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Last updated Monday, 8 June 2015
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Most popular file  Arena 3D v0.65b (89/89T/92+/v200) with 96,306 downloads.

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13ghosts.zip273k07-06-23File is not rated13ghosts
This is the final version of my FAT-Powered game. You are locked in the basement of the delacroix mansion, you must escape at all costs. There are several ghosts imprisoned in this mansion. While solving riddles and breaking codes, you must avoid capture by the ghosts. Several items have been left around the levels to help you on your journey. TITANIUM USERS: HW3PATCH REQUIRED
arena3d.zip403k04-11-20File rated 8.47Arena 3D v0.65b (89/89T/92+/v200)
This is version v0.65 of Arena 3D (now TITANIUM COMPATIBLE and recompiled with TIGCC .95 Final), by Malcolm Smith. This game is a clone of First Person Shooters like Unreal Tournament (R) and Quake III (R), especially the Rocket Arena mod. You just try to kill all of the enemies to get points. You can battle against 0 to 5 bots, and set the frag (kill) limit to whatever you want. You can also change the bot skill, which affects their accuracy. Currently, everyone only has a rocket launcher, unless it's Instagib (instant hit) mode. In addition to turning, strafing, and firing, you have two bonus moves: Speed Up (which doubles movement and turning speed), and Hit Find (which turns you to face where the last shot that hit you came from). The 3D rendering part of this game is courtesy of the FAT Engine, by Thomas Nussbaumer. This package includes an on-calc level editor and documentation. The SDK (separate- contains outdated game source, use this source) is mainly for PC level editing. TITANIUM USERS-HW3PATCH REQUIRED. Sorry for the 2nd update so soon, the original v0.65 had an old FAT Engine component that was Titanium-incompatible.
c99.zip1814k05-04-14File rated 8.15Corridor 99
It's a full moon tonight. The Sea Of Tranquility lunar research lab has been taken over by a sentient computer called CID. You are Master Chief Fortune, of the US Celestial Navy SEALs, and your mission is to destroy CID before its influence reaches Earth, and it becomes too late to stop it. Powered by FAT 3D
corridors89.zip5k03-04-07File is not ratedCorridors 89
This is the TI-89 version of Corridors 83(+) for Ion (also written by me). It has many improvements over the last version, as it now has high scores, better graphics, and easier gameplay. Enjoy!
cs3d.zip167k05-09-12File rated 6.83CS3D
Counter-Strike v1.1, you can play linked of against a bot, three weapons are available.
d3d2g.zip8k00-12-01File is not ratedD3D-2G
D3D-2G is the latest technological advancement for 3D games. This is just a sample of how advanced and improved Doom 2000 will be. Doom 2000, coming soom!!!
delsgolfdemo.zip40k13-11-23File is not ratedDelsgolf Demo
This is a one map demo of a First Person Shooter for the TI-89 I am working on. I am currently making maps and doing touchups.
delsgolf.zip310k15-06-08File is not ratedDelsgolf
Delsgolf is a First Person Shooter for the TI-89. This updated version ( v1.02 ) runs faster than the previous version and has sound output over the link port ( like polysound ).
doom89.zip526k08-05-27File rated 8.70Doom 89 Version 2.02
Doom89 is a grayscale FPS powered by the FAT engine. This game features multiple weapons, locked doors with keys, enemies, tasks and special features. Some of which are customizable keys, a mini-map feature, and an auto-aiming feature for faster gameplay. *TITANIUM USERS- Hw3Patch required!* This release fixes all known bugs, as of 5/1/08
fatdemo.zip135k02-05-09File is not ratedFAT-Engine v1.10 Official Release - Technology Demos
10 Demos which demonstrate the features of the FAT-Engine. The FAT-Engine is a generic raycasting engine for games which may be used by Developers to assemble first-person games (Aventures, RPGs, Shooters etc.) quickly. The engine itself supplies the complete "world-rendering" part including multidirectional sprite and sliding doors support. The rest is up to the "client" program (actually rendering speed: HW2 - 825 frames per minute / HW1 - 660 frames per minute). If you are interested in making your own games based on the FAT-Engine, download the FAT-Engine SDK from the TiCT-HQ at http://tict.ticalc.org (the SDK contains the sourcecode of the Engine and the Demos, too).
oblivion.zip522k04-11-04File rated 8.57Oblivion v1.15 (89/89T/92+/v200)
(v1.15 recompiles, and adds TITANIUM COMPATIBILITY - please see titanium.txt for important instructions) A single player action/ adventure experience using the FAT engine. Fight and explore your way through an immense and hostile planet in order to save yourself and find natural resources to save Earth. This game takes place on another planet. It features plants, enemies, inanimate objects (powerups, tables, etc), and much more. Oblivion's purpose is to be a fully playable FPS for the TI-68ks. With this game, I tried to do everything that is possible with a raycasting engine, and I am pretty pleased with the result. This game is different than Wolfenstein - it has outdoor areas, and much more. I'd compare it more to Doom or Unreal, but with a raycasting engine. I hope you like this game! You should be able to get hours of gameplay out of it. If you have any praise or general comments, be sure to email me, or post in my forum on my site. Thanks. TITANIUM USERS-HW3PATCH REQUIRED.
shootout.zip64k02-04-24File is not ratedShoot Out v0.3
Shoot Out uses the FAT-Engine technology to create a 3D looking environment to play a one-on-one deathmatch against the calculator or a friend using the link port.
spacedementia.zip97k03-03-10File rated 6.80Space Dementia v0.8
Space Dementia is a fast 3D wireframe space shooter. Features : 10 initial ships, 2 gaming modes (Asteroid field & Training), 2 control modes (Arcade & Simulation), 2 weapons : rapid fire (laser cannons) and remote missile (commandable like a ship), 2 camera modes, highscores, and other options. Now you can create ships (exported as external files) with Edit3D by David Coz and play with them in the game.
unreal.zip28k02-04-23File is not ratedunreal
this only a demo of the 3d engine for a future doom-like game
wolftest.zip240k04-11-04File is not ratedWolfenstein 3D Tech Demo 1
This is just a TEST for Wolfenstein 3D for the TI-89 [Titanum], 92+, & Voyage 200. The main purpose of me releasing this is, it's just been sitting on my hard drive for a while, and hopefully someone will want to continue it (I doubt I have the time/ motivation to.) Implemented things: Splash screen, first four levels, OBJECTS (health/tables/etc) in first 4 levels, Simple score support. NOT implemented: The main thing not implemented is ENEMIES. However, I do have all of the graphics converted already, and in small oncalc files ready to go. Mainly the AI for the enemies is what needs to be done. Also, the levels should be read from external files, the splash screen should be in an external file, etc, but those things are trivial. IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED IN CONTINUING THIS, PLEASE CONTACT ME. I have full source code, tools, the original game and that source code, graphics and on-calc GFX data files, etc. Thanks.

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