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Corridor 99


Ranked as 1766 on our all-time top downloads list with 12040 downloads.
Ranked as 7453 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.
Ranked as 306 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.15.

Filename c99.zip (Download)
Title Corridor 99
Description It's a full moon tonight. The Sea Of Tranquility lunar research lab has been taken over by a sentient computer called CID. You are Master Chief Fortune, of the US Celestial Navy SEALs, and your mission is to destroy CID before its influence reaches Earth, and it becomes too late to stop it. Powered by FAT 3D
Author Jeff Wilcox (destarus04@yahoo.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (First-person Shooters)
File Size 1,858,391 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Apr 14 04:33:50 2005
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Steven Rogers
Reviewed on 2005-09-10
“Corridor 99” is decidedly the best first person shooter for the 68k calcs. In fact, I'd say it's better than some of the early PC fps games. It has an original sci-fi storyline; the graphics are superb, as there are complete, animated flat-sprite models and unflickering grayscale.

Detail is commendable, because of all the small things added such as power outlets in the walls, lights on the ceiling, and even a flush sound (well, text that goes "whoosh") for the toilets. There are many different weapons to find throughout the game, too. It has a very nice “Options” menu, in which you can set your keys, contrast, and other things to provide the best gaming experience for everyone.

The only problem this game has is that it uses your calculator's resources to the fullest - meaning you cannot have anything else installed, while playing this game. I would strongly recommend this game to any first person shooter or science fiction fan.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
TI89/cinema99.89y   28540
TI89/corridor99.89y   36032
TI89/corridor99.89z   2010
TI89/DATA99.89y   54519
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TI89/single99.89y   13006
TI92/cinema99.9xy   40335
TI92/corridor99.9xy   35938
TI92/corridor99.9xz   2010
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TI92/fatlib.9xy   55057
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V200/corridor99.v2z   2010
V200/DATA99.v2y   60101
V200/fatlib.v2y   55057
V200/single99.v2y   13006
Readme.txt   17267
screen89a.gif   3197
screen89b.gif   2856
screen89c.gif   1885
screen89d.gif   3060
screen92a.gif   5302
screen92b.gif   3383
screen92c.gif   3363
screen92d.gif   4679
TI89.GIF   351846
ti92.GIF   887801

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