The screen shots above are what inspired me to download this program. The graphics are wonderful and very realistic, and for anyone interested in looking at really pretty graphics, download this game.
However, for the rest of us to whom graphics are not the most important aspect of a game on our calculators, this is not the right game to download. Unfortunately this game fails to provide any semblance of reality when it comes to the physics. When you hit the gas, you immediately go forward at a constant speed with no acceleration, and in a second you've hit the building across the street and immediately stopped. Then you try to turn around and your car quickly spins in place, pivoting around its center like a game of twister. Once you've managed to point in the right direction, you hit the gas and off you go, and immediately crash into another building because your car goes so fast and you cannot control the speed.
There is a gameplay mode where the cops follow you, but all it amounts to is one of those old wooden train sets you used to play with at the dentist's office, with the string of cops sticking to your bumper like a magnet, all in a line.
Overall, this game seems to have no point but to drive for a few seconds and crash while you control a train of "cops" who seem to enjoy tailgating more than arresting.
But don't get me wrong, I see a lot of potential in this game, but for now it just isn't worth your time.