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Last updated Tuesday, 26 December 2017
Total downloads 699,186
Most popular file  DoorsOS II v0.98 with 152,751 downloads.

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oldfolder TI-89 Assembly Shells (Out-of-date)
ash89beta4.zip168k02-02-20File is not ratedASH
ASH adds some much needed features to your calculator. They include auto complete, custom menu, and aliases to name a few. This is a beta version.
autostart.zip117k02-02-20File is not ratedAuto Start v1.1b
Provides the auto start feature of ash... without all of the extra features that may not be wanted.
brain.zip12k00-06-16File is not ratedBrain
Brain is an explorer which allow to make all used manipulations, he has 3 viewers (tet, pic, exp), APD, matrice of keyboard reimplimented, can execute asm files , BASIC FILES WITH ARGUMENTS, says the required libs, icons, diplay with types of files... well try it, it is the better thing to do (I am French and it is difficult to explain more)
doorsosd.zip429k00-07-13File is not ratedDoorsOS II v0.98 Developer Version
Developer's version of one of the oldest and most popular TI-89 assembly shells. Includes an assembler and some source code.
doorsos.zip143k00-07-13File rated 4.26DoorsOS II v0.98
One of the oldest and most popular TI-89 assembly shells.
einstein_4.0.zip624k07-12-15File is not ratedEinstein 4.0
Einstein 4.0 (2007 edition) is a file explorer which looks like Windows. It has some viewers (txt, pic), a compression utility, ...
einstein.zip527k02-11-20File is not ratedEinstein
Einstein is a graphical "Windows style" explorer in 4 grayscale, with viewers (txt, pic), compression utility, ...
ek.zip2k99-09-06File is not ratedEnhanced Kernel v1.0
An enhanced version of the Plusshell kernel.
excalibur.zip172k00-05-07File is not ratedExcalibur v3.0
This enhances asm capabilities with ams 2.03. My other version didn't include all files, sorry, that is fixed. Almost anything will work now.
explorer89.zip309k06-10-08File is not ratedNostub Explorer v1.20 by Flavien Racine
This program is a powerfull file browser / program launcher written in NOSTUB, which detects the calculator (89/92+), and launch all ASM programs (STUB/NOSTUB) and all compressed PPG and RUNC programs. Grayscale GUI, small size, very usefull ! Now v200 and TI-89 Titanium compatible
flash89.zip13k01-05-17File is not ratedFlash Shell Explorer v2.10
FlashShell Explorer is a very simple files explorer, running ASM programs.
fshell.zip49k01-02-03File is not ratedFlashShell Explorer v2.01
A little file explorer for TI-89 and TI-92+.
ginny.zip15k02-01-01File is not ratedGinny OS Beta 3
Ginny is a GUI shell resembling Windows. Features include 4 level gray scale, mouse like controls, desktop with up to 18 shortcuts, start menu, password protection and a graphical file explorer. If you think TIOS is borng and you want a better way to handle your files this is the shell for you!
hardos.zip37k03-04-09File is not ratedHard Os - English and french
Archive include the 2 languages. |He doesn't crash |Os manager written in C and asm |Nostub program |Very simple and quick to use |hexadecimal viewer |Password protection |Can zip files |17ko only
hw2-asm.zip216k00-03-02File is not ratedHW2 AMS 2.03 ASM v1.0
Enabels the ASM combatibility on HW2 Calcs with AMS 2.03
hw2patch.zip19k01-01-28File is not ratedHW2Patch v2.30
Enables the ASM combatibility on HW2 Calcs with AMS 2.05.
kernel.zip32k99-12-10File is not ratedKernel v0.6
A kernel for rom 2.0x and older
kerno31.zip103k04-08-22File rated 7.96KerNO v3.1
KerNO is 'DoorsOS for NOSTUB programs' KerNO provides: Anti-Crash protection (Address Error, Illegal Instruction, etc...), ESC-ON to break out of programs that are not responding, DIAMOND-ON to turn the calculator off even when it is 'busy', Removes the ASM program size limits, ASM programs can return values in expressions. The 2.x release series also speeds up the keyboard repeat rates. Supported Calculators: TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-92p, and V200.
lexos.zip32k00-03-02File is not ratedLexOS v1.0 Final
This is the last release of LexOS since it is now discontinued. This version includes the source code.
lin4ti.zip84k03-11-30File is not ratedLin4Ti v0.4!
