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Wednesday, 2 March 2005
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ExciteBike 68k v0.64 with 44,769 downloads.
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| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade) |  | | 17k | 05-03-02 |  | Speedway The goal of Speedway is to survive driving the wrong way on a freeway through 10 levels. By taking risks, you increase a gauge that you can use anytime you want to slow down the time. Note: On virtual TI, Speedway is slowest than on a real TI. |  | | 327k | 04-06-01 |  | ExciteBike 68k v0.64 This game is a clone of the well-known NES Excitebike dirtbike racing game. Race to achieve records and unlock secrets while avoiding hazardous terrain and catching air on a variety of jumps. Features include Two-Player link races, gameplay/tracks identical to the original, built-in Track Editor, ability to perform flips, French and German versions included, well structured C source code included, Runs Fast and Smooth on HW1 and HW2 68k Calcs, and the graphics are awesome. The game will run on all 68k calcs, including the Ti-89 Titanium. |  | | 42k | 03-06-24 |  | Midtown Madness 1.1 This is a fast side-scrolling car game where you are able to drive 27 different original cars, to make your own way through a huge city with other cars and pedestrians in cruise mode, and you can also be chased by cops. |  | | 16k | 01-07-16 |  | BallRace 3D v0.1 BallRace3D is a 3D high speed race game, where you are a ball scrolling and jumping trough a level on a road. You musn't fall out of the road :o) |  | | 7k | 01-02-09 |  | AUTOmatix 3D v0.02 This is a 3D car racing game in grayscale. The current version is only a very early demo of what is going to come, but you should definitely have a look at it. The final version will be a real, complete racing game. There will also be a TI-92 Plus version. |