Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
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Conic Section Grapher Woes
Stephen Dalton
(Web Page)
I really need help with deriving an accurate rational expression from the general equation of a conic section. The calc graphs it inaccurately no matter how plainly I dish it out.
10 November 2000, 20:33 GMT
Trigmaster (tm)
I have recently completed Trigmaster 83(tm) for the 83 and 83+. It is pretty useful, and contains:
-information on all six trig functions
-diagrams of how to derive trig functions
-equations for both right and oblique triangles(how to calculate sides or angles with known data)
15 November 2000, 23:56 GMT
Trigmaster (tm)
I have recently completed Trigmaster 83(tm) for the 83 and 83+. It is pretty useful, and contains:
-information on all six trig functions
-diagrams of how to derive trig functions
-equations for both right and oblique triangles(how to
calculate sides or angles with known data)
-the basic trig laws(sines/cosines) and solvers
-relations (sine squared plus cosine squared=1 and the
-conversions between radians, gradients, degrees
-and the circle angles (all major angles and their
vertices on the unit circle)
All this is contained in 7128 bytes of RAM for the program and a further 764 for the diagram.
16 November 2000, 00:01 GMT
Will Anyone Download This?
Noah Mink
(Web Page)
I have been programming my TI-83+ for awhile now, and I'm a good way thru a couple major projects. When I get a Graph-Link, I'm going to upload a Beta version of them. Here's a preview:
======= ============================= =====
====AA-MATH: Algebra I and Geometry:= =====
===================================== =====
This prgm has many functions, including: Pythagorean Theorem, Quadratic Equation, and Solver for Interior and Exterior Angles (a MAJOR help on your geom. tests!). I am working on a Trig Calculator, that can determine Sine, Cosine and Tangent type ratios, which wouldn't be that hard, but I'm currently working on an "idiot-proof" version that doesn't require much work for the user. We'll see.
===================================== =====
====MATH TEAM CHAMPION=============== =====
===================================== =====
A nifty little multi-function prgm like AA, but geared toward high-school math teamers. This is still in development, but I think some features may be: Prime Number Finder, which is similar to the 89/92 isprime() function (who says they get all the cool stuff?)...also, it may include a solver for 3x+2y=110 type problems, where it'll give all possible answers and count how many there were. Other functions will be added, depending on what I need. Combined with AA, your 83+ will be one major math machine.
Will anybody download these or am I wasting my time? E-mail or reply here so I know.
29 January 2001, 05:16 GMT
THE Quadratic Formula Program
Wade Sims
(Web Page)
I'm working on a quadratic formula program which will instantly solve, factor, whatever you want. I'm done with the math part itself but I'm trying to add a couple more features. The one problem I have left; I need someway to get the calculator to "goto 3" if either
________ ________
-B+ \/B^2-4AC -B- \/B^2-4AC
-------------- or -----------------
2A 2A
are irrational. If you know of a way to do this, please reply to this message and tell me. Thanks!
20 February 2001, 21:29 GMT
Pi calculating program
anthony C
I have been trying to build a program that would be able to calculate Pi the the nth digit, or a digit that is user-defined. I have been working on it for quite some time, and have only been able to get the consept down. What it would do is it would take a formula for calculating Pi (e.g. tan^-1(1)*4). Then I would break down the digits into automatically assigned strings. It would dispay it with the full screen. then it would delete the string so it could be re-used. I have been able to get most of the string assigning down, but my main question is that is there anyone out there who can breakdown the formula to be able to take chunks from the algorithm.
10 March 2001, 02:47 GMT
GoldMath v 1.0
David Lindstrom
Hello, all math lovers!
Detach-head solutions is currently working on a multi purpose math application. It can do many things, like calculate any of the sides/angles in an triangle, and it can calculate the amount of days between two dates (just naming a few). It has not everything, but it has the best of everything! I would really like to hear your comments on what features it should have.
Detach-head solutions
3 June 2001, 15:24 GMT
Flash App Help
Josh Weinberg
I am working on a very large math program that contains everything from a qadratic program that dislays all your work to a fully functional and searchable periodic table and I was wondering how to make it into a flash app?
8 June 2001, 02:39 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-83 Plus Math Programs
Austin Rutland
(Web Page)
i have just completed a geometry program that will solve for TONS of formulas and theorems. it was written in TI-83+ BASIC. if anyone is interested in this program then reply to this or email me. i dont have a link cable so i will have to send you just the code.
3 September 2001, 20:25 GMT
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