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Nostub Explorer v1.20 by Flavien Racine


Ranked as 1794 on our all-time top downloads list with 11970 downloads.
Ranked as 4246 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename explorer89.zip (Download)
Title Nostub Explorer v1.20 by Flavien Racine
Description This program is a powerfull file browser / program launcher written in NOSTUB, which detects the calculator (89/92+), and launch all ASM programs (STUB/NOSTUB) and all compressed PPG and RUNC programs. Grayscale GUI, small size, very usefull ! Now v200 and TI-89 Titanium compatible
Author Flavien Racine (f.racine@tiscali.fr)
Category TI-89 Assembly Shells
File Size 316,872 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Oct 8 01:55:08 2006
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Not Saying
Reviewed on 2008-01-31
This program was highly useful to me because some programs that I have run once, and exit. This gave me an easy way without using up the home screen to run them as much as I wanted to. This was also very useful in other ways, such as making it very easy to run just about anything that I wanted to, quick and easy! The only problems that I see with this program are:

A.) Unable to run basic programs, and it crashed when I tried to run a ppg file with ttstart

B.) It has itself as one of the files that you can run, but when you attempt to do so, it crashes your calc.

I would give this program an overall score of 8/10 because, even with those two errors, it is extremely useful if you avoid those two things, which is easy to do anyways.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Compressed/Explorer.89y   4531
Compressed/Explorer.89z   1095
Compressed/Explorer.9xy   4531
Compressed/Explorer.9xz   1095
Compressed/Explorer.v2y   4531
Compressed/Explorer.v2z   1095
Distrib/RunC/Bin/MACRO.C   659
Distrib/RunC/Bin/Macro.h   499
Distrib/RunC/Bin/MAKEFILE   420
Distrib/RunC/Bin/PCTRUNC.ASM   3811
Distrib/RunC/Bin/RUNC.ASM   8669
Distrib/RunC/Bin/Runc.c   2491
Distrib/RunC/Bin/Runc.exe   71680
Distrib/RunC/Bin/SHRINK92.EXE   64512
Distrib/RunC/Bin/String92.c   4202
Distrib/RunC/Bin/STRING92.H   1579
Distrib/RunC/Lib/Pk92lib.89z   581
Distrib/RunC/Lib/Pk92lib.9xz   581
Distrib/RunC/Lib/ShrnkLib.89z   637
Distrib/RunC/Lib/ShrnkLib.9xz   637
Distrib/RunC/New/RUNC-NEW.89Z   1131
Distrib/RunC/New/RUNC-NEW.9XZ   1131
Distrib/RunC/Runc.txt   5823
Distrib/RunC/RUNCCOMP.89Z   1173
Distrib/RunC/RUNCCOMP.9XZ   1173
Distrib/ttstart200/build.bat   254
Distrib/ttstart200/common.h   3305
Distrib/ttstart200/LGPL.txt   26948
Distrib/ttstart200/lzma/compile.bat   78
Distrib/ttstart200/lzma/CPL.html   15193
Distrib/ttstart200/lzma/history.txt   3022
Distrib/ttstart200/lzma/LGPL.txt   26948
Distrib/ttstart200/lzma/lzma.exe   134144
Distrib/ttstart200/lzma/lzma.tpr   1247
Distrib/ttstart200/lzma/lzma.txt   17272
Distrib/ttstart200/lzma/LzmaDecode.c   10144
Distrib/ttstart200/lzma/LzmaDecode.h   1408
Distrib/ttstart200/lzma/LzmaDecode.s   8300
Distrib/ttstart200/tts-lzma.h   10828
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart.s   17544
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart.txt   3677
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm.89z   957
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm.9xz   957
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm.tpr   1318
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm.v2z   957
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg.89z   1587
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg.9xz   1587
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg.tpr   1338
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg.v2z   1587
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg_lzma.89z   2905
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg_lzma.9xz   2905
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg_lzma.tpr   1354
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg_lzma.v2z   2905
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg_small.89z   1243
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg_small.9xz   1243
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg_small.tpr   1344
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_asm_ppg_small.v2z   1243
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_ppg.89z   1527
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_ppg.9xz   1527
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_ppg.tpr   1316
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_ppg.v2z   1527
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_ppg_small.89z   1183
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_ppg_small.9xz   1183
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_ppg_small.tpr   1322
Distrib/ttstart200/ttstart_ppg_small.v2z   1183
Distrib/ttstart200/tts-ttuf.h   4837
Distrib/ttstart200/tts-ttup.h   2540
Distrib/ttstart200/ttunpack/buildone.bat   32
Distrib/ttstart200/ttunpack/hexarray.c   1005
Distrib/ttstart200/ttunpack/hexarray.s   1737
Distrib/ttstart200/ttunpack/hexarray_fast.c   2287
Distrib/ttstart200/ttunpack/hexarray_fast.s   4437
Distrib/ttstart200/ttunpack/ttunpack.h   5079
Distrib/ttstart200/ttunpack/ttunpack_fast.h   6337
Distrib/ttstart200/ttunpack/unpack.asm   16147
Distrib/ttstart200/ttunpack/unpack_fast.asm   18520
Sources/barre_haut.h   178
Sources/barre_haut_droite.h   298
Sources/barre_haut_gauche.h   314
Sources/BitMaps/barre_haut.bmp   390
Sources/BitMaps/barre_haut_droite.bmp   726
Sources/BitMaps/barre_haut_gauche.bmp   726
Sources/BitMaps/barre_haut_titre.bmp   6774
Sources/BitMaps/icones.bmp   6198
Sources/BitMaps/TITRE.BMP   2742
Sources/Chaines.h   1733
Sources/Donnees.h   1318
Sources/Equates.h   2520
Sources/Exec.h   3443
Sources/Explorer.asm   4254
Sources/Explorer.tpr   1592
Sources/Graphics.h   15554
Sources/Graylib.h   4394
Sources/icones.bin   512
Sources/Macros.h   1199
Sources/Main.h   5678
Sources/Routines.h   8167
Sources/TITRE.H   975
Sources/Vat.h   3998
UnCompressed/Explorer.89z   7771
UnCompressed/Explorer.9xz   7771
UnCompressed/Explorer.v2z   7771
LisezMoi.txt   4312
ReadMe.txt   2893

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