Omnicalc v1.00 Released
Posted by Eric on 13 April 2002, 05:39 GMT
Michael Vincent of Detached Solutions has released Omnicalc v1.00, a nifty new FLASH application that provides many extra features for your TI-83+. Highlights include an entries menu and a parentheses highlighter. You can read all about it at its homepage.
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Re: Omnicalc v1.00 Released
Aaron Povolish
Omnicalc really looks like a nifty little program. This should act as an excellent reach to 83+ BASIC programmers everywhere!
13 April 2002, 05:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Omnicalc v1.00 Released
Rob van Wijk
"but I wished you guys had more stuff like Shutdown, contrast, auto alpha, small case letters, and some sound programming in it."
OmniCalc isn't a shell, once you've installed it, you return to TI-OS, so, you can do contrast. It also provides shutdown (press and hold ON, then press ALPHA) and you can enable/disable lower case letters from the options menu (and alternative fonts).
I don't know what you mean with "auto alpha", and I never understood the use of sound.
22 April 2002, 12:37 GMT
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