AUTOmatix 3D v0.02
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AUTOmatix 3D v0.02
This is a 3D car racing game in grayscale. The current version is only a very early demo of what is going to come, but you should definitely have a look at it. The final version will be a real, complete racing game. There will also be a TI-92 Plus version.
Sebastian Reichelt (
TI-89 Assembly Games (Arcade/Racing)
File Size
7,200 bytes
File Date and Time
Fri Feb 9 05:57:59 2001
Documentation Included?
Source Code Included?
Review by
Joe Stegner
Reviewed on
Attention span: 5/10 Not much except one car/track. Controls: 6/10 Turning too slow/up as accelerator. Implementation: 6/10 Greyscale flickers. Overall: 5/10 Wait for future versions.
Usually I refrain from reviewing demos, but since more and more programs are being released before being completed, I figured it was only fair that, since the author felt it was ready for demo'ing, it was ready for reviewing.
This is (going to be) a 2d racer with a 3d-ish perspective (if you need an example, check Lotus Turbo Challenge). So far, however, it is just you driving on a track trying to get to the finish line.
The game's mechanics are a little odd. The up arrow is a terrible choice for the accelerator. I could bet more people would rather see the 2nd button accelerate. He did mention that you'll be able to set the controls in the readme, though. Another issue is the turning. The car doesn't seem to turn like a real car would. The car turns very slowly. One more thing I noticed is there was a lot of flicker from the greyscale, and black lines jet across the grass and the road. In the readme it states greyscale with high frame-rates are possible, but so far it has just lead to flicker. Hopefully these issues will be retuned in future versions.
In the future it is supposed to have 20 cars and a lot more features than currently shown in the demo. Do what the author says; download it to check out what it will be like. |
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