator Edition 2.0
Description This is the next update of Windows XP. It is meant only for the TI-83. For Newbies, this is a GUI of Windows XP. Its very graphical. I think I have all the bugs worked out, but if you find any send me an email at ryannazaretian@hotmail.com. Thanks for looking at my program or downloading it.
Author RyanN (ryannazaretian@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size 64,152 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jul 26 22:29:59 2005
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Windows XP/README.txt   3320
Windows XP/Thumbs.db   98816
Windows XP/Windows Programs/AWINXP83.83P   1130
Windows XP/Windows Programs/BOOT.83p   1924
Windows XP/Windows Programs/CURSOR.83P   1848
Windows XP/Windows Programs/CUSTOM.83p   448
Windows XP/Windows Programs/DOCUMENT.83p   1499
Windows XP/Windows Programs/EXPLORER.83P   1900
Windows XP/Windows Programs/OFF.83p   2123
Windows XP/Windows Programs/OFF2.83p   129
Windows XP/Windows Programs/Other Programs/LOGO.83P   284
Windows XP/Windows Programs/Other Programs/PIXELS.83P   252
Windows XP/Windows Programs/PRGM.83p   531
Windows XP/Windows Programs/QUIT.83p   296
Windows XP/Windows Programs/SETTINGS.83p   2331
Windows XP/Windows Programs/SETUP.83p   1547
Windows XP/Windows Programs/START.83p   769
Windows XP/Windows Programs/Thumbs.db   10240
Windows XP/Windows Programs/ZASMLOAD.83p   284
Windows XP/Windows Programs/ZBASLIB.83p   819
Windows XP/Windows Programs/ZBOUT.83P   471
Windows XP/Boot.bmp   24630
Windows XP/My Documents.bmp   24630
Windows XP/Start Menu.bmp   24630
Windows XP/Version 1.6.bmp   24630
Windows XP/Boot.GIF   1129
Windows XP/My Documents.GIF   1451
Windows XP/Start Menu.GIF   1282
Windows XP/Version 1.6.GIF   1360
Windows XP/Windows Programs/Other Programs/PREDOCS.83P   1241

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