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Sick Math Program
Ok, It's finally comming out. Maybe some of you have downloaded my program AQUATIONS. Well I'v got something that's gonna blow that all away. This new program is gonna have the quadratic formula, herons formula, the law of cosines, the law of sines, pythagorean theorem, a sequence solver, a line solver, a quadratic solver, a circle solver, a triangle solver, an N-sided polygon solver, and a factoring program. PLUS in addition to the excellent user friendly (with a wonderful display) math programs, there will also be 3 of my own personal menus. One is a screen by screen scroller with all of the details of what that operation does, needs from you, and what it does for you. For the operations like the triangle solver, there are sub-menus (the same screen by screen) that let you choose whether to use AAS or ASA or so on and so on.((this screen by screen is considered the Main menu)) Then, at any time on the main menu, you can press 2nd to go to the CATALOG which contains all of the operations and their sub-menus. Then there is also the ALPHA button. by pressing this while on the main menu or the CATALOG you can go to the GO TO menu. Here you enter a two (or one) letter command that brings you to the corresponding place on the Main menu. Its just totally sweet! Oh, and there is a little easter egg in it. Well actually, It's a pretty fun little easter egg.
Anyway, I'm anxiouse to here any of your feedback on this. Just e-mail me or post under neath me. FYI: It should be ready in a week or two... depending on homework.
17 November 2003, 00:45 GMT
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