| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 Assembly Files |
| kernel | folder | | TI-89 Assembly Math Programs (Kernel) |
 | abacus.zip | 13k | 02-02-16 |  | Abacus(Soroban) Computing Addition and Substruction on an Abacus. This is not written in ASM, it's C on TIGCC. |
 | apcn.zip | 46k | 05-11-19 |  | AP Calc Exam Notes AP Calc Exam Notes is designed as a study tool for the Advanced Placement Calculus AB and BC exams. With a user-friendly interface, it provides easy access to any of the important formulas and theorems needed in calculus. |
 | apstatshelp.zip | 13k | 04-06-29 |  | AP Statistics Review Scroll through 22 pages of AP Statistics formulas/information, covering most of the course curriculum. Very good review if you are going to take the AP Stats Exam. This nostub program should work on all 68k calcs, including the TI-89 Titanium. |
 | baseconv.zip | 9k | 04-07-06 |  | Base Converter 1.2 "Base Converter" is a tool to convert any number (between 0 and 32767) from any base to any other base (between 2 and 36). |
 | basexto10.zip | 8k | 05-12-21 |  | baseXto10 This amazing assembly program converts a number in any base between 2 to 16 to its corresponding value in base 10. And that's not it!, it also converts fractional/ floating point numbers in any base to base 10. The zip file contains the base conversion program for TI-89, TI-92, and Voyager200. |
 | bezmeth.zip | 10k | 05-06-01 |  | BezMeth 1.1 BezMeth uses Euclid's algorithm to find a solution (u,v) to the equation ux+vy=pgcd(x,y). This program shows all steps of the operations. |
 | brainz.zip | 18k | 10-07-15 |  | Brainz Brainz is a new math suite designed to meet the needs of the average high school student. It comes with the following components: Quadratic Utility, Logarithms (any integer base), Sequences and Series, Geometric Mean, i^x, Sectors and Arcs, Conics, Area and Volume of any 2D or 3D figure (Surface area and Perimeter is included), Distance and Midpoint, Polygon Functions, Prime Numbers (based off of the alpha version of Prime Quester), Factoring Numbers (based off of Factors v1.4), Timer, Various Triangle Utilities, Fibonacci Sequence Generator, Apothem Finder, Pythagorean Triples, Triangle Number Generator, 3D Distance, Test for Co-Linear points, Distance Between Parallel Lines, Probability Engine, DMS, Exponential Growth and Decay, and much, much more! A full documentation and source code is listed here: http://thebrainzproject.webs.com/ |
 | calcpi.zip | 12k | 07-03-31 |  | Calculate Digits of Pi A small C program that calculates the value of Pi to the precision that you specify (up to 4676 digits). Tested on the TI-89 and TI-89 Titanium. |
 | chgbase.zip | 12k | 00-11-07 |  | Base Converter v2.0 Very powerful base converter. Convert a number of any base to a number of the chosen base ,bases bounded by 2 and 36. (English and French). Garbage characters bug fixed, new feature : signed conversion. |
 | chinabox.zip | 6k | 11-07-03 |  | Multiplication by the Chinese Box Method This program multiplies two numbers enclosed in strings of virtually any magnitude, although the numbers must be the same length (as in number of digits). |
 | clnprime.zip | 6k | 05-08-19 |  | CleanPrime 1.0 This is my first program, so I tried a simple prime number calculator, and set it up to show the primes as clean and organized as possible. It is also a nice 800 bytes on-calc for constrained spaces. The file includes well commented TIGCC source, so anyone can learn from this program. |
 | coefcorr.zip | 7k | 01-08-06 |  | coefcorr v2.00 coefcorr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer le coefficient de corrélation de deux listes. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | coinflip.zip | 7k | 09-11-14 |  | Coin Flipper This is a simple coin flipping program for 68k calculators. It can flip about a million coins a minute, and can flip upwards of 2 million coins! Source code included! |
 | cumcroiv.zip | 6k | 01-08-06 |  | cumcroi v2.00 cumcroi est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer les cumulés croissants d'une liste. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | cumdecr.zip | 6k | 01-08-06 |  | cumdecr v2.00 cumdecr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer les cumulés décroissants d'une liste. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | datareg.zip | 10k | 00-12-10 |  | Data Regressions Program will find the correlations of linear, exponential, and variation functions. Datareg gives options like finding the equation of the best-fit function, graphing the best-fit function, and finding all of the functions. |
