Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
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MATH 101
John Albright
I am planning on making a math program called "MATH 101". I want it to take the place of those tiny programs that do only one thing. Does anyone have any ideas?
11 April 2003, 02:16 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
I have created a group of programs that can solve absolute-value equations and inequalities. An example is |2x+4|=-6. If you want this, you can email me at easton_01@msn.com I am also working on apps and new programs!
You're welcome
Emeka Aligbe
15 April 2003, 03:08 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
mike -
Guys -
Looking for some help here... I hve some great programs, but i would like to make them assembly or possibly even an app. Please email bulldawgg13@hotmail.com if you can help.
20 April 2003, 23:47 GMT
Trig Package
I am finishing up some details on my trigonometry package for the 89, and I plan to port the program to all calculators. What I need now is porters that are fluent in certain areas, to help translate the programming to the appropriate calculator. Please contact me if you would like to help. I still need porters for the 83+, 82, 81, 85, and 92(+). Please email me at scorpo128a@hotmail.com if you are interested. Here is a list of included features:
triangle solver
theodolite solver
three point circle solver
unit circle
2 or 3 variable system of equations solver
conics notes
and more being developed.
Keep in mind that you will be listed in the readme credits section, and that it is scheduled for an 89 release early July. The other calculators will depend on when I can find a porter.
22 April 2003, 00:56 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
mike -
Hey guys -
Just wondering if anyone knew how to make a program run if it is archived... Ive tried doign it through Mirage, but many times the format is wrong and inputs are neglected. Email me at bulldawgg13@hotmail.com if you have any insight...
22 April 2003, 03:41 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
Chris Laughlin
Can someone make a flash application that will hold hundreds of formulas for the 83+ or 83+SE? That would probobly be a hot pick!!
8 May 2003, 15:26 GMT
Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
Alpha Gremlin
(Web Page)
Working on one at the moment. It's in assembly for ION, works with 83,83+ and 83+SE, and is fully graphical.
The Formulas are stored in Module files, so you can easily add and update the Formulas.
You can set up menus in the Modules to sort the Formulas, such as:
Module 1
- Calculus
- ...
- Geometry
- 2D Geometry
- ...
- 3D Geometry
- Volume of X
- Volume of Y
- ...
The main menu can scroll, but SubMenus can only have 8 entries in them. I also put in a button to quickly return to the main menu from anywhere in the program.
So yes, you could put hundreds of formulas in. Currently it doesn't work with Flash Memory, so you have to keep the Formula files in RAM, but I'll fix that depending on how hard it is.
I'm currently working on the ability to select a formula and enter the values for the numbers contained in it, and then display the result.
The problem is that I want to duplicate the TI-BASIC "Input" command from assembly, and I'm having trouble displaying Tokens - Symbols like Sin(, Pi, Log(, etc. If you know anything about assembly, the _GetTokLen entrypoint seems to be a bit screwy, works fine on my emulated 83+, doesn't on my real 83 or 83+SE.
Once it's done, I'll be posting it to this site under the name "Calc2003"
19 August 2003, 14:59 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
I have a huge math program in basic with close to 100 things on it and was wandering if anyone could provide me with something they wanted included in it before i upload it to their archives. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You
you can email me ideas at jason89@rocketmail.com or just post them here
24 May 2003, 16:01 GMT
Typeable math programs I have created
:Prompt R
:Prompt B,H,R
If you like these then reply and I will post more Goemetry programs.
28 May 2003, 18:20 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
Blah Poop
Hey, I've made some really useful programs used for math, and I'm trying to combine them into one big program. I made 9 math programs and they're better than anyone else's but no one will believe me because they never try my programs and they never find my programs on the internet.
27 June 2003, 22:33 GMT
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