| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-86 BASIC Math Programs |
 | g3dpro86.zip | 3k | 24-05-31 |  | Graph 3D Pro This is the first and only 3D graphing program for TI calculators that has more than one mode. This program will allow you to plot 3D graphs using Cartesian, Polar, Cylindrical, and Spherical coordinates. And it's all under 3K of RAM! Ok...except for the TI-86. |
 | funcdraw.zip | 4k | 07-12-06 |  | Function grapher This program will draw the polynome function according to the points inputted. It can draw functions up to 30th degree! EXAMPLE: Let's say you choose 3rd degree and input points (3,1), (5,-2), (-5,7) and (0,6). The program will draw the function y=13/600x^3-7/50x^2-173/120x+6. The coefficients are stored into vector B. Very small, useful and simple to use! |
 | ghelp.zip | 1k | 04-06-11 |  | Graph Helper V1 designed to help find roots of a polynomial |
 | qudgraph.zip | 214k | 04-03-28 |  | Newton This is a useful program that graphs a Newton's Gravitational equation and will always fit the screen to your graph. That means no more zoom or tinkering with the window size! Note: The graphs that this program displays are relative to time, not three dimensional space and can only be used with Newton's Gravity eqn! |
 | expg_graph.zip | 4k | 04-03-28 |  | Exponential Grapher Pack 2 This includes Exponential Grapher v1.0-1.2, Grapher v1.0, and Exponential Table Lite v1.2. |
 | reflect.zip | 1k | 03-04-03 |  | function reflector this reflects the graph of any function in the x-axis, y-axis, the line x=y,and the origin. just enter the original function using x as the independent variable and choose which reflection to see. It may take a little time to begin. |
 | grafeuil.86p | 2k | 02-11-20 |  | Graphique à feuilles Programme en français qui peut vous aider en math |
 | randgrup.zip | 1k | 02-11-08 |  | Central Tendency Graphics Just gives a graph and a few relationships between the #'s. |
 | slopefield86.zip | 1k | 02-05-20 |  | Slope Field Graphs the slope field for a differential equation. |
 | fract86.zip | 3k | 02-04-10 |  | Fractal Drawer This is a fractal drawer that asks how long to run. This is just how may cycles it is to run. When its finished, you can quit, view without menu, and save or recall a fractal. |
 | eq2chrt.86p | 1k | 02-02-16 |  | Equation 2 T-Chart This program takes any 'y = expression' and converts it into a T-Chart. It can do it for any range of values and prompts for the step. |
 | compfunc.zip | 1k | 02-02-10 |  | Composite Function Grapher Composite Function Grapher is a program that will graph composite functions consisting of two functions in terms of x. |
 | seqgraph.zip | 4k | 01-06-01 |  | Sequence Graphing for TI-86 This allows the user to plot one recursive sequence. Sequence graphing is one of the features on the 83 and 89 families presently not offered on the TI-86 by default. This program is small, a little over 200 bytes. The user can also trace the sequence plotted. |
 | g3d2.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | 3Dimensions II G3D is back with more angles offered than ever before. This 2nd version includes resolution, angle rotation, 3D recall for multiple graphs and best of all way better looking graphs. You can use almost all math functions including nDer(, der1(, der2(, and fnInt( to define equations. |
 | confine.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | Confinement Theorem Restricts Domain of Graph When Trying To Solve For Roots of a Polynomial |
 | barchart.zip | 3k | 01-06-01 |  | Bar Chart Creator v1.1 Makes Bar Charts that look nice. Displays a title for your data. |
 | agraf.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | AGRAF Lets you enter a function & store it to y1-y5, adjust the graph screen, & control the TI-86's built in graph styles |
 | tblvalue.zip | 1k | 01-05-14 |  | Table of Values This program generates a table of values for any equation that you put in. It displays values from -7 to 8. |
