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Gba library v1.0


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Ranked as 3170 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename gbalibti83.zip (Download)
Title Gba library v1.0
Description Inspired by Game Boy Advance programmation, GBA library was created to make the programmation of game-boy like games easier. Indeed, this program provides drawing and multidirectionnal-scrolling map routines, drawing sprites routines, and a collision routine very usefull when you make a platform game. What’s more, GBA is not an ordinary library because it works as an external file : no need to copy a part of the program, just call it directly after initialising it with an include file (provided in this folder). For the moment, the documentation is only in French, I don’t speak English very good and I have no time to do it anymore. The screenshots gives you an idea of what that powerfull item can do. Try it now (the .GIF file is taken from my up-coming Castlevania) ! !
Author Martin Bousquet (martin.bousquet@hotmail.fr)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Libraries
File Size 327,735 bytes
File Date and Time Sat Dec 30 17:17:42 2006
Documentation Included? No
Source Code Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
Zelda2 ti-82 tiles.jpg   1086
Findgba.inc   2615
#Gba.z80   13371
Exemple1.z80   2562
Exemple2.z80   2885
Exemple3.z80   1893
Exemple4.z80   1319
Exemple5.z80   4193
Exemple6.z80   4246
Exemple2.GIF   104124
Exemple2bis.GIF   30925
Exemple2ter.GIF   24299
Exemple4.GIF   13316
Exemple5.GIF   62981
Exemple6.GIF   55864
Exemple1.jpg   4585
Exemple3.jpg   1975
mario image.jpg   1106
mario masque.jpg   1027
mario sprite masque.jpg   1409
mario sprite.jpg   1085
zelda2 exemple.jpg   63340
tutorial fra.htm   53665
zelda2 tiles.jpg   1370
readme.txt   905
#GBA.8XP   1393
EXEMPLE1.8XP   828
EXEMPLE2.8XP   870
EXEMPLE3.8XP   391
EXEMPLE4.8XP   343
EXEMPLE5.8XP   876
EXEMPLE6.8XP   871

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