 | dec2xx.zip | 2k | 03-11-30 |  | dec2xx function that converts from decimal to any base |
 | dice71.zip | 8k | 10-11-04 |  | dice71 My overpowered PRNG for the TI-89. 3000 rolls? Sure... if you have the memory. Call with no arguments for syntax. |
 | dist3d.zip | 6k | 01-06-15 |  | Dist3D This program calculates the distance between 2 points in 3 dimensional space. Can also be used to calculate didtance between 2 points in 2D space. |
 | divalgor.zip | 7k | 01-06-22 |  | The Division Algorithm v3.0 This function uses the Division Algorithm to calculate the integer quotient and integer remainder of a dividend. |
 | dx_y.zip | 7k | 01-08-06 |  | dx_y v2.00 dx_y est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer la droite de régression dx(y). L'équation de la droite est donnée dans le repère yox puis dans xoy. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | dy_x.zip | 7k | 01-08-06 |  | dy_x v2.00 dy_x est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer la droite de régression dy(x). L'équation de la droite est donnée dans le repère xoy. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | easyminirsa.zip | 8k | 06-05-18 |  | Easy mini-RSA 1.3 This program can crypt, decrypt and find a secret key for a mini-RSA that has an integer modulo obtained as product of two prime numbers. |
 | ecartype.zip | 7k | 01-08-06 |  | ecartype v2.00 ecartype est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer l'ecart-type d'une liste de variables et d'une liste d'effectifs. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | ecartypp.zip | 5k | 03-12-08 |  | ecartypp Calcul de l'écart-type sur une population Returns the standard deviation based on a population |
 | egyptascending.zip | 7k | 12-07-09 |  | Egyptian Fractions (By Ascending Denominators) Use this function to find the unit fractions that sum to the given fraction by order of increasing denominators (as a result of this, the code is slightly less optimized). |
 | egypt_descending.zip | 7k | 12-07-09 |  | Egyptian Fractions (By Descending Denominators) A slightly optimized version of an Egyptian Fraction generator. As a result of code optimization, fractions are returned in the order of descending denominators). |
 | eql.zip | 12k | 02-02-10 |  | eql.zip Stores equations from and to the equation solver for quick easy access. |
 | equation.zip | 10k | 12-07-08 |  | N-Diophantine Equation Solver Alpha An alpha version of a brute force solver for n-level Diophantine equations. |
 | erlangb.zip | 37k | 02-10-15 |  | Erlangb Calculator This program returns the number of servers required given the traffic in erlangs and the blocking probability |
 | est1er.zip | 2k | 02-02-16 |  | est1er v1.00 Est1er est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de déterminer si un nombre est premier ou non. C'est l'équivalent de IsPrime ( ). |
 | factor2.zip | 3k | 00-06-16 |  | Factors A small, fast program that finds the factors of a number and returns them in a sorted list. Pretty useful. |
 | factors2.zip | 3k | 00-06-15 |  | Factors Factors finds all the factors of numbers and does it very quickly. A convenient little program. |
 | factors.zip | 14k | 10-04-30 |  | Factors! "Factors!" is a unique factorization program which easily tops the rest. It uses less than 5KB of memory, it can factorize numbers over a million in less than 3 seconds, and it displays the time taken as well as the number of factors of the number, the sum of the factors of the number, and whether or whether not the number you requested to be factored is prime. If you use your calculator frequently for math, Factors! is a fast, yet powerful solution. New in v1.4: A new interface has been created. Also, Sum of Factors and Prime Detection features have been added. Warning: Timer may be slightly off, so if you want to check the time it takes to compute factors in "Factors!" use a stopwatch instead of the built-in utility. |
 | fastexp.zip | 7k | 04-12-03 |  | FastExp FastExp will help you to rapidly calculate the expression (a^e mod n) , with a great value for 'e' (0-32767). This program uses the algorithm of fast exponentiation. |
 | fastlist.zip | 7k | 04-05-08 |  | Fast list/matrix element indexing This lets the user read elements out of large arrays many times faster than the OS can. |
 | fconvert.zip | 3k | 04-08-22 |  | FConvert V1.0 Konvertiert Dateien der Formeln-Bibliothek kleiner V3.0 in Dateien der Formeln-Bibliothek grösser/gleich V3.0 oder umgekehrt. |
