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Last updated Monday, 14 January 2013
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Most popular file  xLIB v0.602b with 14,040 downloads.

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apsdk.zip1k00-06-16File is not ratedAsm Pass SDK
The Asm Pass SDK is a routine which allows you to add Asm Pass password functionality by A^2 Programming to any assembly program. Read the included .txt file for more info. I think this is free of bugs, if you find a bug, please drop me an e-mail.
avlib.zip13k10-09-29File is not ratedAVLIB - Application Variable Library 1.0.1
prgmAVLIB is an Axe program for TI-83+/84+ series graphing calculators that allows TI-BASIC programs to manipulate application variables via TI-OS string variables. It is written in Axe 0.4.4 and no shell or other executable is required to use it. It is open-source software released under the X11 License. Version 1.0.1 fixes problems in the documentation and fixes the test suite to work without CalcUtil. The main program is unchanged.
axedcs.zip3k13-01-14File is not ratedAxeDCS : DoorsCS 7 GUI axiom v1.0
AxeDCS is an axiom for Axe 1.1.2 or higher that allows you to use DoorsCS 7 or higher GUI functions and widgets. With it you'll can build your own graphical programs, and work with text and number input, checkboxes, buttons, windows and others ! Documentation at http://dcs.cemetech.net/index.php?title=AxeDCS_GUI_Reference . Make sure to give it a look before start programming !
blacken.zip3k01-07-09File is not ratedBlacken v1.0
A nice looking routine to clear your screen to full black.
c3asm.zip196k09-12-12File is not ratedCeltic 3 (ASM version)
An old version of Celtic III before the FlashAPP version was worked on. Great for adding in just a few file manipulation functions without the bulk of the application. It can also be easily recompiled to omit functions you don't use so you can save space. Just edit a few ones and zeros at the top of CELTIC3.ASM and double-click the included batch file. Details and more with the ReadME.txt and Assembly.txt files within. Be sure to extract the archive with folder structures and names intact if you want to recompile.
chainfirelibrary.zip47k11-05-13File is not ratedChainFire Pinball Physics Library
Chainfire is a pinball physics library built for the Axe programming language for the Ti83/84 series. It contains routines and callbacks for implementing advanced physics into all of your pinball games. Built for the Axe programming language, it is easy to use, fast, accurate, and perfect for any game that needs pinball physics of any type.
cleanup.zip1k03-08-26File is not ratedCleanup Program
This is a simple cleanup program that will remove some of the bits of trash left behind by most BASIC programs. You run prgmCLEANUP like a BASIC program, but the ASM program CLEANASM does all the work. Deletes the letters, sys lists (L1~L6), matrices, and strings. Never deletes anything archived!
crabcake.zip83k11-06-05File is not ratedCrabcake ASM Library
Crabcake allows you to create ASM programs with more than 8 KB of executable code...in fact, programs can be as large as available RAM. These programs will run on any Ti-83+ and Ti-84+ -- even on regular Ti-83+ calculators! Please read through the readme for instructions. UPDATE: Fixed some rather serious bugs in the Axe version of Crabcake
custr.zip31k00-12-10File is not ratedCustom String v0.1b
This is a custom string routine that will take a string that resides in ram and outputs it on the graph buffer. It uses a custom font that is 8 pixels high and a variable length wide. This is a beta version and may have some bugs, so beware.
enlib.zip34k10-02-23File is not ratedEnLib
Version 3.00 makes its debut, but sadly, I have dropped from 41 commands to 39. But hey, this is an update, right? So obviously there is more to the story! Not only has the size dropped by ten bytes (Okay, so that isn't so amazing), but I have actually combined two of the commands (FE and FE1). I have also improved some other ones like the Battery Status one and I have also taken away the need for variables other than Ans (like X). But the greatest improvement is what actually led to the improvements in memory, the combination and enhancement of FE and FE1, and the removal of other variables. What is it, this wonder you read of? It is the ability to string commands together--in essence combining commands.
