Omnicalc v1.00 Released
Posted by Eric on 13 April 2002, 05:39 GMT
Michael Vincent of Detached Solutions has released Omnicalc v1.00, a nifty new FLASH application that provides many extra features for your TI-83+. Highlights include an entries menu and a parentheses highlighter. You can read all about it at its homepage.
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Re: Omnicalc v1.00 Released
(Web Page)
I think I may have single-handedly shot the file queue up from 'minimal' to 'heavy'... I submitted 31 programs in the span of about 15 minutes.
14 April 2002, 20:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Omnicalc v1.00 Released
(Web Page)
i have rom 19.0
it will crash your calc
it takes a few seconds to go away after you take the battery out and in
first reset the memory,(to wipe any left over programs away, or somthing) then get crash, and the edit program on
the once you are in the edit program, push vars then push 2nd INS to un lock it, then keep pushing 0 0 <- over again (going backwards) and stop before it says SARC (crash backwards) (it takes a while).
then hit 2nd QUIT
it should say no programs
2nd QUIT again
k,wait, it didn't work...
that was the way i did it first
try this:
goto web page and get this phx file ive been working on, it will crash when it shows the first boss, this is prob a better example anyway
19 April 2002, 01:51 GMT
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