Omnicalc v1.00 Released
Posted by Eric on 13 April 2002, 05:39 GMT
Michael Vincent of Detached Solutions has released Omnicalc v1.00, a nifty new FLASH application that provides many extra features for your TI-83+. Highlights include an entries menu and a parentheses highlighter. You can read all about it at its homepage.
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Re: Omnicalc v1.00 Released
(Web Page)
umm, seems cool, but I want those fuctions while editing programs too (copy paste, entries menu...)
pasting an entry with the sprite command into a program (type it on the home screen, evaluate, edit program, 2nd + entry) gets a wierd result...
sprite command with archived pics seems to return a semi-random sprite (random part of ram?)
need more memory. My ti-83+ can't handle it all (down to 6k archive free)
*sigh* hey, can detacheds combine a few of their apps, and still keep it in one slot?
"Don't use language you wouldn't hear on U.S. network television." --- well, I hear a lot there... be more specific
19 April 2002, 18:43 GMT
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