 | ccurves.zip | 2k | 01-04-04 |  | Classical Curves of Polar Graphs A collection of the five classical curves of the polar-coordinate system (cardioid, lemniscate, limacone, rose, and spiral of Archimedes). The picture contains the graph of the curve, the standard form of its equation, and various other data on the graph. |
 | slope6.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Line of best fit (a slope program) Just how it sounds. I finds the equ of the slope and graphs it. Also see Aalpha! thanks |
 | graph.zip | 1k | 00-12-23 |  | Graph86 A very compact, WORKING 3D grapher for the TI-86 |
 | plotseq.zip | 1k | 00-11-07 |  | Plot Sequence A cool program for graphing sequences easily for the TI-86 |
 | lines2.zip | 1k | 00-10-07 |  | Point plotter You give the points and you can choose if you want the equation or the distance in between the two points or even the midpoint in between the two points |
 | grphineq.zip | 1k | 00-10-07 |  | Graph An Inequality Finally, a program to graph your inequalities. |
 | graph3deng.zip | 1k | 00-07-06 |  | Graph3d v1.0 draw 3dgraph (isometric) |
 | graph3dfr.zip | 1k | 00-07-06 |  | Graph3d v1.0 (French) permet de faire des graphiques en 3d (perspective cavaliere) |
 | graph3d.zip | 6k | 00-05-19 |  | Graph3d v1.2 Graphs 3d functions, and now graphs matricies. Change view boundaries and view angle. Change detail of graph. Trace and Evaluate functions. Save the graph as a PIC. Restores graph settings and cleans up vars upon exiting. It's cool, try it. |
 | piechart.zip | 2k | 00-04-18 |  | PieChart 86 Graphs piecharts easily with an infinite number of variables. |
 | ti90.zip | 6k | 00-04-04 |  | TI90 TI90 is a 3D grapher capable of graphing equations in z=xy format, and custom 3D objects rendered in real-time. |
 | grapharea.zip | 3k | 00-02-11 |  | Graph Area Calculation Toolkit v1.0 Collection of programs that calculate the area under a graph |
 | funk3d.zip | 19k | 99-12-07 |  | Funk3D v3.0 3D function grapher featuring TI-89 interface, different styles & detail levels and a whole new View-menu. |
 | bigraph.zip | 1k | 99-11-18 |  | Binomial Pdf-Mean Graph Binomial pdf and locate mean |
 | polconic.zip | 1k | 99-11-14 |  | Polconic Graph general quadratic equation (conic). |
 | ineqgraf.zip | 1k | 99-11-14 |  | Ineqgraph Graph systems of inequalities in x and y. |
 | implicit.zip | 1k | 99-11-14 |  | Implicit Graph solution to implicit equation. |
 | guesline.zip | 1k | 99-11-14 |  | Guess Line Guess slope and y-intercept of a line. |
 | guesfun.zip | 1k | 99-11-14 |  | GuessFun Guess the function and translation. |
 | graphslv.zip | 1k | 99-10-27 |  | Graph Solver v1.0 Enter two coordinates, and this program will calculate the equation, slope, midpoint, and distance. |
 | ruimte.zip | 5k | 99-10-12 |  | Ruimtefiguren v2.0 Displays 3D figures and formulae for their volume and surface. Features TI-92/89 style interface. This program is in Dutch. |
 | coordext.zip | 1k | 99-09-09 |  | Coordinate Extractor This program derives all sorts of information from 2 sets of coordinates on an XY plane. |
 | ti89a.zip | 2k | 99-04-07 |  | TI89a (3D Grapher) 3D graphing engine capable of graphing 3D functions in z= format. |
 | 3dgrph86.zip | 3k | 99-02-26 |  | 3D Graph A Wire Frame style 3D graphing program for your TI 86. |
 | rotation86.zip | 2k | 99-02-26 |  | Graph and Axis Rotation v0.9 Beta Graph and Axis Rotation |
 | decwin3.zip | 1k | 98-11-15 |  | The Decimal Window Creator v3.2 Creates a decimal window for the graph window using the xMax, xScl, and yScl you specify. |
 | line2d.zip | 1k | 98-11-15 |  | Line 2D |
 | stemline.zip | 1k | 98-10-14 |  | Number of Lines for a Stem-and-Leaf Plot You enter the sample size, and the number of lines needed to create a stem and leaf plot for that sample size will be displayed along with the equation used. |
 | ptline.zip | 1k | 97-09-06 |  | Point Line |