Wolfenstein 3D Tech Demo 1
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Wolfenstein 3D Tech Demo 1
This is just a TEST for Wolfenstein 3D for the TI-89 [Titanum], 92+, & Voyage 200. The main purpose of me releasing this is, it's just been sitting on my hard drive for a while, and hopefully someone will want to continue it (I doubt I have the time/ motivation to.) Implemented things: Splash screen, first four levels, OBJECTS (health/tables/etc) in first 4 levels, Simple score support. NOT implemented: The main thing not implemented is ENEMIES. However, I do have all of the graphics converted already, and in small oncalc files ready to go. Mainly the AI for the enemies is what needs to be done. Also, the levels should be read from external files, the splash screen should be in an external file, etc, but those things are trivial. IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED IN CONTINUING THIS, PLEASE CONTACT ME. I have full source code, tools, the original game and that source code, graphics and on-calc GFX data files, etc. Thanks.
Malcolm Smith (m@malcolm-s.net) Scott Noveck (noveck@njcc.com)
TI-89 Assembly Games (First-person Shooters)
File Size
246,437 bytes
File Date and Time
Thu Nov 4 23:28:42 2004
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Source Code Included?
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Archive Contents
92p_v200/fatlib.9xy | 55057 |
92p_v200/wolf3d.9xy | 17768 |
92p_v200/wolf3d.9xz | 2010 |
92p_v200/wolfgfx1.9xy | 59505 |
92p_v200/wolfobj.9xy | 51945 |
src/ceilfloor.h | 1491 |
src/copygame.bat | 106 |
src/defs.h | 4406 |
src/doors.h | 11807 |
src/e1l1.h | 33496 |
src/e1l2.h | 33496 |
src/e1l3.h | 33496 |
src/e1l4.h | 33496 |
src/enemies.h | 67080 |
src/extgraph.a | 56628 |
src/extgraph.h | 28225 |
src/extrand.a | 19500 |
src/extrand.h | 2469 |
src/fat.h | 39271 |
src/floors.h | 1114 |
src/hitpoints.h | 2011 |
src/indices.h | 7173 |
src/i_bj.h | 799 |
src/i_dog.h | 2060 |
src/i_fakehit.h | 871 |
src/i_fat.h | 801 |
src/i_ghost.h | 433 |
src/i_gift.h | 741 |
src/i_gretel.h | 869 |
src/i_guard.h | 2064 |
src/i_hans.h | 865 |
src/i_mechahit.h | 1503 |
src/i_mutant.h | 2129 |
src/i_officer.h | 2068 |
src/i_rockets.h | 1249 |
src/i_schabbs.h | 1060 |
src/i_ss.h | 2058 |
src/i_wolfgfx1.h | 3771 |
src/i_wolfobj.h | 3328 |
src/player.h | 3662 |
src/spriteindices.h | 165 |
src/sprite_exec.h | 8300 |
src/sprite_init.h | 9068 |
src/testlev.h | 24871 |
src/titlescreen.h | 25156 |
src/utils.c | 9638 |
src/wolf3d.c | 9813 |
src/wolf3d.tpr | 1931 |
ss/wolf6.gif | 1043 |
ss/wolf7.gif | 983 |
ss/wolf8.gif | 918 |
readme.txt | 1741 |
89/fatlib.89y | 54277 |
89/wolf3d.89y | 17768 |
89/wolf3d.89z | 2010 |
89/wolfgfx1.89y | 59505 |
89/wolfobj.89y | 51945 |