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Ranked as 725 on our all-time top downloads list with 20940 downloads.
Ranked as 2068 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 13 downloads.
Ranked as 605 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 6.83.

Filename cs3d.zip (Download)
Title CS3D
Description Counter-Strike v1.1, you can play linked of against a bot, three weapons are available.
Author Limmt Ribeman (limmt@tigen.org)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (First-person Shooters)
File Size 171,983 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Sep 12 19:02:33 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  wu wu
Reviewed on 2008-12-10
Cs3D is one of the greatest calculator games i have ever played!!

It is a first person shooter that takes advantage of the FAT engine and has gameplay similar to counter strike

(obviously). It is really fun and has wasted up countless hours of my life!

gameplay(9/10): You go around finding the enemy bot and shooting him. There are three weapons, and everytime you kill the bot, you get more mone to buy better ones.

story(8/10): You kill people. Nothing better than that! :)

graphics(9/10): Wall texture need variation,and a reload animation needs to be added. Other than that, the gun textures are amazing!

Overall(8.5) : Missing a few things, but still a great game!!

Can't wait for the next update.

If you liked this fps game then i recommend the following:

doom 89

Gemini(ti 84 users)

corridor 99



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Archive Contents
Name Size
cs.89y   14186
cs.89z   1099
cs.9xy   14186
cs.9xz   1099
cs.v2y   14186
cs.v2z   1099
fatdtx.89y   42645
fatdtx.9xy   42645
fatdtx.v2y   42645
fatlib.89y   54687
fatlib.9xy   54687
fatlib.v2y   54687
lisezmoi.txt   2859
Thumbs.db   51712

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