Omnicalc v1.00 Released
Posted by Eric on 13 April 2002, 05:39 GMT
Michael Vincent of Detached Solutions has released Omnicalc v1.00, a nifty new FLASH application that provides many extra features for your TI-83+. Highlights include an entries menu and a parentheses highlighter. You can read all about it at its homepage.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Re: Re: Tokens
(Web Page)
Since you program in TI-73 BASIC, TI-80 BASIC, TI-81 BASIC, TI-82 BASIC, TI-83 BASIC, TI-83 Assembly, TI-83 Plus BASIC, TI-85 BASIC, TI-85 Assembly, TI-86 BASIC, TI-89 BASIC, TI-89 Assembly, TI-92 BASIC, TI-92 Assembly, TI-92 Plus BASIC, and TI-92 Plus Assembly, you should know what a token is...
17 April 2002, 21:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Tokens
Rob van Wijk
To the best of my knowledgde, the extra tokens are stored in OmniCalc.
They are *not* shortcuts to programs normally hidden. When you use a standard (TI-OS) token, you tell TI-OS to do something, like make a calculation. The OmniCalc tokens tell OmniCalc to do something. When a program is executed, OmniCalc leaves the standard tokens alone, passing them through to TI-OS. When it sees one of it own tokens, it performs the action itself, "overriding" the TI-OS.
It is impossible to do the same thing on a regular 83. Tokens can only be added because of a "token hook", which the 83- just doesn't have.
If I've got something wrong, please correct me.
I don't know that much about it myself, if you want to know exactly how OmniCalc adds tokens, you'd better ask Detacheds.
Not too many answers :(
23 April 2002, 09:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Off topic but necessary
Benjamin Moody
MirageOS is to assembly what Omnicalc/Symbolic is to BASIC. Programs running under Mirage have access to an incredible number of functions, most of which are rather useful but either not provided by TIOS or are simply not worth the hundreds of clock cycles taken up by a B_CALL. There are also routines that are included in TIOS but are themselves programmed poorly and are hideously slow, primarily the graphics routines.
In addition, Mirage provides useful features for the user, such as the ability to sort programs into 10 folders, hide and/or lock programs, and run archived programs without unarchiving.
As to "the big deal about assembly programs"? Assembly programs are direct instructions to the Z80 CPU, and as such, do not rely on an interpreter as BASIC does, but neither is there any program monitoring them and preventing them from crashing the calculator. Assembly programs do run thousands of times faster than their BASIC counterparts, but if they are not properly debugged they can, and occasionally do, cause major problems. Most often the problem is limited to wiping your RAM. (For this Omnicalc's RAM recovery has already become very useful on my own calculator!)
17 April 2002, 20:36 GMT

Benjamin Moody
B_CALL label
expands to
DW label
The RST instruction is like a call, but it takes up only a single byte and references a fixed address (00,08,10,18,20,28,30,38) on page 0 of the calculator's FlashROM. What this does is to call a bit of TIOS code which obtains the address specified, then finds that address on a certain page (1B I think) of the OS code, where a three byte reference to the actual location of the routine is found.
The reason it is not simply expanded to a page swap and call is that it must be used from within an application, which is swapped at 4000-7FFF, the same place where the routine itself will be loaded. On other calculators it is possible to use a direct CALL because the ROM swapped there is an entire 16k of "ld a,XX / out (6),a" or whatever.
In summary: a B_CALL is a kludgy, inefficient way to reference calls on other pages, but this is the way TIOS works. The alternative is to fetch the addresses yourself and set up calls in RAM where they will not be affected by page swaps.
17 April 2002, 21:21 GMT
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