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MicroShl 0.5


Ranked as 17792 on our all-time top downloads list with 3207 downloads.
Ranked as 12769 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename microshl.zip (Download)
Title MicroShl 0.5
Description MicroShl is a file explorer (Shell) Its main caracteristics : * It installs itelf in RAM and is transparently integrated to the desktop * It is small (<8 kB) * It adapts itself to the default language of the calculator * It can archive, lock, delete, move, rename, send, ... files * It can take icons from the idicons file (see ID of ExtendeD for more details) * It uses icons of nostub programms if exists * kbdprgm1..9 & kbdfunc1..8 programs are launched by [<>] + [1]..[9] / [F1]..[F8] * [2nd] + [ESC] goes to the Home, not to the Desktop * only one executable for all languages and calculators
Author Matthieu Gallet (matthieu_gallet@yahoo.fr)
Category TI-89 Assembly Shells
File Size 484,123 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Apr 3 14:57:24 2005
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
microShl/.DS_Store   21508
microShl/actions.h   783
microShl/affichage.h   11985
microShl/data.h   6941
microShl/event_id.h   476
microShl/FlashVSNostubVSKernel.txt   14873
microShl/id_icons.h   1739
microShl/Include/ConfLib.h   5031
microShl/jumptable 1.05.txt   19685
microShl/Keyboard.txt   2234
microShl/lisez-moi.txt   5702
microShl/LowLevel.txt   31823
microShl/MicroShl.89z   8771
microShl/MicroShl.9xz   8771
microShl/MicroShl.asm   4431
microShl/microshl.gif   355552
microShl/MicroShl.tpr   2985
microShl/MicroShl.v2z   8771
microShl/microshl_tsr.h   10620
microShl/NostubFormat.txt   16961
microShl/notes.txt   3001
microShl/piles.asm   501
microShl/piles.gst   2330
microShl/popup.h   279
microShl/ProgFormat.txt   11779
microShl/ProgFormatV4.txt   11851
microShl/ProgFormatV6.txt   16214
microShl/RamCalls.txt   19323
microShl/read-me.txt   3709
microShl/reload.h   1170
microShl/SDK.txt   10839
microShl/subfunc.h   2531
microShl/tios.h   41336
microShl/Traps.txt   6577
microShl/UshLib/compression.h   924
microShl/UshLib/data.h   748
microShl/UshLib/dialogs.h   2422
microShl/UshLib/exec_flash.h   2542
microShl/UshLib/microshl.h   8045
microShl/UshLib/microshl@0000.h   15504
microShl/UshLib/microshl@0001.h   8490
microShl/UshLib/microshl@0002.h   1862
microShl/UshLib/microshl@0003.h   1829
microShl/UshLib/microshl@0004.h   204
microShl/UshLib/subfunc.h   3715
microShl/UshLib/ushlib.h   369
microShl/UshLib/ziplib.h   6557
microShl/utsr_events.h   901
microShl/utsr_func.h   1109
microShl/utsr_package/conflib.89z   2377
microShl/utsr_package/conflib.9xz   2377
microShl/utsr_package/conflib.v2z   2377
microShl/utsr_package/lesser.txt   26430
microShl/utsr_package/lisez-moi_conflib.txt   5030
microShl/utsr_package/readme_conflib.txt   4619
microShl/utsr_package/readme_ttools.txt   1063
microShl/utsr_package/TTools.89z   1711
microShl/utsr_package/TTools.9xz   1711
microShl/utsr_package/TTools.v2z   1711
microShl/utsr_package/utsrlib.89z   2965
microShl/utsr_package/utsrlib.9xz   2965
microShl/utsr_package/utsrlib.v2z   2965
microShl/utsr_package/utsrlib_english.txt   1190
microShl/utsr_package/utsrlib_francais.txt   3153
microShl/Vectors.txt   2648

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