The LINUX-like shell is back in v0.4!!! A new version, now available in english! v0.4 has been optimized, just download and try it...
microshl.zip472k05-04-03File is not ratedMicroShl 0.5
MicroShl is a file explorer (Shell) Its main caracteristics : * It installs itelf in RAM and is transparently integrated to the desktop * It is small (<8 kB) * It adapts itself to the default language of the calculator * It can archive, lock, delete, move, rename, send, ... files * It can take icons from the idicons file (see ID of ExtendeD for more details) * It uses icons of nostub programms if exists * kbdprgm1..9 & kbdfunc1..8 programs are launched by [<>] + [1]..[9] / [F1]..[F8] * [2nd] + [ESC] goes to the Home, not to the Desktop * only one executable for all languages and calculators
orageshell.zip101k04-05-08File is not ratedOrage Shell
English : OrageShell is a freeware for ti 68k calculator (ti89, 92+, v200). It's a file explorer. The basic feature is : grayscale, 10 differents icones, possibility to run a program written in ASM, to view a picture, to modify, delete, ... a folder or variables, to manage memory, ... This program has been written in language C. English version available ! Français : OrageShell est un gratuiciel pour calculatrices ti 68k (ti89, 92+, v200). C'est un exploreur de fichier. Le dispositif de base est : 4 niveaux de gris, 10 icônes différents, possibilité d'exécuter un programme écrit en ASM, de regarder des images, de mofifier, supprimer, ... un dossier ou une variable, de gérer sa mémoire, ... Ce programme a été écrit en langage C. Version français incluse ! version 0.54
pctools0.97bfullpatched.zip702k07-12-06File is not ratedPCTools 0.97B patched
Patched version (works on TI89 Titanium). PCTOOLS is designed to be a very powerful file manager for the TI-92+/V200/TI-89/TI-89 Titanium calculators of Texas Instrument (tm). It supports thousands of functions, like plugins, support of nested folder, support of link, multi-style views, etc...
pctools_0.97b_full_patche.zip702k07-12-15File is not ratedPCTools 0.97B patched
PCTOOLS is designed to be a very powerful file manager for the TI-92+/V200/TI-89/TI-89 Titanium calculators of Texas Instrument (tm). This ultimate version supports all Titanium models (HW3 & HW4). It supports thousands of functions, like plugins, support of nested folder, support of link, multi-style views, etc.
pct.zip271k05-07-17File is not ratedPCTools v0.97B
PCTOOLS is designed to be a very powerful file manager for the TI-92+/V200/TI-89/TI-89 Titanium calculators of Texas Instrument (tm).
It supports thousands of functions, like plugins, support of nested folder, support of link, multi-style views, etc...
pragos.zip14k00-03-15File is not ratedPRAGOS v1.00
an explorer
preosdev.zip1352k17-12-26File is not rated PreOS 1.0.9 - Developer version
The best kernel for the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium strikes again, 100% compatible with AMS versions up to 3.10 on HW1, HW2 and HW3, in a final non-beta version. This kernel also comes with standard libraries and features advanced crash protection. The libraries can be compressed and archived, but must be in the executable, current or system folders (It doesn't search anymore in all folders). You can also select the program to launch with SHIFT+ON when installing PreOS. It adds a 89 emulator for the Titanium. It is distributed under the GPL. It is very stable. It is the developper version, with complete source code and tools. It needs a POSIX system to build.
