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Last updated Wednesday, 8 May 2024
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Most popular file  Inverse and X=Grapher with 10,099 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs
83circle.zip1k12-02-27File is not ratedPerfect Circle 83+
After you input both the center and radius, this program displays the equation of a circle and puts it into Y1/Y2. It resets the window and scale so that the circle actually looks like a circle, but it you want to set your own window, you can always use the equations put into "Y=". Uses some letter variables.
argand.zip1k13-03-15File is not ratedArgand
There are two programs in this file, both for plotting complex numbers. Enjoy!
asadpgrapher.zip1k03-03-10File is not ratedGrapher+
An ASADP Program - This excellent graphing program allows you to grahp four different types of equations without having to do the extra math yourself! A must-have for Algebra students.
bargrafr.zip1k03-03-15File is not ratedBar Grapher v 1.57 build 1.0
this utility will accuratly create bargraphs from raw data, it also has the ability to save and recall graphs for later use
bargraphmaker.zip7k06-04-15File is not ratedBar Graph Maker
Using this program you can make bar graph on your TI calc. They are saved as Pic 0. You can present it or store it on your computer or send it to a friend.
basicmandel.zip1k03-03-10File is not ratedMandelbrot Set
This program draws the Mandelbrot Set on your calculator. Note: this program takes hours upon hours to draw because the algrithm is slow, but very accurate. Please use, study, and modify the program for your own needs. See the README for more information.
bifurcate.zip1k11-06-23File is not ratedBifurcation
This program will generate a period doubling diagram usually seen in chaos theory or dynamical systems.
celltable.zip1k01-06-02File is not ratedCell Table
Preview of upcoming cell table. Fully functional, just lacks simplification! View the readme for more info.
cgraphs2.zip1k05-06-17File is not ratedPie Grapher
This program creates a simple pie graph and displays statistics about each slice. Now includes a open/save option.
changeofbaseforlogs.zip1k11-07-11File is not ratedChange of Base For Logs
This program will compute the change of base for logs, the user inputs the old base and the value to evaluate. After the output is displayed the calculator will pause so that the graph of log_a (x) can be displayed. Enjoy!
circlegraph.zip1k04-07-03File is not ratedCircle Graph Generator
Generates a circle graph with a list of numbers
conic.zip1k09-10-14File is not ratedParabola and Conics Calculator
Enter a parabola with x^2 or y^2 term, and receive all of the information, such as focus, etc. As well, enter an equation in the forms ax^2+bx+cy^2+dy=e and the completing the square is done to simplify the equation.
curvefit.zip1k09-01-05File is not ratedCurve Fitting
Calculates the polynomial of least degree that passes exactly through any number of data points (Lagrange interpolation). Coefficients are stored in list and matrix form for your mathematical convenience and pleasure.
curves.zip5k13-02-11File is not ratedcurves
* Area between curves This is a nifty little program to enhance the computational ability of your TI83 family calculator. I'm not sure about you, but my calculus teacher told me there was no way for my calculator to calculate the area between curves at the touch of a button. Well, these TI89's are off the chain but I've come up a with a nice little patch that lets our little beaut's perform just the same. ** Entering equations If both Y1 and Y2 are populated, curves will choose those two equations and find the area between them. If one or more are blank, you will be prompted for both. *** Change your mind? Press `Y=' during calculations to change the equations, or `TRACE' (window) to change the domain in which intersections are calculated. ** Caveats I wasn't in class long enough to make this program sophisticated enough to comprehend vertical bounds, or know how to react if only one equation was within range of the window. This program will function just fine if you can see everything of interest on the graph, so just use those settings and let this do its magic. ** Output After calculation, the totaled area will be shaded, the final answer stored to Ans, and a message will be printed on the screen.
dcsgraph83p.zip1k03-05-05File is not ratedGrapher v1.0 for Doors CS
This handy program lets you graph an equation or expression without leaving Doors CS. You can graph in the form Y=, view the resulting equation, and use it for math purposes. Check it out!
