Omnicalc v1.00 Released
Posted by Eric on 13 April 2002, 05:39 GMT
Michael Vincent of Detached Solutions has released Omnicalc v1.00, a nifty new FLASH application that provides many extra features for your TI-83+. Highlights include an entries menu and a parentheses highlighter. You can read all about it at its homepage.
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Re: Omnicalc v1.00 Released
First off: Great program.
I may start using my 83+ again...
One really big favor: Could you add the feature to make it use "insert mode" by default (or make it toggle like on the 89). Thats my single grude now with the 83+ OS (the other was clipboard, but you did that).
13 April 2002, 22:08 GMT
Re: Omnicalc v1.00 Released
(Web Page)
there should be a subfolder in the ticalc archives for omnicalc basic programs
Does that sound good?
id hate to down load something, and have my calc crash because omnicalc isnt installed
if i ever take it off..
14 April 2002, 00:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Omnicalc v1.00 Released
(Web Page)
I believe that lord_nightrose is referring to Flash ROM ...
This is what the Assembly Studio 86 Help file has to say about the memory on the 86:
The TI-86 calculator includes 128K of RAM, but because 16-bit values are used to address data, only 64K of data can be accessed at once. The calculator gets around this limitation by using a paged memory model. The RAM is broken up into 8 16K pages. Page 0 is static and always loaded, and pages 1-7 are swapped into a common memory area.
The ROM is similarly divided up into 16 pages (256K total), with ROM page 0 always being accessible.
So, apparently there IS ROM on the 86, solely for the OS (since the ROM is 256K and the OS is also 256K, I would assume the OS is stored in the ROM, which is there only for the OS). Also, since the OS is stored on ROM, which is read-only, it is not possible to replace the existing OS without replacing the actual ROM.
21 April 2002, 03:34 GMT
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