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Era-Systems V 1.21 OS


Ranked as 34273 on our all-time top downloads list with 1330 downloads.
Ranked as 3312 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 4 downloads.

Filename erasystems.zip (Download)
Title Era-Systems V 1.21 OS
Description This is an OS for the TI 82/83. It contains the German and the English Version, it has a working desktop and comes with many programs that you can choose. There is a support by me and many updates will come.More information (in German ) at www.erahome.co.de . Much Fun wishes Erasmus Hoffmann ( Era-Comp.)!!!
Author Erasmus Hoffmann (eracompgts250@gmail.com)
Category TI-83 BASIC Misc. Programs (Shells)
File Size 63,161 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 24 03:35:45 2011
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
V 1.21/English/Backgrounds/Basic.83I   830
V 1.21/English/Backgrounds/Plane.83I   830
V 1.21/English/Backgrounds/Triangle.83I   830
V 1.21/English/DESKTOP.BMP   73782
V 1.21/English/ERASYSTEMS.BMP   73782
V 1.21/English/GAMES.BMP   73782
V 1.21/English/Programs/Chatme (German)/V 1.0/Readme.txt   84
V 1.21/English/Programs/Chatme (German)/V 2.0/CHATME2.83p   779
V 1.21/English/Programs/Chatme (German)/V 2.0/ReadMe.txt   296
V 1.21/English/Programs/Clear Graph (German)/V 1.1/CLRGRAPH.83p   609
V 1.21/English/Programs/Clear Graph (German)/V 1.1/README.txt   356
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Clock/V 1.0/CLOCK.83p   399
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Clock/V 1.0/Readme.txt   284
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Physics (German)/Era-Physics.8xp   99
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Pong (German)/V 1.2/Era-Pong.tig   4580
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Pong (German)/V 1.2/Readme.txt   392
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Snake (German)/V 1.0/ERASNAKE.8xp   4336
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Snake (German)/V 1.0/INSTADD1.83p   1099
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Snake (German)/V 1.0/INSTERAS.8xp   314
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Snake (German)/V 1.0/Readme.txt   982
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Word (German)/V 1.3/ERAWORD.83p   2239
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Word (German)/V 1.3/INSTADD1.83p   1099
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Word (German)/V 1.3/INSTERAS.8xp   314
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Word (German)/V 1.3/INSTERAW.83p   325
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Word (German)/V 1.3/PIC4.83I   830
V 1.21/English/Programs/Era-Word (German)/V 1.3/Readme.txt   558
V 1.21/English/Programs/Mini-Snake/MSNAKE.83p   1046
V 1.21/English/Screensaver/Readme.txt   338
V 1.21/English/Screensaver/SCREEN.83p   597
V 1.21/English/Setup/ERASETUP.8xp   2416
V 1.21/English/Setup/ERASYS1.8xp   10340
V 1.21/English/STUFF.BMP   73782
V 1.21/German/Bildschirmsconer/Readme.txt   422
V 1.21/German/Bildschirmsconer/SCREEN.83p   649
V 1.21/German/DESKTOP.BMP   73782
V 1.21/German/ERASYSTEMS.BMP   73782
V 1.21/German/Hintergrund/Dreieck.83I   830
V 1.21/German/Hintergrund/Flugzeug.83I   830
V 1.21/German/Hintergrund/Standard.83I   830
V 1.21/German/Programme/Chatme/V 1.0/Readme.txt   84
V 1.21/German/Programme/Chatme/V 2.0/CHATME2.83p   779
V 1.21/German/Programme/Chatme/V 2.0/ReadMe.txt   296
V 1.21/German/Programme/Clear Graph/V 1.1/CLRGRAPH.83p   609
V 1.21/German/Programme/Clear Graph/V 1.1/README.txt   356
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Clock/V 1.0/CLOCK.83p   399
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Clock/V 1.0/Readme.txt   284
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Physics/Era-Physics.8xp   99
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Pong/V 1.2/Era-Pong.tig   4580
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Pong/V 1.2/Readme.txt   392
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Snake/V 1.0/ERASNAKE.8xp   4336
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Snake/V 1.0/INSTADD1.83p   1099
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Snake/V 1.0/INSTERAS.8xp   314
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Snake/V 1.0/Readme.txt   982
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Word/V 1.3/ERAWORD.83p   2239
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Word/V 1.3/INSTADD1.83p   1099
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Word/V 1.3/INSTERAS.8xp   314
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Word/V 1.3/INSTERAW.83p   325
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Word/V 1.3/PIC4.83I   830
V 1.21/German/Programme/Era-Word/V 1.3/Readme.txt   558
V 1.21/German/Programme/Mini-Snake/MSNAKE.83p   1046
V 1.21/German/Setup/ERASETUP.8xp   2416
V 1.21/German/Setup/ERASYS1.8xp   10715
V 1.21/German/SPIELE.BMP   73782
V 1.21/German/ZUBEH™R.BMP   73782

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