dfractal.zip6k05-04-01File is not ratedDragon Curve Fractal Generator
This is the first file I upload. I don't know if it is, but it sounds easier then the other program here what is doing the same. The program is also drawing the Dragon Curve Fractal (a.k.a. Jurassic Park Fractal). Read the README file for more information. (The screenshots are not the nicest you can make)
dragon.zip2k02-04-22File is not ratedDragon Curve Fractal Drawer
If you've ever read "Jurassic Park", then you'll know what the Dragon Curve fractal is. This is a program that prompts the user for the number of iterations to draw and then it generates a code and draws it on the graph screen. It can draw up to a maximum of 8 iterations. Great for exploring fractal iterations. Please read important documentation.
drfg.zip1k04-11-20File is not ratedDynamic Recursive Fractal Generator v1.2
Dynamic Recursive Fractal Generator v1.2 (DRFG v1.2) is an advanced program for z80 calculators meant to produce arbitrarily-recursive fractals. The program lets you choose the coefficient of fractalization, hence the dynamic nature of the program. The efficient built-in recursive fuction allows for infinite recursion, limited by the memory on most calcs to about 300 recursive steps. Doors CS v5.0 optimized.
dynometerbeta.zip12k09-01-16File is not ratedDynometer 3.0
This program is a dynometer calculator. It's purpose is to change the torque or horsepower inputed, and output the other, then to graph it! It can (with minor tweaking) calculate 125, 250, and 500 RPM intervals. After you exit the program, I left the inputs and outputs for you to do as you please, as (list)FIR and (list)SEC.
endbehavior.zip1k07-05-16File is not ratedEnd Behavior
A wonderful program for any math student. End Behavior is a quick reference to figure out the end behavior of any graph!
eqgraph.zip1k11-01-14File is not ratedEQGraph
Table-based equation grapher. Very simple. it reads from table one, if there is a third column, that is Z (this may only work if you select the third option to run it) otherwise, all the same. X,Y,Z vars can be accessed, with the normal run option, Y-col [A](*,2) is overwritten. This program uses nearly every available variable in the calc. after it finishes, it will clean up. these vars include [A] letter vars A~Z L1, L2 Str0~Str9 and theta. All written by me. If you wish to redistribute, credit me. re-code distribs also need to credit me. I spent around a month on this. by hand.
ezgraph.zip44k09-02-08File is not ratedEZ Graph - Gives nice plottable points
EZGraph is a program that will take your equation and look for points on the graph that have integer X and Y values. It is great for graphing rational functions and for any other types of graphs as well. This is a must have for any student whos math teacher makes them plot graphs by hand!
fonctionparmorceaux.zip17k08-11-29File is not ratedSmart Piecewise Function Grapher
Here is a maths program that will be loved by high-school students ! In order to trace piecewise-functions, it's not really easy on z80 calculators, and few people know the trick. Moreover, the specific needed syntax is difficult for a beginner. This is why I created this program ! It very easily makes it possible to trace piecewise-functions (10 pieces maximum). This function is perfectly studiable after, since its final equation is in Y1. You can go to the table, to make calculations with this function… This program is smart, because it automaticly correct you mistyping and auto-set the zoom The program is approximately 770 bytes. The program is compatible with MirageOS. --------------- Voila un programme de maths qui va ravir plusieurs lycéens ! Pour tracer des fonctions définies par morceaux, l'astuce n'est pas très claire sur les z80, et peu de personnes la connaissent. De plus, la syntaxe a adopter est assez difficile pour un débutant. C'est pourquoi se programme a été créé ! Il permet très facilement de tracer une fonction définies par morceaux (10 maximum). Cette fonction est parfaitement etudiable par la suite, puisque son équation finale se trouve dans Y1. Vous pouvez ainsi parcourir la Table, faire des calculs avec cette fonction... Le programme fait environ 770 octets. Le programme est compatible MirageOS.
