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Last updated Wednesday, 13 March 2019
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Most popular file  Nspire Ebook Reader with 6,759 downloads.

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asiconnectlistener.zip2k16-02-22File is not ratedASI Connection Listener
Nspire Lua ASI connection listener for USB development cards. Requires Nspire OS version 4.2 and later.
calendar.zip2k14-06-29File is not ratedCalendar
A simple calendar program. By pressing left and right, the month is changed. By pressing up and down, the year is changed.
examples.zip2k11-11-17File is not ratedGraphical Examples
This file includes graphical Lua examples that demonstrate the power of the platform.
flashlight.zip13k12-05-06File is not ratedFlashlight
It's a flashlight for your Nspire CX (there's not really a backlight on the clickpad/touchpad). Not only does it include 10 different colors, but also a strobe function!
jse.zip225k17-02-18File is not ratedJens' Script Editor
Jens' Script Editor (JSE) is an on-calc lua editor. It allows you to write and run lua scripts on your Nspire. Special features: Autocompletion, Monospaced Characters, Syntax Highlighting, Console, Undo/Redo, Save/Load Scripts, UTF-8 Unicode Support, Nspire API & Lua Manuals and many customization options
logomagic.zip69k11-11-17File is not ratedLogoMagic
LogoMagic is a Logo interpreter for the Ti-Nspire series. It is written in Lua, so only works on OS 3 and above. It supports the UCB Logo dialect, and understands quite some primitives. There is a built-in editor to create your scripts on-calc. So, in short: another language for the Ti-Nspire :p
luaguiexample.zip10k11-09-19File is not ratedLua GUI Example
small example i came up with while im learning to program. has windows and colors and text so far. could be used as a template for GUI programing. new version fixed huge problem with old version, problem was the old version didnt acltualy use classes right. definately fixed that
luaterm.zip23k13-11-23File is not ratedLuaTerm v2.0
LuaTerm is an interactive Lua console that allows you to play with Lua code directly from your calculator. It utilizes a custom monospace font and has support for cooperative multitasking (so you can run multiple snippets of code at the same time). This project also includes the source code and API documentation for the session/multitasking system so that you can use it in your own project. Should work on OS 3.1+ and color/b&w models.
nikkysimnspire.zip68k12-11-01File is not ratedThe Nikky Simulator, TI-Nspire version
This is a port from 'The Nikky simulator' for the TI-89. Original description: It's a random sentence/sayings generator that tries to mimic you-know-who. Though it mostly spits out patent nonsense, with some luck, perhaps you'll get a funny saying or two from time to time. Disclaimer: Sentences are randomly generated and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the author, Nikky Southerland, or the ticalc.org staff. That is all.
nspireebookreader2.zip1947k13-03-06File is not ratedNspire Ebook Reader
This is a simple script that will convert a plaintext file into a Lua program that can display the book on your calculator. *Updated to support API level 2.0
nspiresound.zip34k11-11-17File is not ratedNspire sound demostration
This file demonstrates the ability to output sound from your nspire using Lua. It only works on 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 because TI disabled printing to the serial port on newer OS versions.
nspiretest.zip43k19-03-13File is not ratedNspireTest
NspireTest shows a few useful stats about your Nspire and contains a nice color gradient to show off the display on your calc.
oclua.zip59k12-07-01File is not ratedoclua on-calc Lua editor
oclua is a simple copy/paste-based on-calc Lua editor.
powersof2.zip33k11-08-05File is not ratedPowers of Two
Test how high you know your powers of two with this program! Complete with the option of showing the previous power or not. Update: now usable with OS 3.0.2
timasterbox.tns.zip50k13-01-31File is not ratedTi-MasterBox
Toolkit for building graphical interfaces for the TI-Nspire. A collection of widgets, focus and system events to create applications for calculators, programmed in Lua. It is an early version and can contain many errors. For provisional documentation: https://code.google.com/p/timasterbox/

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