Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
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90-degree Trig Helper
I'm fineshing up a program I made that will find all unknown values on a right triangle when you input what you know. I plan to release it next week. If any one has any suggestions for this program, please e-mail me.
29 April 2000, 18:51 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
For a year or so now I've been working on Fractal generators. Now I have a single program capable of producing mandelbrots, julias, (both with user determined power) sierpinskis (triangle, square, pentagon and hexagon) and the Koch snowflake. I hope to add to this list Barnsley's Fern and the antisnowflake.
7 July 2000, 01:41 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
(Web Page)
Hey, I made a program that finds the area of a triange given its verticies. If anyone is interested, just reply back. I have also finished my extremely "do it all" math program it does every thing:
Distance Formula, Mid-Point Formula, Finds Slope, HAS A GREAT QUADRATIC EQN SOLVER, Finds perpendicular unit vectors, solves any system of equations up to 4 variables, Also finds the area of a triangle given its verticies, AND MUCH MORE!!!!! This program is good all the way up through PRE-CALC
If anyone is interested in either of these two programs reply! THANKYOU
Thinking Guy
29 August 2000, 01:37 GMT
Re: Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
I also have a program that solves for almost anything.It can solve: Degrees-Radians, Radians-Degrees, Area of Circle, Finds Base Angle of Isoceles Triangle, Midpoint Formula, Slope Formula, Tests a Triangle to see if its real, Quadratic that works back and forth, Area of Ellipse, Distance Formula, Tests a Perfect Square, Solves those Mixture problems, Finds the Volume of a Cone, Volume of a Pyramid, Given 2 points finds their equation in Slope Intercept form, one that solve 2,3, or 4 equations
4 January 2002, 08:43 GMT
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