fonctionsparmorceaux.zip110k07-05-07File is not ratedFonctions par morceaux // Piecewise functions v1.0
Permet de tracer et d'utiliser des fonctions définies par morceaux. Permits to draw and use piecewise functions.
functionofygrapher.zip2k02-11-08File is not ratedFunction of Y grapher
this program graphs equasion in the form of f(y) instead of the normal f(x). fully functional
funcwpar.zip4k03-10-19File is not ratedDynamic Graph v 1.0
Using 'Dynamic Graph' you can: draw functions like this one: y=(T-4)X^2+X+T-2, change T value in graphic mode and watch results
g3dpro8x.zip3k24-05-08File is not ratedGraph 3D Pro
This is the first and only 3D graphing program for TI calculators that has more than one mode. This program will allow you to plot 3D graphs using Cartesian, Polar, Cylindrical, and Spherical coordinates. And the program itself takes up less than 3k of RAM! Update v2.1: contains many speed and memory optimizations.
geosktch.zip1k08-11-30File is not ratedGeoSktch
Graphing software that lets you graph lines, points, and text. Also includes bonus program that draws an astrid in the graph. Good to show your teacher
graph3d2.8xg.zip1k10-03-25File is not ratedGraph3D 2
Graph3D:The sequel! Still graphs a line in 3D-space and shws you one point at a time, but with a new look and more features! Download and send to calc. Any suggestions I will gladly accept-by email. Please note that the buttons are slightly different, thus GRFHELP2 is needed too.
graph3d.8xg.zip1k10-02-23File is not ratedGraph3D
Basically, graphs a line in 3D space based upon the two equations you give it, both with Z as the independant varable, and shows you one Z-value at a time. All included programs must be included for it to work. The program to run once installed is "GRAPH3D." Press F1 (Y=) for help.
graph3d.zip1k03-09-17File is not ratedGraph 3D
FIRST OF A KIND! I created this as a response to my TI 92 being stupid. Although, no competition with Kirk Meyer's Graph3, This one is in basic and is just a test. E-mail me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. This Program has plenty of potential, but still needs a lot of imoprovement.
grapherplus.zip1k02-07-22File is not ratedGrapherPlus
This increases the functionality of the graphing calculator, beyond merely graphing slope intercept equations.
graphhelper.zip1k09-09-29File is not ratedGraphHelper
A simple program that graphs the equation you input and finds a good window for it. Small and helpful to novice calc users, this is a must download.
graphing.zip1k00-08-24File is not ratedGraphs v3.0
Have you ever needed touse the statistical plots on your TI-83 or TI-83 Plus,well I have and I wrote this program tomake it much much easier to do so.Instead of typing in a string like "{2,3,4,5,6}->L1:{3,2,4,5,6}->L2:Plot1(Histogram,L1,L2,•):DispGraph" on the home screen just to make one plot,all you do with this is run the program, pick the type of plot you want to make,enter in your list data in the prompts,and press enter.Then after viewing the graph you can choose wether you want to save the data or clear it.Its menu driven and user friendly.No known bugs.
graphix.zip1k07-06-08File is not ratedGraphix
This program alows you to easily manipulate graphs without needing to go through the menus on the calc. By placing comonly used functions like zoom in and out zoom standard and graph scale on the keys, the program is able to speed up the veiwing of graphs. Enter your graph as you normaly would then open the program to manipulate it.
graphmover.zip1k01-06-04File is not ratedGraph Mover
This program allows you to move around your graph. Useful when in math class.
graphnav.zip1k07-02-18File is not ratedGraph Navigation
With this short program you can quick navigate in graphs and something more. An english documentation is included.
graphscreenstoring.zip1k08-08-11File is not ratedGraph Screen Storing
Programs where user can store to the picture or GDB files in 83+. Intended for use within other programs and/or within games.
graphstep.zip1k03-12-03File is not ratedGraph Step 83+
A nifty program that resets the default graph settings and makes the cursor move by regular increments on the graph screen (insted of those weird decimals)
graphstorer.zip1k01-06-04File is not ratedGraph Store
This program allows you to store your graph settings. View the readme for more info. Very useful when games change your window variables and settings.
