Newsboard Anarchy Trial
Posted by Magnus on 25 October 1999, 14:24 GMT
As any regular visitor to our site knows, there have recently been a lot of controversy about the comments on our newsboard. In accordance with our site policy, we have deleted comments that we have considered to be in violation of the guidelines or completely off topic. This has rewarded us with everything from "thank you"-notices to being called communists. It has also taken up a lot of valuable time from our staff members. It was clear that something had to be done about the situation. As we saw it, we had three alternatives. We have tried the first one, are right now trying the second one, and would like to avoid the third one if possible. The first one was to disable the posting permissions for the people who posted most off-topic or abusive articles (which accounts were affected is not relevant here). Naturally, this was done after multiple warnings to the persons in question. This was done a couple of weeks ago, the result of which each person can evaluate for themselves. The trial was in force around Oct 9th to Oct 19th. The second one is the one we are trying now. For this two week period, we will no longer delete off-topic posts. We will let any kind of discussion go on. We will still delete articles that are clearly out to disrupt the page layout (such as 10 pages of blank lines), or that can be considered illegal or highly inappropriate (such as pornography links or anything like that). Apart from that, anything goes. Please note that there is no change in our policy as to what we will answer in this. We will still not answer off-topic posts. If you want to get in touch with the staff, use e-mail. This trial will run from the posting of this article for two weeks, and will close on Nov 7th. The third option, which we would like to avoid but will have to fall back to unless the situation is resolved, is to turn off the commenting on our news articles. News would continue to be posted, but the user commenting would be disabled. Discussions would be referred to the mailinglists where appropriate. While we think that this would remove value from our site, there is a limit to how much we can provide as a free service, and we have been pushing close to that limit. Once the current trial is over, on Nov 7th, a survey will be posted, in which we will ask you, our visitors, which way you think we should handle the situation. The survey will be open for one week. This survey will be purely suggestional - we will make the decision based on the result of that survey and based on what we think at that time ourselves. The survey is not decision-binding. However, we can guarantee that the result of the survey (as well as the result of the trial in whole) will have great influence on the decision. We have been accused (by certain parties, as far as we have noticed it is not a general concern, but we would still like to address it here) of not listening to the voice of our community. We feel that this has not been the case before, and certainly will not be in this case. But as usual, we ask you to send your constructive comments to our staff directly at (assuming it is about our news system). We do not constantly monitor our comment board for site suggestions. We do, however, keep all mail we receive to the appropriate mailing addresses, and we take into consideration every idea that is proposed to us. We regret that the situation has gone as far as it has. Any other suggestions on how to deal with it are very welcome - drop us a mail anytime.
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: Newsboard Anarchy Trial
(Web Page)
Wow, total anarchy. That will be extremely messed up. I can only imagine it. Flame wars left and right between TI users and HP users. Put downs everywhere, swearing. Blood, gore! (Oh wait this is just a comment system. Scratch that.) Well, if we get all of our posting rights taken away I will be extremely pissed off. I will hunt down the flamers and shove a TI-92 UP THERE @##!!!! (First comment)
25 October 1999, 14:40 GMT
Free Speech
Bryan Rabeler
(Web Page)
I think anarchy is the wrong word here. What about "free speech"? Its very evident its not going to be total anarchy here because anything "obxious" will be deleted, such as long comments of blank lines or links to porno. This situation is very similar to the "free speech" situation in the United States. Yes, we have "free speech" but with some (but few) reasonable limits, such as you can't yell "fire" in a crowded place.
I think this option is better labeled as "free speech" than "anarchy". And I hope this option works the best. If I can pitch in my opinion, I'd say its obviously the most fair of the three options.
As long as everyone doesn't abuse this, it should work. (Abuse being purely obxious postings.)
25 October 1999, 14:42 GMT
Re: Free Speech
Magnus Hagander
(Web Page)
Well, maybe anarchy is the wrong word. But I don't think that free-speach is the right one either. To continue your anology with the US, you cannot write anything you want in a newspaper. *Especially* not if you are not employed by that newspaper (e.g. in their 'letters from our reders' section or similar). They chose what to put up and what not to put up. I still see most people who appreciate that, and I don't hear anybody calling that communist.
