PreOS 1.0.9
Ranked as 91 on our all-time top downloads list with 75925 downloads. Ranked as 1667 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 20 downloads. Ranked as 144 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.50.
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PreOS 1.0.9
The best kernel for the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200 and TI-89 Titanium strikes again, 100% compatible with AMS versions up to 3.10 on HW1, HW2 and HW3, in a final non-beta version. This kernel also comes with standard libraries and features advanced crash protection. The libraries can be compressed and archived, but must be in the executable, current or system folders (It doesn't search anymore in all folders). You can also select the program to launch with SHIFT+ON when installing PreOS. It adds a 89 emulator for the Titanium. It is distributed under the GPL. It is very stable. It is the user version (without source code and tools).
PpHd (
TI-89 Assembly Shells
File Size
121,435 bytes
File Date and Time
Tue Dec 26 17:42:08 2017
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
nick h
Reviewed on
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!
PreOS is the best shell for TI-89 I could find. It saves my titanium from crashing often when Im testing new games. First of all- it has 2 browsers, PreOS browser and File browser. The PreOS browser loads asm games and tells if they are kernel or nostub. This is easy to use and faster than typing it in manually. Second is the File browser, which lets you delete, archive, unarchive, copy, and do many other things with files.
Anticrash protection, easy file browsers, and the way it lets you use 89 programs with the 89 titanium are the best reasons to download this. Also, the libraries are up to date and work with most programs.
Ease of use: 10- simple to install and use Usefulness: 10- has everything ti-89 and titanium users need. TOTAL: 10- A very recommended download. |
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