graphtools.zip2k05-03-10File is not ratedGraphtools v1.2
Lets you modify the graphscreen. Includes graph inverter, reader/displayer,list->graph converter, extra function graphing, random pic generator, and a point<->pixel converter.
graphx83p.zip1k03-12-18File is not ratedX-Grapher v2.1
Have you ever wanted to graph an equation in the form X=, when the built-in graph tools ony allow you to enter an equation in the form Y=? Now you can! With this tool, you can enter any equation with any variables, tools, and symbols allowed by the built-in Y= grapher, view the graph using your current window settings, or view the table using your current table settings! Check out the screenshots; Doors CS v4.0 optimized.
graph.zip1k04-03-07File is not ratedGraph v1.0
pointless an alternative to the y= screen of the TI-83 plus
grid.zip4k02-10-12File is not ratedGrid Maker
This program makes grids of varing sizes. The grids look better on the calculator than they do on the picture.
grphsett.zip1k00-09-22File is not ratedGraph Setings Utility
Graph Settings Utliy is a unique program that allows you to choose a grphing format. This makes it so that you don't have to go throught the MODE, ZOOM, and FORMAT menus yourselft to adjust the graph proporties. The pogram lets you choose from Normal, Trig, Stats, polar and a optimize function. The optimize function will nealy double the speed of multi function graphing. MirageOS compatable.
grphtool.zip1k01-01-06File is not ratedInverse and X=Grapher
Inverse part: Displays original equation as a dotted line and the inverse of the equation with a solid line. X=Grapher part: Graphs equations in terms of X.
iconic.zip271k10-03-30File is not ratedConic graphing program
With a size 1/33 of Conic graphing app, it "nearly" the shadow of it.However , i improved some of the aspects that Conic graphing APP lack of like multiple conic objects graph, trace , table, calculate. THIS PROGRAM IS A MUST HAVE FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE STRUGGLING TO DRAW A CIRCLE! This program is completely free, and can be modify (unprotected) for best use (modify the output graphs from Y1 to Y0). Like i said , this program graph circles , parabolas, hyperbolas, ellipses. It contains many other functions like clear all graphs,display focis,directrix,asymptotes... you can actually draw a circle and THEN draw a line cross it AND find the intersections. I used formulas that are available in textbook. You dont need to look anywhere further than Conic chapter. This program REALLY free up some space which can be used for good purposes (including gaming, yay!) (This is the updated version, the last version have an ugly bug in it. DO NOT WORRY, THE BUG IS SQUASHED . PLEASE DOWNLOAD THIS PROGRAM AGAIN. ) i included TI-CODER for those of you wanted to know how i program this.
ifs.zip14k05-03-02File is not ratedIFS Fractal Generator
This program uses the Iterated Function System to draw 5 fractals in the same way as the Sierpinski Triangle in the TI-83 Plus Manual is drawn: The Sierpinski Triangle, Sierpinski Carpet, a 5-sided crystal, what I call the x-fractal, and a fern, which is very cool. Check out the screen shots.
igraph.zip1k03-03-04File is not ratedInter Graph
Ein Programm zur Graphischen Darstellung einer Gewinngeraden
impgraph.zip2k06-11-13File is not ratedImplicit Graph
Very simple BASIC program to graph implicitly-defined functions. See README for more information. Needs a lot of improvements (functionality and especially speed), but it gets the job done for now.
ineqgr.zip1k00-08-28File is not ratedSpookysoft Inequality Grapher v1.0
Final release. Now compatable with Mirage! Graphs all inequalities!!! Must try for math!!
ineqplot.zip7k12-09-12File is not ratedInequality Plot
This is just a simple program I wrote to plot any inequality of X and Y. Just enter an inequality into Y1 (pretend the Y= isn't there) and run the program. It will start plotting points and the graph will slowly become more and more visible. I'm sorry it doesn't go faster but that's a limitation of TI-BASIC, and I don't know ASM well enough yet to make it faster. Press any key when the graph is clear enough to stop the program. Simple documentation is also included in the program's source code.