 | formelnbibliothek.zip | 85k | 06-03-14 |  | Formeln-Bibliothek V3.23 (e/d - TI89, TI92, V200) Save, manage, sort, compare, display and search formulas. With divers extra informations like name, description, ... (includes the languagefile for translation). Please read the Readme.txt (more informations: www.mytinyarchive.ch.vu) |
 | freqcroi.zip | 6k | 01-08-06 |  | freqcroi v2.00 freqcroi est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer les fréquences cumulées croissantes d'une liste de variables. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | freqdecr.zip | 6k | 01-08-06 |  | freqdecr v2.00 freqdecr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer les fréquences cumulées décroissantes d'une liste de variables. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres |
 | f_save.zip | 4k | 05-09-17 |  | Formeln-Bibliothek Elektronik My formula library with lots of formulas I used during my electronic engineer apprenticeship. |
 | fsplit.zip | 11k | 06-03-11 |  | FSplit V1.1 Enter a formula, choose how to solve, enter the values... Do not use FSplit with the Formula library! Read Readme.txt |
 | getnames.zip | 5k | 03-03-08 |  | Get Names This is a small program that will search the input for all variable names it contains. |
 | graphit.zip | 5k | 00-06-26 |  | GraphIt v0.1 A greyscale graphing package |
 | hailbeta1.zip | 38k | 04-05-20 |  | Hail Expression Writer This program gives the user a graphical user interface for writing equations in 2D. |
 | hygcdf.zip | 4k | 01-01-18 |  | Hypergeometric Distribution Cumulative Desnity Function This program calculates the Hypergeometric Distribution cumulative desnity function (c.d.f.). |
 | hygpdf.zip | 3k | 01-01-14 |  | Hypergeometric distribution p.d.f. This program calculates the Hypergeometric Distribution probability desnity function (p.d.f.). My first upload omitted the usage instructions in the README file. This version includes usage instructions. |
 | impdiv.zip | 4k | 12-07-08 |  | Implicit Differentiation Alpha Alpha-level function to solve implicit differentiations of the nth-degree. |
 | implicit_dydx.zip | 3k | 03-10-13 |  | Implicit Differentiation This will implicity differentiate and solve for dy/dx. Works on AMS 1.01+ |
 | implicit.zip | 6k | 03-06-30 |  | Implicit Differentiation Finds the implicit derivitive of y in terms of x. |
 | int2str.zip | 9k | 04-07-24 |  | Fast Integer to String Conversion This will convert integers to displayable stings many times faster than the OS can. There are 3 versions each with a different conversion method. |
 | interpolation89.zip | 8k | 03-04-01 |  | Interpolation v1.0 Interpolation is a program to predict an unknown value(position, shape, population, etc.) if you know any two particular values and assume that the rate of change is constant. |
 | isolve.zip | 23k | 07-01-07 |  | Inequality Solver v4.2.1 While the solve function on the TI-89, TI-89 Titanium, TI-92+, and Voyage 200 can only solve relatively simple inequality equations and partially simplify more complex ones, this function can solve most single-variable inequality expressions, including polynomials and multiple equations. Answers can be returned in either symbolic or approximate form and will be output in a way similar to the answers returned by the solve function. -- Version 4.2.1 fixes a bug where incorrect answers were returned if a constraint expression was used with a periodic function that had a period less than 1. Now, all values in the constraint expression are treated as critical points and are used in the range evaluations to improve accuracy. |
 | konv.zip | 11k | 02-08-02 |  | KONV KONV is a helpful utility that displays 16 bit integer numbers in the bases: binary, decimal and hexadecimal. It also displays an integer interpreted as twos compliment signed integer and as twos compliment signed fractions. The source code is now included and i have added a background image using RLE compression. |
 | lbram_prog.zip | 8k | 05-03-07 |  | L.B.Ram LBRAM is another Riemann Sums program (left, right, mid, trapezoid, Simpson) which calculates summations for high degree functions with hundreds of divisions in less time than other readily available programs for the TI-89/92. The engine, named lbramcal(), does all the number crunching, while lbram() (for TIOS 2.05) and lbramb() (TIOS 2.09) provide a gui and a certain level of encapsulation. lbramcal() was written in C, while the frontends were written in TI-Basic. Be sure to read the readme file on the archive, as well as the readme in the program itself. |
