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dx_y v2.00


Ranked as 13024 on our all-time top downloads list with 3996 downloads.

Filename dx_y.zip (Download)
Title dx_y v2.00
Description dx_y est un programme pour Ti89/Ti92Plus, écrit en C, compilé avec Ti-GCC. Il permet de calculer la droite de régression dx(y). L'équation de la droite est donnée dans le repère yox puis dans xoy. Il sera utile à ceux qui étudient les statistiques entre autres.
Author Alexis de BRUYN (adebruyn@club-internet.fr)
Category TI-89 Assembly Math Programs
File Size 8,077 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Aug 6 06:50:01 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Wyatt Ward
Reviewed on 2013-10-11
A rough translation to english:

Dx_y is a program written for the TI-89 and TI-92 plus, written in C and compiled with TI-GCC. It allows one to find a linear regression in the format dx(y). The correct equation is stored in the variable yox or xoy. It is essential for statistics students and others.

If this is wrong, I'm sorry, it's just to give a rough idea. Anyway, I tried this, and I can confirm that it works! It's simple but I love it.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
dx_yv2/dx_y_eng.89z   3013
dx_yv2/dx_y_eng.9xz   3013
dx_yv2/dx_y_fr.89z   3013
dx_yv2/dx_y_fr.9xz   3013
dx_yv2/lisezmoi.txt   643

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