inequal2.zip1k02-10-23File is not ratedSS Tech. Inequality Grapher II
The long awaited sequal to the original. This program will graph 2 and only 2 inequalities on the graph. Useful for some, not for all. Try it and give me some feedback.
inequalgr.zip1k00-07-14File is not ratedSpookysoft Inequality Grapher v1.0
Graphs inequalties! Simple usage! Check it out!
inversefunction.zip1k11-10-27File is not ratedInverse Function
This program will graph the inverse of a function and allow users access to points that are on the graph. The Draw command on the TI-83 does not allow access to points. Enjoy!
iqgraph2.8xp2k03-03-10File is not ratedInequality Grapher 2
this is the best inequality grapher out there! It can graph 1,2, or even 3 lines! It can also graph vertical! Used it at my school and it helped a ton of people with there homework.
iqgraph.8xp1k02-11-12File is not ratedInequality Grapher
This program is a program that graphs two different inequalities at the same time on the same graph. It shades if it is above or below. Very Useful
iqgraphing.zip5k05-01-28File is not ratedInequality Graphing
In the first menu you chose the equation, you then are prompted for the numbers associated with that equation. The next menu you chose the inequality. It then spits the graph out and according to the inequality shades the correct side. It is better than doing the math!!!
juliagraph.zip44k06-12-10File is not ratedJulia Set Grapher
This program graphs a Julia set, which is produced by iterating the comlex polynomial function f(z)=z^2+a+bi where a and b are the inputed values. The rest is explained in the read-me file.
logisticiterates.zip20k11-07-08File is not ratedLogistic Iterates
This short program will graph iterates of the logistic equation: KX(1-X). This is usually the first example of numerical instability and chaos. Enjoy!
mandelbrot.zip1k03-03-08File is not ratedMandelbrot Set Generator
Amaze your teachers and friends with the Mandelbrot Set on calculator! Features: User-friendly interface Automatically sets graph parameters; no need to mess around Extremely accurate calcualation time estimates Ability to change the number of iterations Extremely memory efficient; uses For loops rather than While loops. Only 500 bytes! If you can program in assembly and can convert this program to a much faster assembly version, PLEASE email me at jkgg2001@hotmail.com.
matrixgraphics.zip1k13-06-10File is not ratedMatrix Graphing
This program allows users to input a list of x-coordinates and then a list of y-coordinates. The user then may adjust the image by the following choices: 1) reflection, expansion (scaling), shearing (slanting), rotation, translation. Great for intro graphics classes, linear algebra classes or use as an application in algebra classes. Enjoy!
modulargrapher.zip24k08-02-28File is not ratedModular Grapher with instructions
This is the same modular grapher, but with instructions, since it is slightly complex and hard to understand.
opensave.zip1k09-09-14File is not ratedOpen / Save
this program is used to view, open, or save a graph data base or picture, very simple to use
param3d.zip2k07-04-26File is not ratedParam3D
A simple 3D parametric graphing program meant to supplement Derive 6 and best used on a TI-Emulator or the TI-Flash Debugger due to the slower speed of TI-BASIC. Supports scaling, rotation, and loading of autosaved graphs.
pascalpatterns.zip1k17-11-06File is not ratedPascal's Triangle Patterns
Pascal's Triangle forms beautiful triangular patterns when values divisible by a specific number are shaded. Select a value by which to divide and watch the beauty unfold down to row 32. Completes in 5 minutes.
pco.zip1k04-03-07File is not ratedPixel to Point converter(or vice versa)
with this program, you can convert pixel to point or point to pixel(their coordinate)!! "Window setting independent!!!"