 | lbram.zip | 8k | 05-03-07 |  | Lbram Update This is a Riemann Sums program (left, right, mid, trapezoid, Simpson) which calculates summations for high degree functions with hundreds of divisions in less time than other readily available programs for the TI-89/92. This is an update for the LBram program. The original version only found the correct answer on the interval [0,n]. |
 | lesx.zip | 25k | 02-03-28 |  | Linear Equation Solver Extreme v1.0 Solves systems of linear equations, up to three-equations/three-unknowns. LESX also solves systems graphically, including 3D graphing. LESX is an integrated teaching aide designed to assist students in understanding key concepts in Algebra. LESX also solves systems with comprehendable step-by-step directions for solving systems algebraically. (Nostub program) |
 | lll.zip | 9k | 04-07-24 |  | LLL lattice reduction Given a basis for a lattice in Z^n, this algorithm will find a basis for the lattice, such that all the basis vectors are "relatively short". |
 | logbase.zip | 8k | 11-06-19 |  | logBASE Take the logarithm of any number in any base. Be sure to set the mode(s) to radian and rectangular/rectangular for full potency. |
 | mandel89.zip | 1k | 99-12-25 |  | Mandel 89 v1.0 7-grayscale 32bit Mandelbrot fractal with zooming capability. |
 | mandelbrot.zip | 14k | 03-11-21 |  | Mandelbrot set This program generates the mandelbrot set. You can choose xMin, xMax, yMax and the number of iterations. You can exit the program with ESC. Example: mandelbr(-2.0, 1.5, 1.1, 20) |
 | mantisse89.zip | 12k | 01-06-01 |  | Mantisse v2.00 Float to IEEE 754 (floating point standard) / convertion d'un nombre flottant en norme IEEE 754 simple précision (sur 32 bits). |
 | mantisse.zip | 10k | 01-02-14 |  | Mantisse v1.01 Float to IEEE 754 (floating point standard) / convertion d'un nombre flottant en norme IEEE 754 simple précision (sur 32 bits). |
 | mathh.zip | 45k | 03-08-03 |  | Mathh version 5.00 This is a math program that provides various formulas for different problems, including variations, the quadratic formula (even shows it set up), pythagorean theorem solver (yes, another one of those), Line formulas (slope, midpoint, distance), log formulas, and series/sequences formulas (arithmetic and geometric). This program is binary-compatible between all 68k calcs (89, 92+, and V200). So, you can send the 89 version to a 92+, for example, and it will still behave correctly. |
 | maths.zip | 6k | 00-11-09 |  | MathSuite v1.0 This is a simple set of math tools which includes programs for finding the distance between two points, the midpoint, the slope, and last but not least, a program for finding the degree number (e.g. 360, 540) from the inputted number of sides of a REGULAR polygon. This program is NOSTUB and should work with all AMSs (this program was thoroughly tested on AMS 2.05). |
 | mempi.zip | 19k | 04-03-28 |  | Memorize PI! First PI-training to be written not in BASIC! |
 | minterms.zip | 4k | 06-03-11 |  | Minterms Frontend for program called 'logic'. Generates minterm expressions which can then be simplified. |
 | modulus.zip | 7k | 12-07-08 |  | Remainder Checker Brute force program to check the remainder of several incremented numbers against user-chosen integers. |
 | moincarr.zip | 7k | 01-08-06 |  | moincarr v2.00 moincarr est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer l'équation de la droite d'un ajustement linéaire par la méthode des moindres carrés. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | moyenne.zip | 7k | 01-08-06 |  | moyenne v2.00 moyenne est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer la moyenne d'une liste de variables et d'une liste d'effectifs. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres. |
 | nder.zip | 3k | 03-06-30 |  | Numeric Derivitive Quickly calculates a numeric derivitive. |
 | new_inv.zip | 11k | 03-03-09 |  | Matrix Inversion This program will numerically invert matrixes. It does this much faster than the OS can. |
 | npremier_89.zip | 2k | 02-02-16 |  | nPremier v1.00 nPremier est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer n nombres premiers. |
 | pascal.zip | 5k | 11-06-19 |  | Pascal's Triangle This program returns the given row of Pascal's triangle as a list. This program sacrifices size for speed, so beware. Tip: it can also be used to find the coefficients of a binomial expansion. |
