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Jens' Script Editor


Ranked as 11246 on our all-time top downloads list with 4424 downloads.
Ranked as 2116 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 7 downloads.

Filename jse.zip (Download)
Title Jens' Script Editor
Description Jens' Script Editor (JSE) is an on-calc lua editor. It allows you to write and run lua scripts on your Nspire. Special features: Autocompletion, Monospaced Characters, Syntax Highlighting, Console, Undo/Redo, Save/Load Scripts, UTF-8 Unicode Support, Nspire API & Lua Manuals and many customization options
Author Jens Kolbinger (jens.software@gmail.com)
Category TI-Nspire Lua Misc. Programs
File Size 231,058 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Feb 18 00:48:19 2017
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Tom Jason
Reviewed on 2015-01-05
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

I just recently got a TI-Nspire for Christmas, and was trying to figure out how to program. I found this amazing script editor and started working. I'm still not great at Lua, but this editor helps me know when I make a mistake. It has a good (although sometimes buggy) GUI interface.

You can save multiple scripts and return to them when needed, find & replace code, copy and paste, and much more. Very useful for the aspiring (or already an expert) Lua programmer.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
JSE 2.2.1 OS3.1.tns   74030
JSE 2.2.1.tns   74044
read me.txt   3200
controls clickpad.png   46487
controls touchpad.png   36509

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