perfect.zip1k02-04-02File is not ratedPerfect 1.0
This sets your graphs up perfectly
pictlist.8xp2k02-02-16File is not ratedPicToList
Converts a selected portion of the screen into two lists, where it can be outputted using a scatter plot
piecewise.zip6k04-09-06File is not ratedPiecewise Funtion grapher
this program does basically what most people can do in their Y= screen, but takes up more space. Allthough, it may make graphing a piecewise function easier for some. It will only graph a Piecewise with 2-4 functions. Instructions in read-me. Not sure if the 83's can graph piecewise, but it should work, it's just basic.
piece.zip1k10-09-01File is not ratedPiecewise Function Grapher
This program allows you to type in a piecewise function, and will graph it with full traceability. The program is fairly simple, and takes only 188 bytes.
piechart3.zip1k03-09-21File is not ratedPieChart Grapher
this will ask you the number you want to divide by and it will then divide the pie up evenly and graph it for you.
plot3d.zip1k14-06-22File is not ratedPLOT3D
This program is a 3D function plotter, written completely in Ti-Basic. As expected, the framerate was very slow, 0.1 fps on average. To solve that problem the program buffers 10 frames in the Pic vars, this takes about 1min50. During this buffering the drawing is shown so you can already see what the graph looks like. After the buffering you can turn the graph left and right using the arrow keys. This works very well and fast, it gives you a clear image of the 3D graph, like in the gif animation.
pointpower.zip1k10-05-26File is not ratedPoint Power
"Point Power", the revolutionary point program, does everything its name infers. It finds MIDPOINT, SLOPE, and DISTANCE! If you feel it's missing something don't hesitate. Email me right away and I'll add it.
points_09.zip1k09-12-28File is not ratedGraphing Lines
This is Final Version if there are any bugs email doboy0@gmail.com with program and problem This program comes with no warranty whatsoever For instructions how to use visit youtube.com/doboy What does it do? find useful properties of points such as slope, xy intercepts, and distance How to use 1)Run program (press PRGM then press POINTS) 2)Program will prompt user if they have 1 point + slope or 2 points 3)Program will then display the slope,xy intercepts, and so on.. 3)DO NOT EXIT BY TURNING OFF OR PRESSING ON if you do so then your functions will be turned off and your axes will be off How to fix problems that might occur #Axes are turned off Press 2nd Format then switch Axes On #Functions are turned off Press Y= and hover over the plus signs, press enter while on a plus sign to turn functions off and on
points.zip1k08-12-18File is not ratedCordinate converter
This is a program that I made myself for trig class when we were converting polar and rectangular coordinates from one to another. I hope it helps you.
polrgrph.zip1k10-04-10File is not ratedPolar graphing screensaver
This program was designed by me and my friend in math class. It can make 3 types of screensaver graphs. Polar, parametric, and function. It is pretty cool because it graphs until you stop it. It makes a different one each time
polyfit.zip2k09-03-14File is not ratedPolyfit
Points go in. Polynomial fit comes out. Unlike Curve Fitting (http://www.ticalc.org/pub/83plus/basic/math/statistics/curvefit.zip), the points are stored in L3 and L4, the coefficients (in reverse order) are stored in [A], AND the polynomial (also in reverse order) is stored in Y1. Detailed documentation is included.
quad83.zip1k04-05-12File is not ratedQuadrametric Graphing
randgph.zip1k13-11-30File is not ratedRubiks cube timer
Generates a random graph screen based on the given percentages.
rotateshape.zip1k10-01-31File is not ratedRotate Shape
Reasonably fast program that continuously rotates a shape defined by points in a list in the format {x1, y1, x2, y2,...} around the origin of the graph screen by a given increment. Sample list included. Great for boredom! :)
rotate.zip7k07-03-06File is not ratedRotate
A program that allows for you to enter a point on a graph and the number of degrees to rotate by and it will tell you the rotated point. Can run from the prgm menu or from MirageOS. With MirageOS can be launched from both ROM and RAM.
safif.zip1k17-07-09File is not ratedSAFIFGraph
This program will perform a self-affine fractal interpolating function. Read the accompanying documentation for further info. Enjoy!
