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Wave Grapher v1.02


Ranked as 25293 on our all-time top downloads list with 2370 downloads.

Filename wavegrapher.zip (Download)
Title Wave Grapher v1.02
Description Wave Grapher is a cool program usful for Math and Physics. It allows you to graph the two equations of two waves using very simple queries. So instead of having to know the complex trigonmoetirc eqution, you only need to know what the amplitude and period is; making it much easier to graph! Also, once the two graphs have been graphed, they you can solve various things with them and you can see what happens after the waves have interfered with each other - so for those who know physics - what the resulting wave or graph will look like after the original 2 have undergone constructive or destructive interference. Also, you can twiddle around with the resolution, screen size and graph quality!
Author Yuzhou Jiang (headless_maniac@hotmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Math Programs (Graphing)
File Size 3,115 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jun 15 05:23:51 2004
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Wave Grapher V1.02.txt   1505
WAVEGRPH.8xp   1569
WAVEGRPH.8xg   1608

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