You are always free to post your comments in your own paper etc, in the free-speach world, but that is just as you are free to post them on your own website. You are comparing the fairly absctract issue of free-speach in a country to free-speach on a site. We are not hunting down and silencing people in the community. Never have, never will. Not allowing people to post what they want on our webpages is more like ripping down advertisements that somebody put up on your door at home. Now, who do you complain to there? The one who rips it down (who owns the door) or the one who put it there without permission?
So much for the labeling. For the rest, I really agree with you on that it would be great if this worked out. And as long as people don't abuse it, it should. However, previous situations have shown it to be abused. But we are definitly willing to leave all that behind us and look at this situation as a completely new one. Let's hope it works out.
25 October 1999, 16:01 GMT

Re: Re: Free Speech
Bryan Rabeler
(Web Page)
You should run a spell-check on your comment. :)
You can, in fact, print anything you want in a newspaper (there are a few rules such as making death threats against the President, but nothing at all unreasonable...) However you just have to be careful you don't get sued. The main thing is that the government does not tell you what you can and can not print. Doing that WOULD be communist.
I think the issue here is that the staff thinks of these comment boards as their own personal property. Sure, I can see that in a sense, since they physically reside on the server. And I have no real argument against that. I can understanding deleting comments that are totally obxious such as porno links or comments with 1000 blank lines. But beyond that, don't think should censor the boards like they were doing, by deleting every single comment they didn't personally like.
I think Chris stated it best on Nov 4, 1998:
"Let me remind people that we're not in the business of censorship."
"The last thing we want is a "cover-up." As this guy said, there's no reason to take out intelligent and purely speculative posts. Even if they're true."
Again let me repeat, I understand how you feel about these comment boards being personal property. But the fact that you open them up for public posting of comments means they are not totally personal. I would like to see more free speech and less of this strong-moderation.
Frankly, I really don't think the users have abused the comment boards as much as you think. Have people really posted very obxious comments that destroy the layout of the page? Its happened a few times, but not really that often. I think as a whole, we've done fairly well.. but there is, of course, still more work that could be done.
25 October 1999, 18:23 GMT
Re: Free Speech
Shaun McCormick
(Web Page)
Let me clear up free speech, and this whole issue:
Free speech is being able to voice one's opinions, but also having the responisibility for your actions. If you say something offensive, you are responsible for what you say, and can be punished for it. Free speech means having the option to say what you want. It does, however, say that you are responsible and know that whatever you say can have repercussions. For example, if I was to slander the president in such a way that it not only hurt his position, but also was fake, I could be sued (actually, with the president I could be arrested, but this is an example. Be less literal :P). Anyways, people who abuse the right of free speech can lose their right. It's a falsity that people believe. Just because something is your right does not mean it cannot be taken away from you. It's called prison. Anyways, since you wont be going to prison for any of this, lets get back on track. This message board (news/comment system, whatever) is not a podium for free speech. For those of you would-be screaming atrocities if ticalc should decide to close this message board, remember this. This board was ticalc's, and always ticalc's. It was never the people's or anything of the such. The moderators of this board are actually doing you all a favor and giving you mercy on your actions. I am sorry for those of you not responsible to the flames and etc. going on in this board. But it is as if this were a classroom in a school. If half the class is talking and the teacher comes in and makes them miss recess for talking, the other half is punished also for nothing. This is not fair, but when has life ever been fair? Those students must simply live with their anger. Sorry, but that's the way it is. If people flame this board, the board will be closed, whether or not there are people using it for good purposes. It happened at Ti-Files with our message board, why could it not happen here? Sorry guys, but get your own message board before you start slandering ticalc for being 'unfair.' It's you all who are being unfair to yourselves. Good move, ticalc. Maybe if you give them this last chance, maybe they'll listen. Then again, more than likely they wont. But just remember, it's their loss, not yours.
26 October 1999, 00:13 GMT
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