preos.zip118k17-12-26File rated 8.50PreOS 1.0.9
The best kernel for the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium strikes again, 100% compatible with AMS versions up to 3.10 on HW1, HW2 and HW3, in a final non-beta version. This kernel also comes with standard libraries and features advanced crash protection. The libraries can be compressed and archived, but must be in the executable, current or system folders (It doesn't search anymore in all folders). You can also select the program to launch with SHIFT+ON when installing PreOS. It adds a 89 emulator for the Titanium. It is distributed under the GPL. It is very stable. It is the user version (without source code and tools).
proshell.zip70k99-01-01File is not ratedProShell v1.1
Next version of ProShell with tools
prosit.zip129k99-12-23File is not ratedProsit v0.81.1
Prosit is my attempt to create a multitasking general-purpose operating system for the TI-92 Plus and the TI-89, two advanced graphing calculators from Texas Instruments. The idea is that the kernel itself will handle only the task-switching and the events. For example, the GUI system is a library that is used by the processes themselves without the knowledge of the kernel.
psbrowser.zip9k00-06-27File is not ratedPlusShell Browser v1.0 Beta
PlusShell Browser now runs with ROMs v2.0x !
redhat.zip431k04-04-15File rated 5.14RedHat Linux TI89
RedHat Linux TI89 is a shell for TI89, it mixes assembly and basic langagues and it has a lot of functionnalities. It is multiapplication, 4 applications can be loaded at the same time but only one active. You can program your own applications and convert it to the redhat langage by using lapps compiler. There is also the terminal, a calculator, a text reader and a picture editor (GIMP)
shl.zip77k03-05-26File rated 8.66sh`L v0.6
sh`L is an icon shell in 4 gray level, with basic shell function like APD, Archive, Copy, create folder etc... sh`L integrate a real time: RAM ROM Battery and Time indicator, all option is accesible by key , there is only one menu. sh`L support PPG decompression, TIBasic and ASM program launch, TXTRider nostub plugin (With HibText), and PIC viewer. sh`L v0.4 add the support of compression and decompression in ZIP and KOMP format, oncalc and in nostub (without using ziplib). This version is a lot faster than the older (v0.2) because it use Assembly optimised routine and TinyX Librairy. sh`L v0.5 correct a lot of bug of v0.4 (2kb of ram lose per launch :( and other minor bug) It add the new version of HibText now called HibView, witch is able to load compressed text file in zip format without any kernel. sh`L can now launch text file in ZIP format with HibView. the v0.5 add some new option, for example: auto file select by pressing the first letter of the filename and more speed compression/décompression. sh`L V0.6 include some bug correction.
teos.zip202k00-04-15File is not ratedTeos v1.02
Open source kernel for 89/92+
tex.zip101k00-06-03File is not ratedTex v0.4.0 Beta
A powerful shell for TI-89 and TI-92+ with included source code.
ti-dos.zip13k00-06-16File is not ratedTi-Dos v0.0.55
TI-Dos is a program written fully in C using tigcc-lib 2.0. It is nostub (therefore it should work on every AMS version) ,small and fast. The source code is documented.
tidos.zip9k00-08-28File is not ratedTI-dos v0.0.80
a new version of ti dos with lot of new stuff
tilinux.zip7k00-11-15File is not ratedTi-Linux
A linux-clone for the Ti-89. No shell is required to run it, and feedback is quite welcome!
tsnl.zip20k03-03-05File is not ratedTSNL v0.1a unix-like shell
Il sagit d'un shell en ligne de commande comme les shell Linux/Unix. Il y a quelques commandes d'implementer, d'autre devrons suivre, il est en perpetuel remodelage, donc ce n'est pas la derniere version. Celle ci comporte encore quelques bugs, mais il devrait être regle dans les prochaines versions
unios.zip28k01-05-03File is not ratedUniversal OS v1.30
veille.zip2k01-08-10File is not ratedveille
une veille pout ti89
xport.zip27k02-10-08File is not ratedXport
3D Grayscale File Explorer with a 'Windows' look and feel for the TI-89 Calculator, including icons, menus, control panel, etc... A lot still to do, but here is the next version for you to try...

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