| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Chance) |
 | 83p_rock_paper_scissors.zip | 1k | 12-07-08 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors A rock, paper, scissors game for the 83+. Now 328 bytes, making it the smallest RPS program that tells you who wins. Rock, Paper, Scissors can also be used as a true random number generator (from 1-3, based on win/loss/tie), as the human element makes it unpredictable. |
 | atrps.zip | 1k | 09-12-16 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors This is a simple game of rock- paper- scissors. You make your choice and the program shows right away what the outcome is. If you want to play again, simply press ENTER. The program has statistics in a list defined as list WLT. If you want to reset the stat. just delete that list. Only 522 bytes. Look at the screenshots. |
 | imagens.zip | 1k | 12-03-24 |  | IMAGENS Este programa permite explorar as suas imagens com uma facilidade incrÃvel. Outro programa de RPS Real. This program lets you explore your images with incredible ease. Another Real RPS program. |
 | jkp.zip | 1k | 00-09-08 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors A simple, but fun, rock,paper, scissors game that everyone loves. |
 | ntrps.zip | 2k | 07-01-07 |  | Rock Paper Scissors This is a single-player or multi-player version of Rock Paper Scissors. It includes 3 game modes: Single player, Multi Player on 1 calc, and Link Play. Please give this game a try. |
 | paperscissorsrock.zip | 3k | 03-12-01 |  | Paper, Scissors, ROCK! Paper, Scissors, Rock is a small game written in BASIC. To play, type in "1" (without the quotes) for paper, "2" for scissors, or "3" for rock. The screen will then display what you chose. Press [ENTER] and it will show what the computer chose. Press [ENTER] again and it will evaluate the result and tell you if you won; the computer won; or it's a tie. |
 | pic1_1.zip | 1k | 03-04-18 |  | Rock Paper Scissors v1.0 This is a simple rock paper scissor game that I made when I was bored. It is better than the other games like it because it shows pictures of rock paper and scissors (see screenshots). Its actually a pretty fun game. Please send thoughts and comments to coolboards2001@aol.com. Also check out my assignment book v1.0 under basic programs. |
 | ppc.zip | 4k | 10-03-22 |  | PPC Pierre Papier Ciseaux: Une version en français de "pierre, papier, ciseaux" A version in French of " rock, paper, scissors ". |
 | psrbet.zip | 1k | 03-12-29 |  | Paper, Scissors, ROCK! the betting version Another update of "Paper, Scissors, ROCK! the betting version" (yes, I say paper, scissors, rock as opposed to rock, paper, scissors). Anywho, this version is smaller than the previous, and the "Wager must be more than money" error is fixed (sorry about that). |
 | psr.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | Paper, Scissors, Rock This is a simple game of paper, scissors, rock. It is fun and addictive yet requires no skill at all. It's also MirageOS compatible. |
 | rckpprsc.zip | 1k | 03-04-06 |  | ARock Paper Scissors This is a small compact Rock Paper Scissors game that is perfect for the TI-83 plus! |
 | rkpprssrs.zip | 2k | 03-09-01 |  | RockPaperScissors A simple game of Rock paper Scissors. I think it's the one of the best out there(probably cause I made it but..) download and enjoy. |
 | rkppss.zip | 6k | 04-01-08 |  | RPS - Rock Paper Scissors The name is quite self-explanatory; it is a rock-paper-scissors game. This program is for both one player and two players. Two player mode can be played on one calculator or two calculators linked together. Like my previous program "XOMULT", this one also keeps track of the scores on the calculator. "RPS" also keeps track of how many times you have used each of Rock, Paper, and Scissors. DOWNLOAD IT!!! |
 | rockhard.zip | 1k | 00-10-01 |  | Rock Paper Scissors This is the best ever version of Rock Paper Scissors. Im not only saying it because I made it but because I tested it in my school and people loved it! |
 | rockpaperchain.zip | 1k | 05-10-17 |  | Rock Paper Chainsaw Rock paper scissors like you've never seen it before. |
 | rockpaperscissors2.zip | 1k | 06-03-26 |  | Rock Paper Scissors Play Rock paper scissors against the calc with full graphics |