schwarzianderivative.zip1k11-07-27File is not ratedSchwarzian Derivative
This program will graph the Schwarzian derivative. The user inputs the first derivative to a function and the output is a graph of the Schwarzian Derivative over a standard window. This derivative is used in chaotic one-dimensional maps
sctrplot.zip1k12-01-13File is not ratedScatter Plots v1.2
This is a basic Linear/Parabolic regression program. It inputs data into L1 and L2 automatically after typing it in, and you can choose between several methods to get a line of best fit. It auto-formats the graph window to display the scatter plot. Any comments and suggestions you have would be helpful. *Allows you to either enter fresh data into your lists or use data already in your lists. *Linear, Parabolic (quadratic), and Manual fit regression choices. *Rounds all calculations to 3 decimal places. This will run out of Archive with Doors, but I recommend running it from RAM due to a quirk with the Graph Screen.
shape_grapher.zip6k12-12-17File is not ratedGRAPHSHA
This is a useful program that takes graph coordinates for shapes and plots them on the graph. Features an auto-zoom feature that zooms to where the shape actually is and a zoom reset option.
sierpinski.zip1k09-05-12File is not ratedSierpinski triangle
in case you lost you manual, here is the Sierpinski's triangle program
sierpins.zip1k04-11-04File is not ratedSierpins
This program draws the Sierpinski Triangle on the graph screen. It takes a while though.
slpfld.zip1k03-03-11File is not ratedSlope Field
This program calculates a slope field for a given derivative. The slopes can be defined in terms of both y and x. There are also many menus that allow you to customize your slope field. You can set the window and the amount of resolution. It eats up a ton of memory while you're running it, so you may need to either archive things, or set the resolution to "low". This update cleans up a couple of minor issues and also includes some screenshots.
spar.zip1k10-03-29File is not ratedSuper Parametric
Two inputs, three outputs. That simple. Any suggestions are welcome via email.
spiro.zip1k17-11-23File is not ratedSpirolateral Generator
This program creates and displays spirolaterals: figures created by taking a series of steps of a length which repeats within a specified range (e.g. 1-7), with a turn of a specified angle (e.g. 145°) after each step. The program allows the input of the turn angle and a step range from one to a specified number, and includes a zoom and pan function to view details.
statgraphv2.zip1k03-11-12File is not ratedStat Graph v2.0
This program graphs data as a scatter plot graph. It does everything for you; it finds the best equation and puts into Y=, it sets the ideal window, and it graphs it! All you have to do is enter the x values and the y values! Enjoy.
tablex.zip1k11-02-22File is not ratedTABLEX 0.4.1
An intuitive table that has more unique features than TI-Table. It has the ability to scroll up, scroll down, page up, page down, choose a y= equation, and can enter an x value within the table. DoorsCS7 is needed to run the program.
transformations2.zip1k13-03-19File is not ratedTransformations 2
This program is different from my first transformations program in that instead of asking for A, B, C and D in the form: Af(Bx-C) + D, it asks for this information in a listing style format. So if a problem is something like: Given x^2, perform the following transformations... this program will may be helpful. IMPORTANT NOTE: This program assumes the order of applying transformations to be: 1) horizontal shifts, 2) horizontal rescaling, 3) vertical rescaling, 4) reflections, 5) vertical shifts. So if the problem does not ask for the transformations to be applied in this order, then the program will not produce the correct graph in general. This ordering is usually the ordering used when transformations are not specified in a given order. Great for teaching transformations. Enjoy!
transformations.zip1k13-03-19File is not ratedTransformations
This program demonstrates how transformations work. The user enters in a base function and then the values A, B, C and D for the form: A*f(Bx-C) + D. It is designed to demonstrate what each value does to the graph. The program will graph each transformation and compare to the original base function's graph. Great for teaching transformations of graphs. Enjoy!
ugraph.zip3k00-10-04File is not ratedUltimate Graph Utility
This program contains an X= editor, Y= Editor, a special function that increases the precision and decreases time of graphing by about 2 times. Then we still have the graph on and off function and the reset default function. This program is a must have for all students.
