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Power Modulo N


Ranked as 5522 on our all-time top downloads list with 6763 downloads.
Ranked as 18653 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename powmod.zip (Download)
Title Power Modulo N
Description This program calculates A^B mod N, where A, B and N are integers given as program arguments, which may be up to 2040 bits long. Such calculation is the heart of any RSA cryptosystem. This program is written in C as an example of usage of the TIOS big number arithmetic support.
Author Zeljko Juric (zjuric@utic.net.ba)
Category TI-89 Assembly Math Programs
File Size 4,412 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Jun 12 23:33:54 2000
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Nishad Phadke
Reviewed on 2011-06-18
While the true applications for this program (in the context it is presented in) are small, this function nevertheless does everything it is supposed to in the best way it can. One of the things that appealed to me the most is its solid error checking--meaning that your calculator will never crash and your data remains secure! Other than that, the only downside I see is the program size, but the power this program yields is worth it.

Usefulness: 6/10

Resourcefulness: 10/10

Correctness: 10/10

Overall: 9/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
powmod.89z   603
powmod2.89z   575
readme.txt   4356
powmod.c   1139
powmod2.c   1082

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