Upcoming TI-86 Games
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Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
I'm thinking of making a game similar to Drugwars and Pimpwars. It will be called Gangwars. If anybody is interested or wants to help develop the game contact me at andol99@prodigy.net
16 October 1999, 23:51 GMT
Re: Upcoming TI-86 Games
Jason Hawthorne
(Web Page)
I have two current projects I am working on. The first is Oregon Trail for the TI-86 I can't beleive this hasn't been done yet. Anyway I am almost done with that, so expect it in just a little while. The second project is a game I call "The Mob" It is kinda like a two player drugwars except its the mob and its dealing beer during the prohibition ages. So far that is kind of going slowly because I think I is kinda dumb.
20 October 1999, 05:27 GMT
Doom and games like it.
The Maze 3-D ray casting engine is great. I'm planning on using it to write a game that is the copy of doom off the computer, with full grey-scale and EVERYTHING. I am also planning to make my own game that is like doom, except u are a vampire and u have to hunt at night and sleep during the day, and not get killed bu hunters, yadda yadda yadda. I want to make both games with sound (MAYBE!!!) i am not sure how this will work and if the 86 has enough power to do it, but it's worth a try, correct??? but, i will need help...and probably lots of it. Soooo, if anyone wants to help me at all, or has any tips on integrating sound with this, and if the 86 can handle it, that would be great. Once again, Clem, u designed the 3-D raycasting engine, i am going to TRY to improve on it. Sooooo, anyone, email me at insanevampire@netzero.com if wanting to help me at all, any help appreciated, and mabe we can make it like movie credits at the end if we have enough room. It'll be a big game, but it will rock!!! - Aaron
28 October 1999, 03:46 GMT
Vampires - A Text RPG Game!
(Web Page)
My game is a text RPG, hopefully it will get ported into ASM, so that it is smaller and a lot faster. It includes a 20-sided die attack, you get random HP, STR, ACC, WIS, DEX. Instead of using var's, I used the Matrix instead. This leaves a lot of free space. So far I have designed the Character Creator, 1/2 of the Attack Engine, 3/4 Main Engine. I still have a lot to add. Add there will possible be add-on adventure games. That will be it for now!
12 November 1999, 17:31 GMT
James Smith
(Web Page)
I have added two new races or classes, which ever you want to call them! All three of them are here: Human, Elf, and a Vampyre Hunter! There are 12 enemys. Here is a list of some of them: Elf, Wizard, Vampire, Vampire Bat, Vampyre, Vampyre Master, and Ninja's. The attack engine is getting there, I don't know when it will be done. I am shoting for the middle of December. If not then, then the the middle of Januaray. Then hopefully I, myself, can port it into asm, that way it won't take up much memory. At this time the total memory is around 10K, which is a lot. I keep finding new routines to make it a lot smaller, take for example the CHARACTER CREATOR. I found a routine for loading and saving a lot better. Let's store it in a Matrix. It works prefectly. There are a couple of cheats goning to be programed into the game, but I am sure all the smart TIers out there will be able to cheat the second they get it onto they're calculator. You will have a first time setup program too. Hope you all enjoy! BTW, if you have any ideas or suggestions please reply to this or email me. I am enjoying making this for the TI community.
19 November 1999, 18:03 GMT
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