enpro.zip55k10-03-12File is not ratedEnPro
With almost 60 functions (including sprite and memory editing features) EnPro can do practically anything. BASIC programmers will enjoy these ASM abilities (especially the advanced ones ☺). Have fun. And stuff. (v1.92)
fgordon.zip3k05-09-27File is not ratedFlash Gordon
It's the famous Flash Gordon, with two subroutines that I've written to make this great program less of a pain in a neck. Basically, what it does is that you run this, and you don't have archive/unarchive your programs: they all stay in the archive, which means faster loading and less wear and tear on the flash memory.
gbalibti83.zip320k06-12-30File is not ratedGba library v1.0
Inspired by Game Boy Advance programmation, GBA library was created to make the programmation of game-boy like games easier. Indeed, this program provides drawing and multidirectionnal-scrolling map routines, drawing sprites routines, and a collision routine very usefull when you make a platform game. What’s more, GBA is not an ordinary library because it works as an external file : no need to copy a part of the program, just call it directly after initialising it with an include file (provided in this folder). For the moment, the documentation is only in French, I don’t speak English very good and I have no time to do it anymore. The screenshots gives you an idea of what that powerfull item can do. Try it now (the .GIF file is taken from my up-coming Castlevania) ! !
getdi.zip2k03-05-28File is not ratedgetDI(wrapper of Direct Input)
getDI is wrapper subroutine of Direct Input. Return value of key code is same as "_getcsc". And the new constants of a slant were added. It's so useful when you make fast pace's game! Please read "getdi.inc" and "sample.z80".
graypic.zip3k13-11-23File is not ratedGRAYPIC - Perfect Grayscale in BASIC
Finally! Grayscale in TI-BASIC! This tiny program (227 bytes) will allow you to display 3-level, flicker-less grayscale in TI-BASIC. Just store all black pixels to Pic1 and grey pixels to Pic2 and run Asm(prgmGRAYPIC). Feel free to use this in any of your programs, just credit me.
instcirc.zip57k06-07-27File is not ratedInstCirc
InstCirc is an ASM program designed to be callable from within TI-BASIC programs. It allows BASIC users to create circles much faster than the built in TI-OS routine. This is NOT another 4-part circle drawing flag enabler that so many other fast circ programs are. This version (v2) is now roughly 30% smaller than the original, and is written in pure ASM.
misster.zip5k06-12-10File is not ratedMiSSTeR Tilemap Routine
MiSSTeR is a small, fast, and easy to use smoothscrolling tilemap routine for the TI-83+.
pixeltestasmveryfast.zip1k06-05-18File is not ratedSuper Fast ASM Pixel Test Routine
This is a routine I wrote to test a pixel on the screen using single byte values. Its prolly nothing to an expert asm programmer, but a novice could very well find a good use for it.
rage.zip434k06-08-25File is not ratedRAGE, Supa EZ Lib
It accepts lists now instead of several vars. Also, the best improvement is the new support of user defined sprites. Games like Tetris, Duckhunt, Chess, Checkers, and Monopoly are now easily possible in Basic. Check it out if you'd like an alternative to xLib or Omnicalc, as this takes up less than 1K and is fully customizeable.
runindic.zip1k03-08-26File is not ratedRun Indicator Control
This is a simple package that allows BASIC programs to control the status of the run indicator. It can be turned on and off with this package. The two control programs: BUSYOFF and BUSYON are called like BASIC programs. RUNASM does all the work and uses the information provided by BUSYOFF and BUSYON to decide what to do. Check the readme for BASIC commands that will turn the run indicator on.
sleep.zip1k05-05-07File is not ratedAuto Power-Down
This tool allows BASIC programmers to implement an APD feature into their main loop. An example is included. An 84+ is recommended (but not altogether necessary) to implement this into a BASIC program.
sprite8383p86.zip7k07-05-07File is not ratedsprite.asm v1.31
A compilation of a few useful sprite routines.
spritelib.zip167k10-10-15File is not ratedSpriteLib
SpriteLib is an assembly library designed for animation and data manipulation. This program brings in ideas from my other programs such as QSprite, EnPro, and EnLib. Tilemaps, sprites, and font editing are among some of the abilities of this program.
textoutp.zip2k03-10-19File is not ratedText Output Library
Six routines to make life with text display just a little easier. Oh, and compared to the TIOS routines, you can save a few bytes (if you need it).
