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TLIB - An asm library usable in BASIC on TI-83+ and SE !


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Filename tlib.zip (Download)
Title TLIB - An asm library usable in BASIC on TI-83+ and SE !
Description This is the last version of the famous TLIB. What is TLIB ? It is a little program, as a .dll file that you put in the RAM. It only takes 500 bytes (508 exactly) and has got a readme. How do we use this library ? In fact, it was made for BASIC programers who would like to do some special things (change contrast, turn off the calculator, write in white on black, move pictures) that are possible in assembly but not in BASIC ! That's why I created this program, that you can use with any BASIC program (on TI-83+ only) without knowing anything about the z80 assembly language on TI-83+ ! There are 15 functions for the moment, which you can call by their number. For exemple, as "turn off the calculator" is the function #3, you just have to write this line "3:Asm(prgmTLIB" wherever you want in your BASIC code, and when the processor reads it, the calculator turns off ! Great, isn't it ? It works like this for 15 functions, and sometimes it has got inputs or outputs which are specified in the readme ! I hope you'll use it in you programs and I hope you'll be satisfied (you should be ;-).
Author Yannick WRTAL (tyraniek@fr.st)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Libraries
File Size 25,823 bytes
File Date and Time Tue Jul 22 18:32:32 2003
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  David Tao
Reviewed on 2004-07-27
This is one of the best ASM libraries of its kind. The library features fifteen very useful ASM functions, as well as being easy to quote in a BASIC program. The library itself is tiny, so there shouldn't be any memory concerns. The on-calc readme is in Spanish, but after fiddling with the library on the home screen, that should be an easy hurdle to jump. A must have for all BASIC programmers!
Rating: 10/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
D‚mos/BATO.8XP   1175
D‚mos/TBATLITE.8XP   4619
Source/ASM.inc.txt   8884
Source/TLIB.bin.txt   4090
Source/TLIB.hex.txt   1144
Source/TLIB.lst.txt   36419
Source/TLIB.z80.txt   11319
Utils/INITRAM.8XP   144
Utils/MENU.8XP   541
Utils/RAMFREE.8XP   129
Readme.txt   10736
TLIB.8XG   1937

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