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Oblivion v1.15 (89/89T/92+/v200)


Ranked as 281 on our all-time top downloads list with 37086 downloads.
Ranked as 2226 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
Ranked as 109 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.57.

Filename oblivion.zip (Download)
Title Oblivion v1.15 (89/89T/92+/v200)
Description (v1.15 recompiles, and adds TITANIUM COMPATIBILITY - please see titanium.txt for important instructions) A single player action/ adventure experience using the FAT engine. Fight and explore your way through an immense and hostile planet in order to save yourself and find natural resources to save Earth. This game takes place on another planet. It features plants, enemies, inanimate objects (powerups, tables, etc), and much more. Oblivion's purpose is to be a fully playable FPS for the TI-68ks. With this game, I tried to do everything that is possible with a raycasting engine, and I am pretty pleased with the result. This game is different than Wolfenstein - it has outdoor areas, and much more. I'd compare it more to Doom or Unreal, but with a raycasting engine. I hope you like this game! You should be able to get hours of gameplay out of it. If you have any praise or general comments, be sure to email me, or post in my forum on my site. Thanks. TITANIUM USERS-HW3PATCH REQUIRED.
Author Malcolm Smith (m@malcolm-s.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (First-person Shooters)
File Size 534,553 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Nov 4 22:58:55 2004
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Paul Lewellen
Reviewed on 2004-03-16
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

(DISCLAIMER: I helped beta-test this project from the outset, so this review may be in some way biased by that experience.)

Oblivion is one of a handful of games to use the FAT engine from TICT. This engine allows Oblivion to display grayscale, texture-mapped environments at a reasonable frame rate. The textures (many of which are ripped from Duke Nukem 3D) are very good, although not outstanding. The plot is relatively thin and has little effect on the action, although it is adequate for the task at hand. Oblivion's main focus is gameplay, and it excels in this regard. The game starts off rather slowly, as the player is initially weaponless following an unexpected crash landing. Fortunately, the action quickly heats up, especially once you get the the machine-gun. Weapons are varied and well balanced, and the enemies you face require different tactics to defeat. The later levels can get very hard if you play at one of the higher difficulty settings, but with perseverance (and quick-saves) they can be beaten.

GOOD: Intense action, varied weapons and enemies, many levels, adjustable difficulty, great graphics, no bugs.

BAD: Slow beginning, thin plot, requires lots of memory.

OVERALL: Get Oblivion and start playing!


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Archive Contents
Name Size
OblivFrench.zip   18736
OblivSpanish.zip   18740
readme.txt   9618
readmeFrench.txt   10974
readmeSpanish.txt   10722
SDKlicense.txt   5626
TITANUM.txt   230
89/execoblv.89p   154
89/fatlib.89y   55773
89/oblvall1.89y   61112
89/oblvall2.89y   54434
89/oblvinst.89z   4267
92p_v200/execoblv.9xp   154
92p_v200/fatlib.9xy   55773
92p_v200/oblvall1.9xy   61112
92p_v200/oblvall2.9xy   55313
92p_v200/oblvinst.9xz   4267
data/text/distribTemplate.txt   3411
data/text/info/array_data.txt   3769
data/text/info/array_includes.txt   134
data/text/info/creditscroll.txt   784
data/text/info/level11pre.txt   359
data/text/info/level12pre.txt   89
data/text/info/level14pre.txt   180
data/text/info/level19post.txt   74
data/text/info/level1pre.txt   841
data/text/info/level20post.txt   129
data/text/info/level24pre.txt   210
data/text/info/level25pre.txt   115
data/text/info/level2pre.txt   576
data/text/info/level36pre.txt   148
data/text/info/level38post.txt   542
data/text/info/level3pre.txt   284
data/text/info/list.txt   345
data/text/info/story.txt   1375
data/text/Makefile.win   832
data/text/names.h   308
data/text/prepare.bat   89
data/text/text.h   11260
data/text/textgen.dev   562
data/text/textgen.exe   22528
data/text/textgen.layout   268
data/text/textgen_main.c   3169
data/text/textgen_main.o   20906
data/text/textScroll.dev   871
data/text/textScroll.exe   26890
data/text/textScroll_main.c   2401
data/text/TRANSLATIONS.txt   2848
data/text/ttbin2oth.exe   5120
data/text/_run.bat   747
extras/activeTesters.txt   284
extras/ebook.89z   7509
extras/ebook.9xz   7517
extras/errors.txt   2987
extras/Oblivion Script.rtf   11205
extras/OblivionLogoColor.jpg   7114
extras/oblverr.89y   2349
extras/oblverr.9xy   2349
extras/RC_chgs.txt   5257
extras/todo_multiplay.txt   621
src/ceilfloor.h   2463
src/cfg1.txt   80
src/cfg2.txt   109
src/copy_game89.bat   201
src/copy_game92.bat   213
src/copy_installer.bat   80
src/defs.h   21540
src/enemies.h   10844
src/extgraph.a   56938
src/extgraph.h   28227
src/extrand.a   19500
src/extrand.h   2469
src/fat.h   32048
src/findfolder.h   1885
src/folder.txt   40
src/gfx.h   22496
src/includes.h   1155
src/install.c   5379
src/intro.h   6235
src/i_oblvgfx1.h   3834
src/i_oblvgfx2.h   2259
src/i_oblvgfx3.h   1591
src/i_oblvgfx4.h   2259
src/levcodes.h   2861
src/level.h   23096
src/level_exec.h   20501
src/level_init.h   16381
src/levstruct.h   733
src/lev_special.h   3315
src/make_file.h   1521
src/menus.h   4180
src/muzak.h   10327
src/noprevlevels.txt   72
src/oblivion.c   8465
src/oblivion.tpr   2401
src/oblvgfx0.h   1206
src/oblvinst.tpr   1235
src/oblvtext.h   526
src/pack.bat   2123
src/player.h   13037
src/polysnd2.a   33210
src/polysnd2.h   16385
src/rayline.h   2019
src/release.bat   1005
src/sprites.h   22541
src/sprites_exec.h   11206
src/sprites_init.h   18979
src/sys.h   33018
src/tempgfx.h   19013
src/texture.h   4157
src/ttunpack.h   9489
src/utils.c   4108
src/walls.txt   2503
src/walls_animated.txt   83
src/walls_hit.txt   498
src/walls_nobuttons.txt   165
src/weapons.h   20142
tools/finalize.bat   47
tools/FolderChg.dev   267
tools/FolderChg.exe   5632
tools/FolderChg_Main.c   1481
license.txt   5834

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