 | pi.zip | 2k | 03-03-08 |  | pi(x) function A very fast implementation of the pi(x) function (i.e. it returns the number of primes less than or equal to x), using wheel factorization |
 | polydiv.zip | 12k | 05-08-17 |  | Polydiv v0.1 Das ist ein Polynomteiler, einfach, schnell und schön. This is a polynom division utility: easy to use, smart and nice. Compiled for TI-89, TI-92 and V200 |
 | powmod.zip | 4k | 00-06-12 |  | Power Modulo N This program calculates A^B mod N, where A, B and N are integers given as program arguments, which may be up to 2040 bits long. Such calculation is the heart of any RSA cryptosystem. This program is written in C as an example of usage of the TIOS big number arithmetic support. |
 | prfinder.zip | 19k | 06-05-26 |  | PrimeFinder 68k A very light-weight program (1kb) that finds all prime numbers from 1 to the high millions. Features pausing and adjustable scrolling speed. Works on all 68k calculators. |
 | primes2.zip | 6k | 00-10-05 |  | Primes Very powerful prime numbers generator. Tells if a numbre is prime one and can also give lists of prime numbers. |
 | primes3.zip | 2k | 00-10-24 |  | Prime Number Generator This nifty little program takes an upper and lower limit from you and then quick as a wink spits out all the prime numbers in between. |
 | primes.zip | 6k | 00-10-07 |  | Primes v2.0 Very powerful prime numbers generator. Tells if a numbre is prime one and can also give lists of prime numbers. |
 | prime.zip | 2k | 01-06-27 |  | Prime number Generator A nostub,etc math program that will generate all possible prime numbers(when given the time). |
 | pythaghyp.zip | 1k | 11-06-13 |  | Pythagorean Legs Given the hypotenuse of a right triangle, this program finds every possible pair of integer legs that yields the given hypotenuse. Breaking via ON key is supported. |
 | pythghyp2.zip | 9k | 11-06-19 |  | Pythagorean Legs This program finds integer legs of right triangles with a given hypotenuse. See the README file for more information. |
 | qmc.zip | 31k | 06-04-15 |  | Boolean minimisation An implementation of Quine-McCluskey Boolean function minimisation method. The program takes minterms and dontcares lists and returns one or more lists of prime terms that form the minimum cover. Another function converts the output to a sum-of-products expression string. |
 | quad_equation.89z | 2k | 03-03-09 |  | Quadratic Root Finder This is a very simple program that finds the real roots of a quadratic equation. |
 | quad.zip | 2k | 02-03-31 |  | Quadratic Solver This Quadratic Solver is quite simply, a Quadratic Solver. It automatically determines if a result is a perfect square or a complex number. |
 | randomvariable.zip | 9k | 03-03-10 |  | Discrete Random Variable Calculates the mean, variance, and standard deviation of a discrete random variable with n inputs. |
 | resistorstool.zip | 5k | 04-02-16 |  | ResistrosTool Calculation with Resistors, it's the german versin, an english one is comening soon!!! |
 | resistors.zip | 10k | 02-03-16 |  | Resistors This program returns the value of a resistor, given the color of its bands. Each color is represented by a single character inside a string (see documentation for more details). |
 | revlist.zip | 6k | 01-08-06 |  | revlist v2.00 revlist est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet d'inverser une liste. ex : {a,b,c} => {c,b,a}. |
 | roman.zip | 7k | 05-03-29 |  | Roman Number Converter v1.3 This program converts Arabic numbers to Roman numerals and back. |
 | rpn89.zip | 18k | 03-02-04 |  | RPN89 v1.2 A Reverse Polish Notation calculator, with a compiler to convert TEXT files into RPN89 Programs. This updated version now has if..then..end, lbl, and goto statments for the compiler. It fixes a few bugs pertaining to calculations of very large and very small numbers. Also, it has more built in functions (ABS, ROUND, MOD ect.), and a way to change the exponential format. |
 | s2m.zip | 4k | 06-10-28 |  | S2M A utility for finding the generator of a polynomial sequence. Takes a variable number of parameters (the sequence), calculates the order of the polynomial generator, and produces an augmented matrix ready for Gaussian elimination to arrive at the final co-efficients. Usage scenario and description at top of source file (tigcc compilable). Compiled for ti89/89t, 92p and v200, verified working on 89t and 92p. |
 | simpson.zip | 29k | 01-01-29 |  | Simpson / Trapezoid Methods Numerical Integration with Simposon and Trapeziod methods |
