Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
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Possible tool/Major pain
I am trying to write a program in 83/83+ BASIC that includes formulas for all useful subjects.
The pains:
1. Making a scrolling menu. (I know you can link them but that's sooo lame.)
2. Coming up with formulas to put in it.
If you have any ideas, please respond.
4 January 2004, 00:17 GMT
Re: Possible tool/Major pain
Hey, well, if you by any chance actually make a "good" BASIC scrolling menu, then please send it to me.
I could make one, but it would be too slow for my taste, i'd rather have a linker. But if your going to try, here are some hints: If you use Text(GraphScreen), it will be much slower, but allow you to put full names rather than abbreviations. If you use Output(Home Screen), then it will be much faster, but it only has the room for 16 characters.
Anyway, about your ideas. These are some of the things i put in my program "Aquations":
Quadratic Formula
Herons Formula
Law of Cosines
Law of Sines
Pythagorean Theorem
A Sequence Solver
A Y=MX+B Solver
A Quadratic Solver
A Triangle Solver
A Polygon Solver
And A Factor Finder
And some others that might be useful:
The Binomial Theorem
A Log Solver
A Cubic Solver
A Quartic Solver
An Equation Solver
A System of Equations Solver
And I'm sure you could find many more ideas from other programmer's programs. Good Luck
22 January 2004, 04:07 GMT
Re: Possible tool/Major pain
Hey, well, if you by any chance actually make a "good" BASIC scrolling menu, then please send it to me.
I could make one, but it would be too slow for my taste, i'd rather have a linker. But if your going to try, here are some hints: If you use Text(GraphScreen), it will be much slower, but allow you to put full names rather than abbreviations. If you use Output(Home Screen), then it will be much faster, but it only has the room for 16 characters.
Anyway, about your ideas. These are some of the things i put in my program "Aquations":
Quadratic Formula
Herons Formula
Law of Cosines
Law of Sines
Pythagorean Theorem
A Sequence Solver
A Y=MX+B Solver
A Quadratic Solver
A Triangle Solver
A Polygon Solver
And A Factor Finder
And some others that might be useful:
The Binomial Theorem
A Log Solver
A Cubic Solver
A Quartic Solver
An Equation Solver
A System of Equations Solver
And I'm sure you could find many more ideas from other programmer's programs. Good Luck
22 January 2004, 04:07 GMT
Re: Re: Possible tool/Major pain
(Web Page)
JAKAS, ive made a program that has a few of these items you requested;
Pythagorean Theorem solver,
Pythagorean XY plane distance solver,
an automatic factor tree; it factors out any number relatively quickly,
A Y=MX+B Solver,
A Quadratic Solver,
A volume calculator for;
and a surface area calculator for;
it has an expansion system for addons;
each 'mod' has a number. like pgrmMODA is mod 1, and pgrmMODB is mod 2, and so forth. it goes to Z. just make a mod, like MODA, and to access it while your in AETHER, just go to the module section under xtra, and type 1, or for MODB, type 2, without exiting the program, it will access it, and depending on your programming skillz, it will return.
this program took me a month to type, because it is freakin huge. it will take up over half of your calculators memory, so keep it archived, untill you want to use it.
its called AETHER, and its at
though check back from time to time, i will be releasing crappy basic programs there every once and a while. and you may get an out-of-date version, so check back in the next month or so for a later version.
5 April 2004, 18:53 GMT
Re: Re: Re: Possible tool/Major pain
Heh, well thanks. But actually I made my own program with just a wee bit more than yours has. I'd love to go into a full description about it (I'm fairly proud of it), but it would take to long. If you'd like to learn a little more about it, go to the Basic File Archives for Ti-83+ on this site, go to the Math link, and then scroll down until you get to "solvers23". Or you could just click on the orange thing next to my name and get it from there. But anyway, It's got everything yours has, plus a cubic, quartic, logarithm, triangle, synthetic division, and other stuff on it. It's also ALL in solver format-Meaning you input whatever variables you are given, you input, and it will solve for everything you didn't enter (if it can). Anyway, didn't mean to brag, just thought you might like to check it out. Also, It's only 10000 which isn't too bad for all it's got.
6 April 2004, 02:52 GMT
i need help
alex h
when we take our finnal the teachers do a all memory reset. is there a program to keep my programed math equations still in the calculator. if so please post the equation here or send me an email at bowl_a_perfict300@yahoo.com
please i need your help
27 May 2004, 15:56 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
i've made many basic programs that i used for school that are just like any other math program except...
THEY SHOW WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i've saved so much time with these mini programs ive made
does anyone have any common formulas they'd like to see in a program that shows work?
5 August 2004, 04:15 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
Right now I am making a transformation program for most of the base functions. It works from transformations to the Equation and graph and from the equation to the transformations. It should be ready in a few days.
30 October 2004, 15:49 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
I wrote a program for the TI 83 plus which generates Binomial Probability Tables. I sent it to TI at its web site several months ago, but it is not there. If you would like the program I will be happy to give it to you. I named the program, "STATSWV" for West Valley College. I loaded the program into the calculator of one of the Professors at West Valley and the Professsor is delighted with the program. Other Professors indicated they would also like the program in their calculator, so when classes begin this September I plan to load the program into their calculators. Please just let me know if you would like it for your site. burton_barrs
22 December 2004, 18:17 GMT
Triangle Concurrency Program
I'm currently creating a program that can generate the incenter, circumcenter, orthocenter, and centroid of a user-specified triangle. The program will set some special (and currently secret) formulas into the equation editor to determine these points of concurrency. I might be finished with this program in about a month or so.
20 January 2005, 22:53 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
Ryan Baumgart
Alright I'm uploading my last math program for the TI-83 that I have created, and possibly ever create. As I am now going to begin programming for the TI-89TI.
5 February 2005, 06:40 GMT
Gary Schmidt
THis project started as a converter that can convert any size number (or hex or binary number) between HEX, binary, and decimal. YAY! Since it's already a type of converter, I might as well have some more useful math related conversions. What types of conversions would you guys want in the SUPER CONVERTER?
6 February 2005, 05:43 GMT
Justin LeBeau
I made a HEX-Binary-Decimal converter that is 1148 bytes in size. I also made a program that converts from a base between 2 and 64 to another base in the same range. That program is only 708 bytes in size, because it doesn't have a menu interface. I used 0-9, A-Z, a-z, ? and theta in mine, but am thinking about changing it to 0-9, A-Z, theta, ? and as many of the special characters that it takes to get to 64. Anyway, if you would like this program, let me know and I may put it/them online.
8 April 2005, 12:46 GMT
Function Saver
Justin LeBeau
I am working on improving my program that can store and load as many Y= functions as the calculators memory can hold. I have sort of lost interest, because I have no use for it, but if anybody would like this program, or thinks that it may be useful, let me know at ticalc2005@yahoo.com or post a reply to this message. If a few people are interested, I might just upload it onto this sight.
8 April 2005, 12:51 GMT
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