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Ranked as 18139 on our all-time top downloads list with 3158 downloads.
Ranked as 1889 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.

Filename curves.zip (Download)
Title curves
Description * Area between curves This is a nifty little program to enhance the computational ability of your TI83 family calculator. I'm not sure about you, but my calculus teacher told me there was no way for my calculator to calculate the area between curves at the touch of a button. Well, these TI89's are off the chain but I've come up a with a nice little patch that lets our little beaut's perform just the same. ** Entering equations If both Y1 and Y2 are populated, curves will choose those two equations and find the area between them. If one or more are blank, you will be prompted for both. *** Change your mind? Press `Y=' during calculations to change the equations, or `TRACE' (window) to change the domain in which intersections are calculated. ** Caveats I wasn't in class long enough to make this program sophisticated enough to comprehend vertical bounds, or know how to react if only one equation was within range of the window. This program will function just fine if you can see everything of interest on the graph, so just use those settings and let this do its magic. ** Output After calculation, the totaled area will be shaded, the final answer stored to Ans, and a message will be printed on the screen.
Author Eric Crosson (eric.s.crosson@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Graphing)
File Size 5,473 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Feb 11 02:03:16 2013
Documentation Included? Yes


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Archive Contents
Name Size
curves/01FREEFORM-INPUT.BMP   73782
curves/02ZEROES-CALCULATED.BMP   73782
curves/03GRAPH-DISPLAYED.BMP   73782
curves/CURVES TI-83 Plus Silver Edition.8xp   611
curves/Curves-Readme.txt   1224

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