sh`L v0.6
Ranked as 1581 on our all-time top downloads list with 12879 downloads. Ranked as 1554 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 16 downloads. Ranked as 75 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.66.
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sh`L v0.6
sh`L is an icon shell in 4 gray level, with basic shell function like APD, Archive, Copy, create folder etc... sh`L integrate a real time: RAM ROM Battery and Time indicator, all option is accesible by key , there is only one menu. sh`L support PPG decompression, TIBasic and ASM program launch, TXTRider nostub plugin (With HibText), and PIC viewer. sh`L v0.4 add the support of compression and decompression in ZIP and KOMP format, oncalc and in nostub (without using ziplib). This version is a lot faster than the older (v0.2) because it use Assembly optimised routine and TinyX Librairy. sh`L v0.5 correct a lot of bug of v0.4 (2kb of ram lose per launch :( and other minor bug) It add the new version of HibText now called HibView, witch is able to load compressed text file in zip format without any kernel. sh`L can now launch text file in ZIP format with HibView. the v0.5 add some new option, for example: auto file select by pressing the first letter of the filename and more speed compression/décompression. sh`L V0.6 include some bug correction.
none ()
TI-89 Assembly Shells
File Size
79,675 bytes
File Date and Time
Mon May 26 14:33:10 2003
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Review by
Steven Ford
Reviewed on
The sh`L explorer is truly a work of art. I love that you can preview pictures. The icons are great, but there are two things that I think should be changed.
- It is quite annoying that every time I come out of a program or viewing a picture the cursor resets itself
- I would like to see an English version
Other than that, this is an excellent program, definitely idiot proof. Although I can't read the words, I can still use the program very easily. Keep up the good work.
Graphics: 10/10 Overall: 8 /10 |
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Archive Contents
sh`L/shL.txt | 6742 |
sh`L/89/shL.89z | 32677 |
sh`L/89/Packed/shL.89z | 1793 |
sh`L/89/Packed/shL.89y | 18441 |
sh`L/ID/shl.bmp | 150 |
sh`L/92+ V200/shL.9xz | 33249 |
sh`L/92+ V200/Packed/shL.9xy | 18636 |
sh`L/92+ V200/Packed/shL.9xz | 1793 |