Cs3D is one of the greatest calculator games i have ever played!!
It is a first person shooter that takes advantage of the FAT engine and has gameplay similar to counter strike
(obviously). It is really fun and has wasted up countless hours of my life!
gameplay(9/10): You go around finding the enemy bot and shooting him. There are three weapons, and everytime you kill the bot, you get more mone to buy better ones.
story(8/10): You kill people. Nothing better than that! :)
graphics(9/10): Wall texture need variation,and a reload animation needs to be added. Other than that, the gun textures are amazing!
Overall(8.5) : Missing a few things, but still a great game!!
Can't wait for the next update.
If you liked this fps game then i recommend the following:
doom 89
Gemini(ti 84 users)
corridor 99