 | rockpaperscissors_35.zip | 18k | 03-11-16 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors2 This is the same as the one above, except with more advanced features, such as saving. I've included the old program as well, for those of you that don't like fat programs. |
 | rockpaperscissors83plus.zip | 1k | 09-12-14 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors This file contains everyone's favorite game, Rock, Paper, Scissors. The game contains simple menus, performance statistics, and allows for the entry of passcodes to cheat. |
 | rockpaperscissors83p.zip | 1k | 04-03-29 |  | RPS Simple Game of Rock Paper Scissors. Made during science class. |
 | rockpaperscissorsshootgam.zip | 2k | 05-08-30 |  | Rock Paper Scissors Shoot Game This is the BEST rock paper scissors game for the TI-8X calculators, and once you download this, it will become you favorite so there's no need for another want-to-be. Gain experience points in the game by winning. Lose once and it's game over. Some point in the game you will have gained enough experience points where you can start to cheat, and the more experience points you gain, the better chance you have at getting away with cheating, which will give you even more experience points than winning fairly. The computer player sometimes sticks to the same thing; is that a glich or is it a trick? At the end rack up points to show your friends that your the master as your personal high score is stored in the calc. Points given are determined by the number of times you win, sucessfully cheat, and how many total rounds you played. |
 | rockpaperscissorsv3.zip | 1k | 10-03-14 |  | Rock Paper Scissors v3.0 This the first program I have released. I mostly created it to practice the application of the getkey function. The top half of the screen displays how many wins, losses, and ties you have without you ever having to leave the game mode. Feel free to report bugs, contribute additional ideas, or just comment. |
 | rock_paper_scissors.zip | 1k | 03-06-27 |  | Rock Paper Scissors A simple game of Rock Paper Scissors against the computer. |
 | rockpaperscissors.zip | 1k | 07-03-09 |  | Rock paper scissors This is a graphical game of Rock Paper Scissors that has point counting and cheats. To get the cheats email me. I think you will enjoy it. |
 | rockpaperscissor.zip | 1k | 04-01-17 |  | Rock Paper scissers shot! A basic Rock paper scissers game (very very small!!!) |
 | rockshoot.zip | 1k | 04-10-11 |  | Rock paper scissors shoot The classic game. Self explanitory. Included are the instructions. The game is unlocked since i dont know how to lock it. Feel free to edit, and give me credit and the new version. |
 | ropasc.zip | 1k | 14-03-31 |  | Rock Paper Scissors v1.0 Simple rock-paper-scissors game, for 1 or 2 players, simple to use. Compatible with MirageOS. |
 | rpceti.zip | 10k | 05-08-26 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors to Death! v1.0 Here's a completely original game. That's in fact the good old rock, paper, scissors game. But there is a change. The loser must play to the Russian wheel. It's dangerous to play to this children game... |
 | rps101.zip | 17k | 08-05-27 |  | RPS-101 Inspired by David C. Lovelace, RPS-101 is a Rock Paper Scissors game with 100+ options/gestures to choose from! Play against the calculator, or grab an I/O cord and play against your friends! And don't forget to check out the original RPS-101, created by David C. Lovelace, at http://www.umop.com/rps101/rps101chart.html! Note: You must have Omnicalc installed on your calculator in order to play multiplayer across an I/O link. |
 | rps11.zip | 1k | 05-11-26 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors v1.1 Fist game for me. OK, not great. Somewhat small and completely in Basic - so you can edit it if you like. Fun to make and a little fun to play. |
 | rps2.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors This version of Rock, Paper, Scissors has some graphics and calculates your wins and losses. This version of Rock, Paper, Scissors is the best by far. It will actually make the game enjoyable. Use the right arrow key to choose between rock, paper, or scissors. |
 | rps3.8xp | 1k | 02-05-12 |  | RPS V5.3 A better version of rock paper scissors than my first modle. I upgraded several times. |