tici_hub_basic_library.zip22k07-05-16File is not ratedTICI Hub BASIC Library
This program is an add-in to BASIC programs enabling the use of external PS/2 devices, connected via a TICI Hub. Currently, there are only keyboard routines, but mouse routines are coming soon. This version includes the ability to: identify the connected device, set the Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, and Num Lock lights on a keyboard, wait for a key press and return the scan code, and a keyboard text input routine mimicking the BASIC Input command. Perfect for adding advanced functionality to your BASIC programs.
tlibasm.8xg2k03-06-14File is not ratedTLIB
This librairy is written for BASIC programmers who want to use ASM's advantages without having do learn this difficult language ! With TLIB, you can : - Run the indic OFF - Clear the screen with hozitonal and vertical lines (it is not really faster than BASIC : 6sec instead of 8sec ) - Do a pause (with a countdown) - Switch off the calculator - Inverse all the pixels of the plotsscreen - write in video inverse mode - and cancel this "video inverse mode"
tlib.zip25k03-07-22File is not ratedTLIB - An asm library usable in BASIC on TI-83+ and SE !
This is the last version of the famous TLIB. What is TLIB ? It is a little program, as a .dll file that you put in the RAM. It only takes 500 bytes (508 exactly) and has got a readme. How do we use this library ? In fact, it was made for BASIC programers who would like to do some special things (change contrast, turn off the calculator, write in white on black, move pictures) that are possible in assembly but not in BASIC ! That's why I created this program, that you can use with any BASIC program (on TI-83+ only) without knowing anything about the z80 assembly language on TI-83+ ! There are 15 functions for the moment, which you can call by their number. For exemple, as "turn off the calculator" is the function #3, you just have to write this line "3:Asm(prgmTLIB" wherever you want in your BASIC code, and when the processor reads it, the calculator turns off ! Great, isn't it ? It works like this for 15 functions, and sometimes it has got inputs or outputs which are specified in the readme ! I hope you'll use it in you programs and I hope you'll be satisfied (you should be ;-).
tmenu.zip3k03-04-28File is not ratedTmenu("BASIC" style menu)
This subroutine is able to use "BASIC" style menu. It'll be useful when you need to make some menu in asm! I replaced command address to hexdecimal address, so it doesn't need another header files. Please read "tmenu.inc" and "sample.z80".
turnoffscreen.zip2k08-11-29File is not ratedTurn off calc from within Basic
This prgm lets you turn off the calculator from within a TIBasic program.
varstats.zip1k03-08-26File is not ratedVariable Status
This little package can identify if a variable/program/whatever exists and whether or not it is archived. It can also determine if a program is ASM or BASIC!
xkeys.zip3k06-02-26File is not ratedXKeys
A library that allows BASIC to detect multiple keypresses. I've also included a demo that shows how to detect the arrow keys. The readme explains in more detail and includes a key code chart. This was designed with games in mind so it is small, fast, and easy to use. This version does not use interrupts or any safe RAM areas, so it should be safe to use with other libraries.
xlib.zip11k07-03-08File rated 8.36xLIB v0.602b
xLIB v0.602b is an APP that adds functionality to TI-83/4+ BASIC programs. It installs a parser hook which will intercept any real( requests. Provides BASIC programs with fast sprites/tilemaps, PIC functions, scrolling, key routines, drawing shapes, executing archived programs and more! Still in testing stage so please report any bugs! An example program is included.
zbtools.zip2k03-06-21File is not ratedZBTools
Assemby Tools for Basic Programmers. Instructions in the readme. My first program, so if you like it thanks, if you don't, please dont judge me by it.
zeddbeta.zip21k11-09-20File is not ratedZedd Physics Library (BETA)
Zedd is a physics library for Axe programs, allowing all Axe games access to amazing physics. At its heart, Zedd is a collision solver, but its power lies in the fact that it is built to be expandable! With 3 libraries already included with the Beta, Zedd is fully compatible with external libraries! But most importantly, Zedd is Easy to Use! Never once do you need to delve into the Zedd program to make things work; Everything is controllable via the simple and easy to use function included with the program. Now with Zedd, your games can feature realistic physics across all objects, and advanced effects such as ropes, springs, moving platforms, and much much more!

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