 | spc89.zip | 18k | 05-02-11 |  | SPC89 1.0 This is a program on the subject of Statistical Process Control. Main features are : X chart, R chart, Cp and Cpk. |
 | stnormal.zip | 2k | 04-03-17 |  | Standard Normal Curve Finder This nifty little utility will find the area under the stanard normal curve for the two points you give it. I can ensure an accuracy of 10^-5, which should be more than enough for most statistics courses. It may be larger than keeping a copy of the integral on your calc, but this is much faster. |
 | thedbcnv.zip | 14k | 06-03-26 |  | ThedbCnv - fsave.lib to *.tfdb converter Converting programm to convert the file of the Formula-Library (Formelnbibliothek) to a file used with thdb - The handy education database. |
 | thedb.zip | 190k | 06-06-18 |  | thedb - The handy education database V1.3.3.4 89/92+/V200 Save and manage your formulas or short textlines. Many features like: *Manage multiple files *Edit and remove data *Copy data to the clipboard *Search *Show data as a 2D expression *Solve formulas easy NEW: Includes library files with approximately 180 formulas, rules etc. (in german) |
 | ticf.zip | 61k | 05-03-02 |  | TI-CF Cash Flow Diagram Solver TI-CF ver 1.0 is an application designed to solve single variable cash flow diagram (CFD) problems in a command line, function based manner. TI-CF was written in C and assembled for the TI-89, TI-92 Plus, and Voyage 200 calculators. Requires AMS >1.01. See ti-cf.gveto.com for more information and updates. |
 | tomixed.zip | 11k | 11-06-16 |  | To Mixed Number Given a number, this function will convert it to mixed form and will return the number as an unsimplified expression. |
 | topicos.zip | 21k | 04-03-28 |  | Topicos Matematicos 1 Pack de Programas mas usados para el curso de Topicos Matemáticos 1 de la USACH. Comprende un programa de organizacion MENU CUSTOM TOPICOS + programas como: Iteracion (Newton Rhapson, NR Modificado, Biseccion, etc), Interpolacion (Hermite, Lagrange, etc), Integracion. Primera version (2003). |
 | totalimpedancecalcultaor8.zip | 17k | 12-12-21 |  | Total Impedance Calculator This program adds resistors,capacitors & Inductors that are in A.C(Both in Parallel and Series)Networks. It is very important for electrical engineering students or any one who is taking electronics related courses. |
 | triangle.zip | 29k | 04-05-25 |  | Triangle Solver Solves triangles. You select which pieces to enter so you don't need to remember which case you have. Allows you to name your triangle. Even graphs your triangle. Solves ambiguous case. |
 | trigman.zip | 5k | 01-02-13 |  | TrigMan v1.0 An excellent triangle solving program. Input any leg/leg, leg/angle, leg/hypotenuse, or angle/hypotenuse configuration and using algebraic formulas and trigonometric functions, this program will calculate the other parts of the triangle. Easy-to-use interface based on simple menus. Download today! (Note: Don't let the size of the zip fool you ;) |
 | tvm.zip | 2k | 02-09-30 |  | Time Value program Programa para usar en economia,ayuda a resolver time value problems con los factores de conversion Ej.A/P o F/P etc...Muy sencillo de utilizar |
 | twenty_four.zip | 11k | 11-06-15 |  | Twenty Four This program solves sets of "Twenty Four" problems, problems in which one is given four numbers to manipulate via addition/subtraction & multiplication/division in order to obtain the number 24. Breaking by means of the ON key *is* supported. |
 | ultconv.zip | 5k | 02-05-25 |  | Ultra Temperature Converter This program converts celsius to fahrenheit and back, in a format much easier than the built-in one. |
 | x3d.zip | 53k | 01-07-30 |  | X3d X3d is a 3d grapher/plotter with real-time rotation. It features include: function and parametric graphs along with plotting in rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates. The plots support 3 different marker styles and have the option of descenders. It is coded in C so it supports all calculator versions. |
 | xtrakeys.zip | 58k | 03-07-11 |  | XtraKeys v2.31 This utility maps frequently used mathematical functions which are not on the TI-89/92+/V200 keyboard (10^, log, ^2, ^3, abs, nCr, nPr, Euler/Napier e and the automatically generated user functions xroot and xlogy), and on the TI-89 also the keys normally present only on the TI-92+/V200, to the unused key combinations of those calculators. |
 | xx2dec.zip | 3k | 03-11-30 |  | xx2dec function that converts from any base to decimal |