 | rps4.zip | 1k | 05-12-24 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors A RPS game that includes single and 2 player modes, god mode, and kyle mode...enjoy! |
 | rps83p.zip | 1k | 00-03-02 |  | Rock Paper Scissors v1.5 A rock paper scissors game featuring single play and 2 out of 3 mode. |
 | rps84p.zip | 1k | 04-09-06 |  | Rock Paper Scissor This is rock paper scissors. You can choose your opponent with three different difficulty levels. Fun game when your bored. |
 | rps.8xp | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | rocky easy version of Rock paper scissors. one player w/keeping track of wins and loses. easy to quit and overall a good version of the game |
 | rpsai.zip | 13k | 03-12-28 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors with Artificial Intelligence A very addicting and fun Rock, Paper, Scissors game. This one is the real deal! Incredibly easy to use and understand interface, statistics tracking, fun graphics sequence to "set the mood," no annoying requests for bets, wagers, etc., just straightforward choose and click, and, best of all, a Artificial Intelligence program that is designed to think like an actual person, not a robot. This program is a great way to kill time, whether it be on the bus, during class, in the car, in between commercials, whenever! In fact, it's so amzingly addictive and fun you'll probably wishing you had more time to kill! Also, see the last section in the readme on how you can save yourself a massive amount of work and use this program for your upcoming Science Fair Project! |
 | rpserospisor.zip | 4k | 11-04-02 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors, eROS, piSOR v1.2.1 A small twist to the classic game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. In addition to these poses, you have several other special moves. Depending on your wins and losses, you will get charge - which you may spend on these special moves. See README for full explanation. Includes a 1-Player mode (against AI) and a 2-Player mode. |
 | rpspm.zip | 1k | 05-10-26 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors A rather simple game that will play RPS against you in a best of [#] game. |
 | rpsrr.zip | 1k | 03-05-07 |  | Rock-Paper-Scissors Russian Roulette Two classic games merged into one! Ported to the 83+ from the 86. |
 | rpsv1.zip | 1k | 05-09-14 |  | Rock, Paper, Scissors v1.0 A text-based Rock, Paper, Scissors game. Features include: -Fully random selection by computer -Shows total game scores after exiting game -Cleans all variables used upon exit Run by executing prgmRPS from RAM, or run GUESS from MirageOS shell v1.2 or higher. |
 | rpsx.zip | 5k | 06-08-13 |  | Rock Paper Scissors: Xtreme Rock Paper Scissors: Xtreme is the new way to play the classic game of rock, paper, scissors! Choose your weapon and then face off against the calc. Will you be able to overcome probability and random chance to become an RPSX master? Unlike other calc versions of rock, paper, scissors, RPSX features great graphics and a custom menu so the action never gets dull. RPSX also features a great save system so you can keep track of all your stats, even after exiting the program. |
 | rps.zip | 1k | 07-03-31 |  | Rock Paper Scissors A simple Rock Paper Scissors game, play against the computer. |
 | ultimaterps.zip | 1k | 04-09-11 |  | The Ultimate Rock, Paper, Scissors Program! This RPS program is like no other, because it is probably better than any one you have played (if you have played one). This game features random AI (the computer never follows a pattern), less than 700 bytes, stores your lifetime stats (doesn't erase when you quit the game), and when you get used to the controls you can play about 15-20 games per minute. Really fun game for in between classes. |
 | xtremrps.zip | 7k | 09-04-26 |  | RPS - 25 Rock, Paper, Scissors, and every other random thing you can make a sign for. This game contains versions of RPS-3 RPS-5 (Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock) and Finaly RPS-25. This game follow the Rules set by the numerous flash games and posters and is pretty accurate. RPS-25 also has 2 player and AI options so even with the complicated rules you can play your freinds. |