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Doom 89 Version 2.02


Ranked as 518 on our all-time top downloads list with 25539 downloads.
Ranked as 1910 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 9 downloads.
Ranked as 49 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.70.

Filename doom89.zip (Download)
Title Doom 89 Version 2.02
Description Doom89 is a grayscale FPS powered by the FAT engine. This game features multiple weapons, locked doors with keys, enemies, tasks and special features. Some of which are customizable keys, a mini-map feature, and an auto-aiming feature for faster gameplay. *TITANIUM USERS- Hw3Patch required!* This release fixes all known bugs, as of 5/1/08
Author Aaron Miller (aaroneusthegreat@gmail.com)
Category TI-89 Assembly Games (First-person Shooters)
File Size 539,129 bytes
File Date and Time Tue May 27 17:31:07 2008
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/Doom.89y   29209
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/Doom.89z   1095
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/doomcdts.89y   762
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/doomfont.89y   1584
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/doomgfx1.89y   64529
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/doomgfx2.89y   64493
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/doomgfx3.89y   64173
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/doomgfx4.89y   64133
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/doomgfx5.89y   63737
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/doomgfx6.89y   64617
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/doomgfx7.89y   15001
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/doommaps.89y   19271
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/doomtext.89y   9507
Binaries/89 and 89 Titanium/fatlib.89y   54687
Binaries/92+/Doom.9xy   29263
Binaries/92+/Doom.9xz   1095
Binaries/92+/doomcdts.9xy   762
Binaries/92+/doomfont.9xy   1584
Binaries/92+/doomgfx1.9xy   64529
Binaries/92+/doomgfx2.9xy   64493
Binaries/92+/doomgfx3.9xy   64173
Binaries/92+/doomgfx4.9xy   64133
Binaries/92+/doomgfx5.9xy   63737
Binaries/92+/doomgfx6.9xy   64617
Binaries/92+/doomgfx7.9xy   15001
Binaries/92+/doommaps.9xy   19271
Binaries/92+/doomtext.9xy   9507
Binaries/92+/fatlib.89y   54687
Binaries/hw3patch.zip   4865
Binaries/README.txt   4779
Binaries/v200/Doom.v2y   29232
Binaries/v200/Doom.v2z   1095
Binaries/v200/doomcdts.9xy   762
Binaries/v200/doomfont.9xy   1584
Binaries/v200/doomgfx1.9xy   64529
Binaries/v200/doomgfx2.9xy   64493
Binaries/v200/doomgfx3.9xy   64173
Binaries/v200/doomgfx4.9xy   64133
Binaries/v200/doomgfx5.9xy   63737
Binaries/v200/doomgfx6.9xy   64617
Binaries/v200/doomgfx7.9xy   15001
Binaries/v200/doommaps.9xy   19271
Binaries/v200/doomtext.9xy   9507
Binaries/v200/fatlib.89y   54687

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