Upcoming TI-89 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I'm working on BEING EVIL! Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
25 December 2003, 21:27 GMT
DIABLO -- Who wants to help???
Brad Wilke
I hate to say it, but games get old fast. One game I find myself playing often though is the great Diablo. I hesitate to say it, but I think it need to be on my calculator(TI-98) so I can play it in classes. We, anyone interested, should get something together to make this wonderful game "handheld". Perhaps my head is in the clouds, but I have load of free time now, and always wanted to make a good game. I know extensive C++ and am trying to learn TIGCC asap. If anyone would like to take on this challenge and be honored and remembered as part of the team that brought Diablo to calculators please let me know. Any comments would be helpful, even the ones that say I'm an idiot for bringing this up.
27 December 2003, 10:13 GMT
Maze Runner & Maze Runner II
Enchanted Coders
(Web Page)
I am working on a game called Maze Runner for the TI-89. The most recent release is V1.30, which has not yet been added to the archives as of when this was posted. Maze Runner II will be a C port of Maze Runner. I am making Maze Runner II because of the slow speed of Maze Runner, particularly when opening, saving, and verifying mazes. The concept behind Maze Runner and Maze Runner II is solving mazes with obstacles like keys and locked doors. I plan to simultaneously develop Maze Runner II and improve Maze Runner. I haven't yet set a date for a Maze Runner II demo release.
14 January 2004, 17:37 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
Lionel Anton
I made a mode7 engine in grayscale for ti, it's written in C and it is enough fast for games such a fzero (snes).
I started to develop fzero for ti89 a few weeks ago and it will come soon.
If you are interested to test the engine and make suggestions, e-mail me at anton_lionel@yahoo.fr
31 March 2004, 20:39 GMT
Excitebike 68k
I have completed an assembly/C clone of the well-known NES Excitebike dirtbike racing game. The game is currently is private Beta testing, but expect it to be released publically soon. Gameplay in Excitebike 68k is exactly the same as the original, as well as the Five built-in tracks. This program was designed with the Ti-89, Ti-89 Titanium, Ti-92+, and v200 in mind, and the same program should run on all four calculators. This game was started in December.
Several Features:
* Fast Gameplay *exactly* like the original NES version
* Two-Player Link Races
* Pseudo-3D look and feel
* Five built-in tracks are the same as on the original
* Grayscale double buffered graphics
* Excellent, user-friendly Track Editor
* Bikes have the ability to do Back and Front flips
* Ti-89/92+/v200 Compatible (including experimental Ti-89 Titanium support)
* Hidden, unlockable cheats
* Game information/explanation included in-game
* Runs Fast and Smooth on HW1 and HW2 68k Calcs
* Customize your number of Computer opponents (Zero to Three)
* Both English and French versions (French translation by 240=185)
* Well Commented C Source Code included
(If it matters, I am the author of Ice Hockey 68k)
8 May 2004, 00:47 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-89 Games
I'm currently programming GTA.
When noone else seemed to want to do this, I decided to take the task into my own hands.
This will be more like GTA 1 that Vice City, because such a game with 3D graphics on a calculator is hard or impossible.
There will be stores (gun&tools), missions, people, and (obviously) cars.
I will post my progress on this game. I'll be finished in a moth at the latest.
15 December 2004, 00:51 GMT
I'm making a Texas Holdem' Poker game for the ti-89. I got addicted to T.H. a while ago at school. Yeah, anyway the game will be in BASIC (for now-until I learn C). If anyone could help me out I'd appreciate it:
What's the fastest way to remove an element from a list?
Thanks. Hopefully, I won't give up and lose interest in this project. As long as I'm gambling at school, I shouldn't!!
16 March 2005, 20:17 GMT
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