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Ranked as 31155 on our all-time top downloads list with 1737 downloads.
Ranked as 12505 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 2 downloads.

Filename instcirc.zip (Download)
Title InstCirc
Description InstCirc is an ASM program designed to be callable from within TI-BASIC programs. It allows BASIC users to create circles much faster than the built in TI-OS routine. This is NOT another 4-part circle drawing flag enabler that so many other fast circ programs are. This version (v2) is now roughly 30% smaller than the original, and is written in pure ASM.
Author kllr nohj (kllrnohj@gmail.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Libraries
File Size 58,982 bytes
File Date and Time Thu Jul 27 23:48:24 2006
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes


Review by  Thomas Dickerson
Reviewed on 2006-05-27
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

“InstCirc” is an awesome utility. Not your run of the mill, flag-setting basic utility, this program implements Bresenham's Circle Algorithm to provide lightning speed. It draws circles faster and more accurately than the algorithm implemented by TI.

The only limitations are

  1. It is limited to on-screen coordinates like Text() and pxl-On() instead of the normal coordinates used by Line() and Circle().
  2. The Asm() command used to call it is slow.



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Archive Contents
Name Size
InstCirc/InstCirc.8xp   320
InstCirc/Readme.txt   1113
InstCirc/src/Bin/Bin.txt   61
InstCirc/src/Build/Compile.cmd   597
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 (Ion).cmd   73
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 (Ion).debug   257
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 (Native).cmd   74
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 (Native).debug   340
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 (Venus).cmd   75
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 (Venus).debug   273
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 Plus (Ion).cmd   73
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 Plus (Ion).debug   277
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 Plus (MirageOS).cmd   78
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 Plus (MirageOS).debug   267
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 Plus (Native).cmd   74
InstCirc/src/Build/TI-83 Plus (Native).debug   290
InstCirc/src/Includes/ASCII Mapping.asm   3805
InstCirc/src/Includes/FastCirc.inc   2321
InstCirc/src/Includes/Headers.asm   5963
InstCirc/src/Includes/Ion83.inc   283
InstCirc/src/Includes/Ion8x.inc   376
InstCirc/src/Includes/Mirage.inc   4903
InstCirc/src/Includes/ti73.lbl   33589
InstCirc/src/Includes/ti83.lbl   14031
InstCirc/src/Includes/ti8x.lbl   43511
InstCirc/src/Includes/TIOS Variables.asm   417
InstCirc/src/Includes/Venus.inc   265
InstCirc/src/InstCirc.lnp   693
InstCirc/src/Program.asm   824
InstCirc/src/Resources/15x15 Icon.gif   862
InstCirc/src/Resources/16x16 Icon.gif   869
InstCirc/src/Resources/Thumbs.db   4096

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