ulam.zip4k13-03-23File is not ratedUlam Spiral Generator
This program draws an Ulam Spiral on the graphscreen of your calculator. Ths program works on both Color and non-color calculators.
variate.zip1k07-01-13File is not ratedVariation Chart of ANY function
This program take the function stored in y1 and displays the variation chart (according to the derived function). User-friendly and precise. It is possible to change precision settings to make the program run faster!
visualpro.zip2k07-02-18File is not ratedVisual Pro
This program will show you a visual represtation of rectagular approximations such as LRAM, MRAM, RRAM, Simpson's Rule, and the Trapeziod Rule. There are also a couple of extras added.
wavegrapher.zip3k04-06-15File is not ratedWave Grapher v1.02
Wave Grapher is a cool program usful for Math and Physics. It allows you to graph the two equations of two waves using very simple queries. So instead of having to know the complex trigonmoetirc eqution, you only need to know what the amplitude and period is; making it much easier to graph! Also, once the two graphs have been graphed, they you can solve various things with them and you can see what happens after the waves have interfered with each other - so for those who know physics - what the resulting wave or graph will look like after the original 2 have undergone constructive or destructive interference. Also, you can twiddle around with the resolution, screen size and graph quality!
weirstrassfunction.zip5k11-11-02File is not ratedWeirstrass Function
This program generates the graph of a Weirstrass function to show that a continuous function need not be differentiable. The user enters the number of iterations to use and then waits for a graph to be generated. See the accompanying pic to get an idea. Enjoy!
xequalsti83plus.8xp.zip1k07-02-18File is not ratedX Equals Function Grapher v1.0
This powerful tool allows you to graph equations using X= instead of Y=. The program is completely BASIC and draws the lines relatively quickly. Works for linear and nonlinear functions. Check for later versions including tables and trace tools.
xequationgrapher.zip1k05-09-09File is not ratedX= equation grapher
yay! another x equation grapher! this one is pretty good, though. after graphing, it allows you to graph again, calculate specific values, change the graphing resolution (higher number = faster, but less accurate, graphing), clear the screen of graphs, or quit. PLEASE REVIEW AND/OR RATE THIS AND MY OTHER PROGRAMS. THANK YOU!
xeq.zip5k09-07-20File is not ratedprgmXEQ BETA
This program lets you graph x= and y= equations at the same time. Also has the ability to trace function and view a table. Fixed a rendering issue with the readme file
xgraph.zip1k01-05-31File is not ratedX=Grapher
This is an X=Grapher.
xyinter.zip1k10-01-19File is not ratedX Y intercept
This program finds the X and Y intercepts of a line, when you input the slope and Y intercept. It then graphs it and shows you all the work it did. First program I thought was worthy, hope you like it
ymxb.zip1k10-03-18File is not ratedY=MX+B
Y=MX+B is used to solve for any variable in the aforementioned equation. If you want to solve for y, hit y. Very straightforward.
zeroes.zip3k13-02-11File is not ratedZeroes
* Zeroes Zeroes is a program to display all the zeroes of a function (Y1) across the current visible window. ** Invoking Zeroes Feeding information into zeroes is simple. If Y1 currently has a value, zeroes will use that value as its input. If Y1 is empty the user will be prompted for an equation. ** Examining the zeroes To examine the zeroes, scroll the list left and right with the arrow keys. ** Changing the domain or function At any point during the examination of data, press the `TRACE' key (or windows) to adjust the window, or `Y=' to adjust the current function. ** Quitting Press enter to quit zeroes.
zoomworks_84.zip7k01-05-30File is not ratedZoomWorks & MoveWin revision 3
Allows relatively easy manipulation of the TI 83 and 83plus graph, and moving around in in it.
zoomworks.zip4k99-10-27File is not ratedZoom Works and Move Window
Save, restore, move, and generate proportionally correct windows. Many features and pretty good docs.
z.zip1k01-02-07File is not ratedZ
Turns graphing window into Friendly, Standard, and Decimal Friendly formats

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