Vacation Times
Posted by Henrik on 28 June 2002, 22:00 GMT
It is vacation times for the staff. Being based in the northern hemisphere, we will enjoy summer. I know at least some of us will do some extensive travelling around the globe. Due to this, pending files will grow, help mail will be answered with greater delay, and not much new will happen for a month or two. The staff wishes all our visitors a good summer (or winter if you are below the equator) and hope you all understand we all need some vacation. Tell us about your own vacation plans below.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Vacation Times
I know this is way of subject of vacations but who cares. I've downloaded and installed vti many times but after I do all of that IT WON'T TURN ON!(this is for the TI-83+.) Is there something I'm not doing, doing wrong, or does vti not work with Windows XP Professional??? PLEASE HELP!!!
20 July 2002, 01:25 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Vacation Times
(Web Page)
Okay, two things:
>>> "Can you post surveys...?"
Yes... and no. If you write an e-mail to (I think that's the address) then you can suggest a survey idea.
>>> (a few replies back) "What is the URL of the site with the ROM Images?"
Well, I really, really, really suggest you don't download the ones that you don't have, because that's illegal, but what the heck anyway. I found the URL again, so here it is. The website URL is VERY VERY VERY Long, it couldn't even fit in the Web_Page link, so take out the spaces here hl=en&sl=fr&u=http://ti83 &prev=/search%3Fq% 3Dhttp://ti83khdv.onlin 3Den%26lr%3D%26ie% 3DUTF8%26oe%3DUTF8
Okay that's about it for this post...
29 July 2002, 00:50 GMT
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